LoL players astounded by “shocking” ranked auto-fill stats

As a seasoned League of Legends player with countless hours under my belt, I must say I was absolutely flabbergasted when I stumbled upon the staggering number of auto-fills in our ranked queues. It’s like Riot Games decided to play a cosmic joke on us, pitting us against unfamiliar roles and leaving us at a severe disadvantage.

Players of League of Legends have expressed surprise upon finding out the high frequency of automatic placements in their ranked matches.

In simple terms, League of Legends is a highly competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. Two teams, each consisting of five players, face off against each other. The objective is to determine which team is superior. The victor is the one who successfully destroys the opponent’s central structure, known as the nexus, first, earning them the title of champion.

In general, it’s crucial to strive to outsmart, outplay, and outwit the opposing team most of the time. This usually involves playing roles that you’re proficient in and comfortable with. But remember, matchmaking can sometimes require you to be assigned to roles you might not prefer, to maintain quick game queues.

Playing an unfamiliar position could significantly decrease your team’s chances of victory, as it leaves you at a substantial disadvantage against the opposing team. This is why it was so surprising to see such a high rate of players being assigned roles they weren’t accustomed to in each match.

Riot’s recently shared stats on ranked auto-fill discrepancy are shocking
byu/S79S79 inleagueoflegends

In Riot’s September 23 development update, it was revealed that about 10-15% of games featured two to three auto-filled players. However, this figure has since dropped dramatically, now standing at less than one percent. Although this decrease is encouraging, many players were still taken aback by the high number of games with multiple auto-fills in the past.

A recent Reddit post expressed astonishment, stating: “Is it just me, or was the matchmaking system previously incredibly unfair?” The post further explained that a staggering one out of every seven games featured two or more auto-filled players, which it found to be so unbalanced that it seemed almost unbelievable that the imbalance was this severe even before the change.

Others were just outright surprised at this outrageous fact.

They concurred with me, as I often favor a pro-Riot stance within this community, but what you mentioned about ranked play is undeniably one of the most astonishing statements I’ve encountered.

It was frequently noted that the roles of ‘support’ and ‘jungle’ were typically the least popular choices among players, suggesting these players often found themselves in these roles due to automatic assignment rather than personal preference.

One observed that the data presented a surprising reality – the jungle and support roles were less popular than anticipated, suggesting they’ll remain underpowered indefinitely.

Riot Games has been consistently advancing and refining their Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game to provide better-quality matches overall. Here’s hoping that these improvements have eliminated past issues, allowing players to comfortably choose their preferred roles moving forward.

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2024-09-25 07:50