Smite’s Mercury: The God Who Wins Fights with Bare Hands

As a gamer who’s spent countless hours immersed in the vibrant world of Smite, I can’t help but chuckle at the recent debate over Mercury’s combat style. It’s like we’re discussing the mortal kombat of mythology! The god of thieves and tricksters, bare-fisted and fearsome, has certainly left an impression on us all.

In Smite, there’s an abundance of divine characters, each possessing unique skills and backstories. However, a discussion on the Smite subreddit ignited a lively argument about one of its well-known figures, Mercury. The post humorously points out that this swift god appears to be devoid of the typical weapons other gods brandish in combat. Rather than wielding any weapons, he enters battles unarmed, defeating enemies with a single powerful strike. This has sparked curiosity among players about how such an apparently weaponless deity can deliver such devastating blows, prompting a flurry of clever remarks and theories from the gaming community.

This dude has no weapons or magic like the other gods and with his fucking hands he kills you in one hit
byu/QuietSugar1805 inSmite


  • Players are amused by Mercury’s weaponless combat style and the contrast with traditional god characters.
  • The community engages in lighthearted banter, attributing Mercury’s combat prowess to speed and divine power.
  • Many comments highlight other gods’ quirks and their unique means of dealing damage, showcasing Smite’s diverse character design.
  • Despite some confusion, the overall sentiment remains playful, celebrating the idiosyncrasies of game mechanics.

Mercury’s Unique Combat Style

The quick way Mercury defeats enemies using his punches sparked a funny discussion about the character’s fighting style within the game. Players joined in with comments that showed how light-hearted and amusing the game can be. One user, Falax0, humorously pointed out, “To be fair, it’s not just brute force but also extreme speed,” suggesting that Mercury’s divine power and quickness make him a powerful character. These remarks emphasize that Mercury is unlike other gods in the Smite universe because even with empty hands, he embodies an extraordinary kind of godly strength.

Weaponless Wisdom and Banter

The whimsical chat surrounding Mercury’s unusual fighting style revealed the community’s playful spirit. Another insightful comment came from froggy2699, who pointed out that although Mercury lacks the customary weaponry, his abilities might reference influences like throwing hands. It’s as if the game decided that sometimes you just need to go with good old-fashioned fisticuffs. The playful banter reflects that fans don’t mind poking fun, either at the lovable quirks of Mercury or the mechanics at play, given that the gods they portray are derived from larger-than-life legends.

Comparing to Other Gods

The thread further blossomed into comparisons with other gods, producing a delightful smorgasbord of humor. User Aggrophysicist quipped, “Ravana would like to have a word…” suggesting that this wrist-flicking god has his own funny take on combat. The community examined other characters with unique styles, reminding everyone that no situation is too peculiar for a god in the Smite universe. From Chang’e wielding dance-based combat to Terra giving ‘hands,’ the game is vibrant with character diversity—creating an environment where each interaction feels fresh and enjoyable.

Sound Effects and Their Impact

The discussion also teased out the significance of character design, specifically through sound effects. coppywolf amusingly remarked, “This skin’s sound effects are burnt into my brain more than any other skin in the game.” This encapsulates an interesting side of the game, which is that sometimes you remember the gods not just for their fighting abilities but also their audio cues and personality. The humor highlights how integral these elements are to character memorability—making players feel a connection to their favorite combatants beyond mere pixelized assets. Moreover, it raises the point that for many players, the varied sound effects can become iconic in their own right.

Divine Powers vs. Visible Weapons

One of the most captivating discussions emerged around the nature of divine powers versus visual portrayals of weaponry. As HayzenDraay insightfully stated, “This is just a different application of divine power.” This reflection captures how gods in Smite aren’t just defined by their physical attributes but by their underlying lore and relationships with different powers. A punch from Mercury isn’t merely about the physicality; it’s deeply rooted in the context of his divine identity. Players recognize that the design philosophy relates back to how each character interprets their powers and how those manifest in gameplay.

In Smite, Mercury remains an intriguing character, keeping players hooked through a mix of humor and tough battles. His fight style might seem straightforward, but it’s ignited conversations that go deep into the game’s mechanics and design. This conversation not only brings laughter but also critical analysis. The community appreciates the idiosyncrasies of the gods, proving that simplicity can be powerful, especially when a character like Mercury knows how to pack a punch with elegance.

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2024-09-28 15:29