From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

As a seasoned viewer of supernatural dramas, I must admit that the latest episode of From has left me utterly bewildered and intrigued. The tale of Miranda and her strange visions of Fromville is reminiscent of the enigmatic town itself – a place that seems to exist only in the fringes of our understanding, yet it continues to call out to us.

Following the shocking conclusion from Season 3, Episode 2 unveils the fate of characters Boyd and Tian-Chen, while shedding additional light on Victor’s mother, Miranda.

If you happen to have overlooked or suppressed the memory, let me remind you that Season 3’s premiere concluded with a particularly gruesome sequence in the series – the sinister monsters mocking Boyd as they mercilessly torment Tian-Chen right in front of him.

Even prior to this, we learn things aren’t looking too rosy in Fromville: Kenny and Jim are out in the woods; Tabitha’s stuck in the real world and she’s not sure why; and the town’s food supply is dwindling. 

Starting from Episode 2 of Season 3, the rollercoaster of events escalates with both peaks and troughs, further muddying the already complex puzzle. Be aware, potential spoilers lie ahead!

From Season 3 Episode 2 starts with the aftermath

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

In Fromville, Jade (David Alpay) and Victor (Scott McCord) find themselves confined at home with a large group of goats. Eager to seek out Boyd (Harold Perrineau), Jade locates him in the barn – alas, something terrible has transpired.

The monsters tortured Tian-Chen (Elizabeth Moy) to death, leaving Boyd in a state. 

Indeed, this indicates that Kenny (Ricky He) has yet to bid farewell to his mother. At present, he’s still in the woods with Jim (Eion Bailey). On the bright side, they awoke to discover an abundance of fresh vegetables – unlike those back home, which were spoiled and ruined.

Jim notes that there’s more than enough food available to supply everyone living in the town, prompting them to join forces and collect as much as possible.

In the real world, Tabitha (Catalina Sandino Moreno) stirs awake to a startling revelation: she’s at Henry’s (Robert Joy) residence, and he’s lying next to her, clutching a firearm. As if sensing her awakening, Henry too wakes up, clarifying that she had collapsed on his front porch the previous night.

As she attempts to depart, he points the firearm at her, insisting that she reveal where she obtained Victor’s lunchbox. Instead of understanding, she begins to recount the events from the very start – when the Matthews family initially arrived in Fromville – but he remains unconvinced.

As Henry grows more and more restless, he keeps questioning about the origin of the lunchbox. Tabitha explains that Victor handed it over to her, and adds that his son is still alive. Desperately, she pleads with him not to contact the police because they might consider her as unstable, but he admits he’s already contacted them, and they should be arriving shortly.

After taking a moment, Tabitha says, “I know how to prove I’m not lying.”

Boyd’s struggling to hold it together

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

In Fromville, Sara enters the clinic, but her arrival isn’t met with warmth from Kristi (Chloe Van Landschoot), given the lives lost in Season 1 that are linked to Sara.

Kristi expresses her concern with what was done, saying “Boyd might be okay with everything, but just for a moment consider…”, but before she can finish, Sara interrupts to announce that Tian-Chen has passed away. This news leaves Kristi in shock, and she shares it with Marielle as Sara departs.

Subsequently, it’s revealed that the corpse being transported by Jade and Boyd in Fromville, as shown in the trailer, is none other than Tian-Chen. The townsfolk are distraught, and to add to their misery, snow begins to fall… winter has officially set in.

The pair bring Tian-Chen into the church, where Jade asks a pertinent question: how the hell is Boyd still alive after spending the night in a barn with the smiling monsters? Boyd, who is still in shock, replies, “They wanted me to watch.”

Walking amidst the familiar streets, I struggle to keep my composure as vivid memories of the monstrous torment inflicted upon Tian-Chen repeatedly surface, like fragments of a shattered mirror haunting my mind’s eye. Boyd, a soul who has seen too much, may be silently battling the aftermath, hinting at possible symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

At Julie (Hannah Cheramy) and Ethan’s (Simon Webster) residence, Julie is soothing her little brother while Victor bursts in, rushing to gather his belongings. He informs everyone that he’s leaving immediately.

Instead of begging him, Ethan and Julie tried to reason with him, but Victor responded angrily, “I warned you about the dangers around here, it’s not my responsibility if you chose to ignore me,” before storming off.

Henry starts to believe Tabitha 

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

At Henry’s residence, Tabitha is finding it challenging to make Henry believe her honesty. Yet, upon hearing about “the children trapped in a tower,” there’s a noticeable shift in his behavior.

As she tries to explain more, the police arrive unexpectedly. However, luckily for them both, he informs the officers that it was a false alarm. Upon re-entering, he lays down the gun and clarifies it was never loaded. Henry then heads into the kitchen to prepare some food – it seems he’s beginning to trust what she’s saying.

In Fromville, Donna (Elizabeth Saunders) and Boyd have a heated dispute concerning Tian-Chen. This disagreement arises due to Boyd disregarding the safety of the townsfolk for the sake of animals, which is ironic considering Donna was worried about the scarcity of food supplies in the previous episode herself.

They both malfunctioned, with Donna clarifying that she isn’t actually angry at him, but rather exhausted by this location. “You did the best you could and still lost because this game is unfairly biased,” she expressed. “No matter which card you draw, you always end up losing.

In the realm of Colony House, things seem to be far from improving. I, being an ardent follower, find myself deeply concerned about Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori). She’s been relentlessly sick, with vomiting that just won’t cease. There’s a growing worry in my heart as she vehemently denies needing help, but all of that changes when a tooth falls out unexpectedly. Now, it seems Ellis (Corteon Moore) is determined to take her to see Kristi for a check-up.

When they arrive at the clinic, Kristi’s gone out so Marielle agrees to check her out instead. 

In the meantime, Kristi locates Boyd and consoles him, explaining that he isn’t responsible for what occurred with Tian-Chen, and emphasizing all the positive contributions he’s made to the community.

Kenny and Jim return

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

The heartfelt moment between them fades swiftly, as Kenny and Jim reappear laden with a bounty of fresh produce. Their excitement is short-lived when they spot Boyd’s grim demeanor and the trace of blood on his garment.

Although Boyd tries to pull Kenny aside, he refuses to accept the reality that his mom is gone. He starts shouting for her from outside their house before walking off. 

Kristi enters the eatery behind him, observing him walk back and forth, struggling to maintain his composure. He insists he’s “okay,” but it’s evident that he isn’t, as one might expect. Regrettably, as we suspected from the start of Season 3, Kenny didn’t get a proper chance to bid farewell.

At the clinic, Marielle is excelling in her role. She alleviates Ellis and Fatima’s concerns by suggesting that she might be experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum – a serious type of morning sickness.

In this situation, the baby seems healthy, yet the primary issue is that Fatima is malnourished and has trouble keeping food in her stomach. Consequently, Marielle sets out to acquire medication to alleviate her discomfort, which helps to calm the couple’s worries.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” says Ellis, although in this place, that’s wishful thinking. 

Julie tells Jim to get it together

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

In the diner, Kenny is curious to learn if his mother endured any hardships. He shares that when he reminisces about his father, Bing-Qian (Simon Sinn), he often finds himself thinking about him in the basement following the tragic incident where he was taken by the grinning creatures.

In my own words as a fan, I’d put it this way: “I don’t want things to be different for her,” he confides, then turns to Kristi with a request. He yearns for her help in transforming Tian-Chen into a reflection of her, so he can cherish her memory as she truly was. Initially hesitant, Kristi consents.

Once she departs, suddenly the radio blares, playing an unexpectedly inappropriate tune – Kool & the Gang’s ‘Celebrate’. It feels like whatever governs the town is taunting him. Frustrated, Kenny smashes the radio to silence it before exiting angrily.

At the Matthews residence, Jim encounters a chilly welcome. Julie is poised to convey harsh realities. She discloses that Ethan was close to death the previous night, and given the absence of the Talisman, it’s probable that Tabitha has perished.

Jim’s venture into the woods seemed careless, given the hardships their family is currently facing. Julie emphasizes that, should anything happen to him, it would fall on her to manage and care for Ethan, much like she did after their brother Thomas passed away in reality.

“I need you to get your s**t together, okay?” she says, and Jim agrees. 

Tabitha sees Victor’s drawings

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

We shift focus to Henry’s residence, where he confides in Tabitha that prior to Miranda and the children vanishing, his spouse was experiencing auditory hallucinations. She claimed these were the cries of children imprisoned in a tower, pleading for rescue.

I’ve only told that to one person before – the investigating detective – and he passed away twenty years ago,” he states.

After Tabitha finishes her meal, Henry leads her upstairs to their old childhood bedroom – a room that Henry has left untouched since those days. Here, Tabitha spots sketches similar to those Victor creates in Fromville.

Henry shared honestly about the heartache he experienced when they disappeared, admitting that the allegations against him as being responsible for their disappearance didn’t matter. What truly concerned him was the fact that his final words to them were “tidy your room” and “no TV.

That day, he headed off to work, but upon returning home, he found they weren’t there anymore. When Tabitha inquired about the reason for his showing her this, Henry admitted that he couldn’t think of any plausible explanation other than she was speaking honestly.

He asserts, “If what’s happening isn’t genuine, you need to let me know immediately.” However, Tabitha reassures him, “I solemnly pledge… I strongly feel that the purpose for my arrival was precisely to meet you.

Simultaneously, in the church, Kristi encounters Jade alongside Tian-Chen’s lifeless body. For the first time, she witnesses the gruesome sight of the monsters tearing pieces of flesh from her, and ripping open her chest cavity to extract what lay within.

Kristi expresses that she’s not confident about the task of restoring her for Kenny by stating, “I’m not a funeral director.” However, Jade offers his assistance to her.

Fatima’s rotten feast 

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

Back at Colony House, Fatima and Ellis are back, and are hopeful now she has some medicine. 

Instead of persuading Ellis to visit his father, Fatima manages to convince him. As soon as Ellis departs, something quite unusual transpires – Fatima begins surreptitiously devouring the decayed vegetable cache, making it appear as if she’s savoring a succulent steak.

Discussing steak, it appears Donna is preparing the cow slaughtered by the monsters last night. Ethan searches for Victor, and Donna notices his melancholy demeanor following the events. Despite her attempts to lighten the mood, he departs with a heavy heart.

In another part of the space, Kristi and Jade are tidying Tian-Chen’s remains as Sara enters with a treasured gown. Gratefully acknowledging her gesture, Kristi hints that Sara could one day regain their confidence.

Boyd approaches Kenny, who appears to be gathering containers that seem full of fuel. After inquiring about his actions, Kenny responds, “I’m heading to the tunnels. I aim to find those items and destroy each and every last one of them with fire.

Despite the tenuous nature of the scheme, given that we, the audience, understand there’s probably a larger force manipulating the cheerful monsters, Boyd finds himself in a desperate situation and ultimately decides to team up with Kenny.

Boyd takes care of Kenny

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

Outside the tunnel entrance, the duo readies themselves, with Boyd cautioning that it’s quite possible they won’t encounter the monsters. If they do, there’s a good chance they won’t survive the encounter.

However, Boyd is now ready to accompany the other person and eliminate as many of them as feasible. Meanwhile, Kenny is deeply saddened, understanding that his mother passed away without companionship.

Boyd discloses that he wasn’t by himself – the monsters forced him to bear witness. He mentions that Tian-Chen showed remarkable courage and kept a constant vigil on him throughout the ordeal. In her final moments, she murmured a phrase in Chinese which Kenny translates as, “Look after him.

He hugs Kenny, who breaks down in tears, before Boyd eventually says, “Hey, let’s go back.”

In the church, Kristi and Jade have accomplished a remarkable restoration on Tian-Chen’s body. As soon as they complete their work, Boyd and Kenny make an appearance, and in a private moment, Kenny has the opportunity to bid farewell to his mother.

In the meantime, Julie makes her way to Sara to express gratitude for rescuing her and Ethan the previous night. She confides that she’s feeling quite frightened following the music box event.

She’s concerned that the location might be stuck in her mind, and she aims to avoid causing harm as Sara unfortunately did. Sara extends an empathetic ear to Julie whenever she feels like opening up for conversation.

Tabitha takes a trip down memory lane

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

The scene cuts to the real world, where Henry’s taking Tabitha to the basement to explain when Miranda started hearing voices. 

Back then, both he and Miranda embraced the hippie lifestyle, but upon her pregnancy, they chose to give up their drug and alcohol habits. Yet, decades later, when it came time for Henry’s 35th birthday, Miranda suggested a nostalgic journey to revisit their past.

For a nostalgic trip down memory lane, we entrusted our little ones to our elders and decided to relive an experience from our past. I, Henry, took an LSD tab, and that’s when the voices began echoing, when my world started transforming. Every sight I beheld was transformed into a vivid masterpiece on my canvas.

Tabitha is taken aback by the depictions of Fromville, from the distant foliage to the children playing “anghkooey,” as well as the diner and the church.

Henry accurately recaps Miranda’s account of what she observed prior to her disappearance, and it beautifully encapsulates the essence of our town.

He clarifies that she mentioned being selected for a spot, one that’s seemingly everywhere yet hard to locate if you search for it. It’s a place where you might accidentally end up from any direction, but once there, escaping becomes an elusive task.

Alongside Henry’s narration, we see scenes of the town attending Tian-Chen’s funeral.

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

He mentions that she stated there were individuals present, individuals who were bewildered and terror-stricken, discovering themselves ensnared within a horror they couldn’t flee, waging a war they recognized was unwinnable.

“She said they were holding onto hope, and when that hope was gone, they held onto each other. 

Everything seemed cryptic, nonsensical to her. She claimed that out of everyone who might discover this location, she was the one destined to liberate the kids.

However, she wasn’t the only one selected. Others were chosen ahead of her. She observed every single one, and they all had fallen short. Not a single one had managed to release the children, nor had any of them returned home.

If you’ve encountered the kids and they’ve spoken to you, it seems that you’ve also been selected. Therefore, could you share how you managed to escape?

As I meander through the gallery, my ears catch snippets of conversation, but my gaze is fixed – drawn to a particular piece that has piqued my interest: the striking image of a young lad in pristine white.

Jim gets an unexpected phone call

From Season 3 Episode 2 recap: ‘When We Go’

After the funeral, it’s evident that Boyd is troubled. Ellis inquires about his wellbeing, to which Boyd admits he needs help and has something to discuss the next day. “Sure, what’s up?” Ellis queries. “We’re going to take action against one of these troublemakers tomorrow,” Boyd responds.

At the close of Episode 2 from Season 3, the Matthews family heads back home, yet Ethan and Julie opt to visit the livestock before nightfall arrives.

In my gaming world, finding myself all by myself at home, I get an unforeseen shock – a call on our landline. Picking up, I hear a boy’s voice, “Dad? It’s Thomas.

It’s quite surprising, you know. Could it be that Thomas is living somewhere else, like another world or dimension? Or perhaps the force responsible for the town’s events is using this as a twisted form of torment towards Jim.

To find out more, we’ll need to stay tuned until Season 3 Episode 3 airs on MGM+ on October 6th. In the meantime, don’t forget to explore some top-rated TV shows currently available for binge-watching, as well as the upcoming series set to debut on streaming platforms this month.

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2024-09-30 05:20