Gaming News: Capcom Seeks Player Feedback on Deluxe Remasters Post-Dead Rising

As a seasoned gamer who’s witnessed the evolution of Capcom classics from my humble beginnings, I can’t help but feel a rush of nostalgia upon hearing about their recent survey on deluxe remasters. It’s like reconnecting with an old friend after years apart – you remember all the good times, but there’s this lingering question: have they changed too much?

The direction for Gaming News has become quite exciting with Capcom asking gamers for input via a survey, wanting to know if fans are keen for more ‘premium remakes’ after the response to Dead Rising. This has sparked lots of conversations in the gaming world, especially on Reddit where enthusiasts have shared their dreams and predictions about which old games deserve a new lease of life. With memories flooding back, people are eager to voice their opinions about which cherished titles they’d like to see receive an update. The discussions are filled with laughter, fervor, and insight as gamers reminisce about the past.

After Dead Rising, Capcom asks players if they want more ‘deluxe remasters’
byu/Turbostrider27 inGames


  • Capcom’s survey about deluxe remasters stirred nostalgia, leading players to advocate for their favorite classic titles.
  • Comments ranged from hopeful to humorous, showcasing a blend of excitement and skepticism regarding Capcom’s sincerity.
  • Many fans expressed disappointment over certain titles being overlooked while others emerged as favorites for remastering.
  • The shared sentiment underscores the gaming community’s deep connection to classic titles and their eagerness for remakes or remasters.

Game Title Wishlist

The conversations about the survey quickly shifted into enthusiastic requests for which old video games users hope will get a modern update. Titles like Viewtiful Joe, Mega Man Legends, and Onimusha were tossed around with enthusiasm, with one user jokingly urging Capcom to focus on Viewtiful Joe, saying “Alright Capcom, I’m not pulling any punches – VIEWTIFUL JOE! Knock it off!” This passionate call for classic platformers demonstrates how deeply players yearn to replay their favorite games. Meanwhile, there was debate about what exactly a ‘premium remaster’ entails. Some users suggested that later seventh-generation games might fit this description, but earlier titles could potentially benefit more from a complete overhaul instead. The uncertainty about which method to choose only increases the excitement surrounding Capcom’s potential moves.

Nostalgia and Hoping for Remakes

Nostalgia plays a powerful part in how gamers view remasters, often causing them to feel a deep connection with the characters and stories from their youth. For instance, one commenter exclaimed, “I hope we get Mega Man Legends back! It would make me so happy.” These statements show just how much these titles mean to people. The desire for old-school gameplay and graphics echoes strongly among fans, as they express a longing to revisit those cherished moments in gaming’s past. As the industry revives many iconic franchises through remastering, players are excitedly anticipating Capcom to join the fray, hoping that their favorite nostalgic games will be brought back to life once more.

Concerns About Oversights

Discussing potential remasters, it’s important to acknowledge both the enthusiasm and the concerns. Many people have expressed disappointment that certain games weren’t included in the survey, such as Breath of Fire, suggesting a possible oversight for some cherished franchises. This brings up fears that these classic titles might be overlooked while others like Dino Crisis and Lost Planet grab the spotlight. Yet, there’s a glimmer of optimism even amidst the frustration, with fans speculating that Capcom may be planning secret remakes for these underappreciated games, keeping the community eagerly waiting.

The Community’s Mixed Bag Sentiment

The responses reveal a blend of hope, skepticism, and humor. Many players approach the survey with caution, wondering if Capcom will take their suggestions seriously or if this is merely a marketing ploy. Comments like, “The most important part of the survey is it asking if we want Lost Planet remakes. This is a funny gut punch,” encapsulate perfectly the bittersweet mixture of nostalgia tempered with a healthy dose of skepticism. It truly reflects the complex relationship gamers have with remasters and remakes in the current gaming landscape. Players have found excitement over the possibility of beloved games resurfacing while preserving realism about the feasibility of such projects.

Essentially, conversations arising from Capcom’s survey reflect a broader pattern in the gaming world: a hunger for nostalgia combined with careful consideration of gaming’s advancement. Gamers seem to yearn for developers to preserve their beloved past gaming moments while also adapting to gaming technology’s progression. With Capcom engaging its audience, there’s potential to bridge the divide between then and now. As players anticipate Capcom’s response, the dialogue persists, fueled by hopes for future remasters, amusement over industry oddities, and admiration for shaping today’s gaming landscape.

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2024-09-24 17:43