Destiny 2: Fans Propose ‘Pantheon but for Dungeons’ That Sparks Debate

As someone who’s been playing Destiny 2 since its early days and juggling adult responsibilities alongside my gaming passion, I can’t help but be intrigued by the idea of ‘Pantheon for Dungeons.’ The concept sounds exhilarating and presents a fresh challenge that could breathe new life into dungeon activities. The adrenaline rush of racing through multiple dungeons without checkpoints is reminiscent of the excitement I felt when first tackling the Pantheon raid.

Players of Destiny 2 have returned to their preferred platform for another round of discussions about potential new features for the game. This time, they’re focusing on an innovative idea called ‘Dungeon Pantheon,’ a concept similar to the Pantheon raid but tailored to Grandmaster Dungeons. User Bulgogibody’s proposal envisions an exhilarating activity that requires players to complete nine redesigned dungeons over a span of four weeks. During the final week, they would tackle each entire dungeon sequentially without any checkpoints. This suggestion has ignited a passionate conversation within the community, with reactions varying from enthusiasm to doubt.

Pantheon but for Dungeons.
byu/Bulgogibody indestiny2


  • The concept proposes a rigorous challenge that combines multiple dungeons into a continuous run.
  • Community reactions highlight concerns about time commitment and difficulty.
  • Some players endorse the idea as a fresh take on dungeon activities, while others critique its execution feasibility.
  • Suggestions for modifications include trimming content to focus on boss encounters rather than full dungeon runs.

Community Responses: The Positive Buzz

Within the group who participated in the discussion, there was a positive segment who found the idea exhilarating. One participant, matt_caine92, simply stated, “That sounds awesome,” expressing enthusiasm for the venture. Others appeared to admire the underlying concept of the proposal, labeling it a novel twist on what gamers have grown fond of in Destiny 2 dungeons. Specifically, the proposed design of speeding through dungeons, similar to the Pantheon raid environment, was viewed as an innovative approach to maintain the excitement and adrenaline of a boss rush, while also offering a taste of the dungeon mechanics. Many players find enjoyment in tackling such high-pressure situations, and many believe that expanding on a more extensive and immersive experience would prevent the gameplay from becoming monotonous.

Concerns About Time and Accessibility

Despite some positive feedback, there were those who voiced apprehensions regarding the time commitment required for this activity. User Waffles005 pointed out that a full run could take up to 9 hours consecutively, which raised concerns among others who shared a sentiment that it might be impractical for busy adults. One community member humorously expressed their exhaustion, saying “I’m not 15 anymore; I can’t run all nine dungeons back to back 😭”. This seems to reflect the fatigue many gamers feel as they juggle adult responsibilities with their gaming hobbies. The challenge’s intensity and duration might discourage even some eager players, given that many prefer casual or shorter sessions rather than prolonged gaming commitments.

Suggestions for Adjustments

Given the raised concerns, some gamers have suggested modifying the design to make it more entertaining and less intimidating. User DrakenAzusChrom proposed a solution that involves skipping puzzle-solving and exploration sections: “Perhaps by jumping over these parts, such as facing the dungeon bosses in sequence until completion, could improve the gameplay.” This innovative idea underscores the delicate balance Bungie must maintain when creating challenging content that appeals to a wide range of players. The community emphasized that minimizing travel time would preserve the exhilaration gamers desire while reducing the risk of exhaustion. In a game where teamwork and cooperation are vital, making it simpler for friends to join in while maintaining difficulty will likely contribute significantly to positive feedback and player interaction.

Pantheon or Bust

As a passionate gamer, I often find myself engaging in discussions about the Pantheon format, especially when it comes to whether it should only feature boss encounters. Many fellow players have expressed that adding lower-stakes battles or exploration might diminish the thrill and adrenaline rush that the current Pantheon raid provides. ComradePark made a great point by asking, “Isn’t the essence of Pantheon to be a boss rush mode? It seems more fitting to create a separate Pantheon for dungeons with only boss encounters.” This viewpoint echoes the collective belief that this gameplay loop is crucial in maintaining player engagement and enthusiasm for dungeon runs, rather than having them deal with increasingly intricate dungeons that could lead to burnout or irritation.

Discussions about creating a ‘Pantheon’ equivalent for Dungeons in Destiny 2 showcase the community’s ingenuity and enthusiasm. Some players are excited to tackle the difficulty, while others advocate for a thoughtful approach that preserves the game’s excitement without overwhelming players. Striking a balance between challenge and usability seems to be a recurring topic as players aim to improve their gaming experiences, all while ensuring it stays engaging and user-friendly for various player levels, from casual to dedicated fans.

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2024-09-29 07:28