This Game Dev Created A Real-Life Battle Royale (With Less Violence And Better Loot)

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that Jason Rohrer’s latest creation, Project Skydrop, has taken the battle royale genre to new heights – or should I say, new geographical locations? The real-life treasure hunt with a gold trophy and potentially life-changing bitcoin rewards sounds like an intriguing twist on the usual virtual mayhem.

Jason Rohrer is recognized for inventing unique video game ideas, but his latest endeavor, Project Skydrop, pushes boundaries even more. Collaborating with friend and musician Tom Bailey, Rohrer has developed this battle royale game, differing from most in that it won’t involve players fighting to the death. Instead, there is a twist: Project Skydrop unfolds in real life, and the victor will be rewarded with a custom-crafted solid gold trophy.

Since 2021, I’ve been deeply engrossed in Project Skydrop, and after countless hours of brainstorming, strategizing, and securing an enticing grand prize for the victor, the stage is set. The treasure – a stunning 10.9-ounce, 24-karat solid gold trophy valued at approximately $26,000 – was personally commissioned and funded by me. As revealed in a Wired profile, however, the fortunate winner could potentially stand to gain an amount of bitcoin that could prove life-altering, with the specific figure depending on the number of participants joining the quest.

The game lasts 21 days, and with 16 days remaining, players are on the hunt for a prize. Rohrer has hinted that the trophy is hidden in the northeastern U.S., making Project Skydrop seem like an exciting (and incredibly valuable) treasure hunt. But what sets it apart as a battle royale?

According to Rohrer, Fortnite sparked an idea for him to conceal treasure within a progressively diminishing area. Initially, this area was 500 miles in diameter when the search started, and it has been gradually reducing daily since then. Daily, the area becomes smaller, and a map on the game’s official website is modified to inform players about that day’s circle size and location.

Every day that the circle decreases in size comes with a fresh photo of the 24-karat trophy. Initially, these images focused on the trophy’s concealed location, but as the circle continues to shrink, the photos show increasingly wider views of the surrounding area, offering players a clearer look at the environment day by day. Given the current location of the circle, it is speculated that the prize is hidden in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, or Vermont.

On more than one occasion, Rohrer has led players on an intricate treasure hunt to obtain valuable items. In Autumn 2021, Rohrer laid the groundwork for Project Skydrop’s predecessor. With his children as accomplices, Rohrer concealed a chest filled with $3,000 worth of silver coins in a state park close to his Dover, Delaware residence. He then incorporated hints about its location into his game, One Hour One Life, secretly embedding them in a poem that vanished from the game after a single day. Rohrer had concerns that these clues might be overly complex, and that players would find them too challenging to decipher.

This Game Dev Created A Real-Life Battle Royale (With Less Violence And Better Loot)

In the span of eight hours, players of One Hour One Life had successfully deciphered the poem and were on their way to the chest’s location. Rohrer was both astounded and a tad irritated by how swiftly they managed to solve the riddle. Following the unexpected unveiling of the Dover chest, Rohrer started planning for an ideal treasure hunt: one that wouldn’t take a decade to complete but also not be over in just a day. Consequently, Project Skydrop came into existence.

As for the game’s 21-day run time, Rohrer told Wired it’s all about the spectacle.

He mentioned that three weeks is an appropriate timespan for the duration of Project Skydrop, considering it offers individuals enough time to take action without becoming too lengthy that attention wanes.

To get the latest details about Rohrer’s wild battle royale, including the current position of the shrinking circle, visit the official Project Skydrop website. Rohrer has arranged a live video feed there to capture on camera the thrilling conclusion of the game.

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2024-09-24 21:39