Is the Jungler Totally Overpowered in Smite 2? Community Insights and Reactions

As a seasoned Smite player with countless hours under my belt, I must say that the current jungle meta has certainly been keeping me on my toes! The recent discussions about the power of junglers have definitely piqued my interest, as it seems like every game I play, Fenrir, Thanatos, and Susano are tearing through the jungle with reckless abandon.

As a dedicated Smite player, I’ve been on the edge of my seat lately as debates about the current strength of junglers escalate. A post by user Themris in the Smite subreddit has sparked quite a buzz – are junglers currently overpowered in Smite 2? With champions like Fenrir, Thanatos, and Susano leading the charge, Themris highlights their potential to drastically influence gameplay. The heart of this discussion lies in determining whether this perceived power is confined to casual play or reflects a broader imbalance in the game’s equilibrium.

Is the Jungler totally busted in Smite 2 right now
byu/Themris inSmite


  • Many players feel that junglers are currently overpowered due to their vast potential for success and game impact.
  • The community acknowledges poor warding and lack of awareness as common issues that exacerbate jungler dominance.
  • Opinions vary over whether this strong jungle meta is a permanent state or just a phase influenced by recent god releases.
  • While some predict a shift with future characters, others suggest the current jungle balance is easier to address with player skill.

The Perception of Jungle Power

In a nutshell, players talking about this topic strongly agree that the jungler role currently holds significant influence. A user named Glutton4Butts noted that junglers have more choices and often these aren’t being watched closely enough. This underscores a key aspect of successful jungle play: it requires player awareness and strategic positioning to dodge ganks, which many players tend to overlook. Essentially, the majority feel that without careful attention—especially in casual games—junglers can dominate, leading to an unfair gaming environment.

Balance Concerns

Multiple users have pointed out a noticeable absence of deities who oppose the jungle in the Smite 2 roster at present. DaDullard proposed that this lack contributes to the effectiveness of diving strategies, stating “it’s whoever can go in more forcefully.” This suggests that there is a void that needs addressing by introducing new gods in future releases, which could balance things out by providing countermeasures against aggressive jungling techniques. Players eagerly await the addition of roles that can help level the playing field, allowing them to withstand jungle pressure without feeling defenseless and overpowered.

The Importance of Skill and Strategy

There’s disagreement among some players that junglers are unbeatably powerful. User AllFormsExcess offers a unique viewpoint, saying “realistically, it’s strong but not overpowered.” They emphasize that while many players can succeed with jungle deities, a high level of skill is essential to fully exploit their potential. It’s not just the gods themselves, but how they are used that determines their effectiveness. Some users argue that simple-to-use gods like Fenrir might dominate, yet others believe these deities can be outmaneuvered if the rest of the team executes strategies effectively.

Addressing Player Behavior

One critical perspective that came up in the discussion is related to gameplay behavior around junglers. SolarenDerm observed the lack of proactive junglers who spend more time waiting for buffs instead of leveraging their opportunities for ganks or pressure. “I’ve watched too many bunglers just sit in bushes waiting 30+ seconds,” they vented, which further fuels the feeling of imbalance in gaming. The need for awareness could rectify this skewed dynamic, as a unifying strategy often overlooked by many players could yield reward. Fostering a culture of willingness to adapt and outsmart their opponents would not only balance the game further but also create a more enriching experience.

In the heat of discussions among Smite gamers, there’s a fierce argument about the present state of jungle gameplay. Opinions differ, but generally, it’s agreed that while junglers enjoy an edge, factors like game mechanics, player skills, and insufficient awareness contribute more significantly to the perceived imbalance. If players adjust their tactics and stay alert, the jungle might not seem so formidable in the end. It’s wise to monitor the evolving metagame, particularly as new characters are set to be introduced, potentially moving the focus from an intimidating jungle dominance towards a more balanced Smite environment for all players. The message is clear for every Smite player: increase your warding, enhance communication, and always be on the lookout for ganking chances. The jungle might appear daunting now, but with persistence and strategic thinking, even the strongest of predators can be held at bay.

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2024-09-25 00:43