Final Fantasy Music Showdown: What’s the Best Soundtrack in the Series?

As a lifelong gamer and devout fan of the Final Fantasy series, I can confidently say that each game’s soundtrack holds a special place in my heart. However, if I had to pick just one as my all-time favorite, it would have to be Final Fantasy VIII. The music of FFVIII is like an old friend who knows exactly how to comfort me during difficult times and celebrate with me when victories are won.

Discussing Final Fantasy, a game series famed not just for its gripping stories and vibrant realms, but also for its exceptional music that strikes a chord with fans spanning various ages. A thread on the Final Fantasy subreddit invited opinions from fans about which original soundtrack (OST) is considered the finest within the franchise. The post by user Plenty_Strike6044 had a playful tone, suggesting it was all in good fun, but also jokingly asserting that Final Fantasy XIII’s soundtrack was the “correct answer.” This sparked lively discussions about which soundtracks stand out and deserve to be crowned as “the best.

Let’s Cause some Trouble What is the BEST Soundtrack in the whole series.
byu/Plenty_Strike6044 inFinalFantasy


  • Fans actively engaged in the light-hearted debate, each sharing passionate preferences and reasoning.
  • Final Fantasy VIII and XIV emerged as strong contenders, reflecting their iconic compositions.
  • The discussion highlighted the subjective nature of music appreciation, especially within a beloved series.
  • Many users referenced specific tracks that evoke nostalgia and emotional resonance.

Soundtrack Highlights: Final Fantasy VIII Takes Center Stage

The conversation frequently focused on Final Fantasy VIII, often considered the emblem of Final Fantasy’s musical heritage by numerous users. For instance, user Zeshui0 declared, “Regardless of any issues people might have with the game, it’s hard to criticize the soundtrack.” This viewpoint underscores a widespread admiration for how the music enhances the game’s themes and narrative. Tracks such as “Liberi Fatali” and “Eyes on Me” are iconic within the series, and there’s an undeniable grandeur to its orchestration—a quality that both analog synthesizer enthusiasts and orchestra lovers can admire. Given the numerous users who defend it, it’s evident that this soundtrack resonates with fans for a significant reason (intended pun).

Contributions from the Classic Titles

In order to keep up with more recent releases, some timeless games such as Final Fantasy VII and IX have received much acclaim. User kavalejava suggested that even though Final Fantasy VII’s soundtrack is renowned, it’s the music of Final Fantasy IX that has grown more popular for playlists over time. People admire its distinctive mix of musical styles, effortlessly transitioning from lighthearted tunes to grand, dramatic scores. For example, “You’re Not Alone” is frequently mentioned as one of the most emotionally impactful tracks, effectively conveying the feeling of that particular moment in the game. Therefore, games like VII and IX demonstrate that nostalgia may influence musical opinions, but it’s the emotional bond that keeps those memories alive within us.

The Newcomers: How Do They Stack Up?

The latest game titles are definitely holding their own in this discussion. For example, Final Fantasy XIV stands out because of its multiple amazing soundtracks that correspond to different expansions and events within the game. User KaldarTheBrave has shown great enthusiasm for XIV, saying it’s “not even close” when it comes to quality music. The way the music fits perfectly with in-game events not only gives a strong sense of place but also enhances the overall gaming experience. In a similar vein, Final Fantasy XV’s soundtrack was appreciated for its modern tunes and emotional tracks, which resonate with both new players and longtime fans.

Objectively Subjective: The Nature of Musical Preference

One of the most striking aspects of this discussion is the acknowledgment that discussing music can be a deeply subjective experience. While many users chimed in favorably for specific titles, others, like user Hour-Address-3377, glossed over their favorites instead of outright declaring one winner, admitting that choosing a single best entry is nearly impossible. They stated, “I can’t say this is the best… there are too many great ones making it hard to choose.” It highlights that while personal affinities play a major role, every entry in the Final Fantasy series has musical gems worth noting. The emotional landscapes painted by each score connect varied generations of gamers, which is why there’s no clear winner in this case—all pieces are cherished products of their eras.

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but marvel at how Final Fantasy soundtracks have soared beyond the boundaries of gaming. They encapsulate the feelings and recollections linked to our adventures as players, serving as an integral part of our shared experience. While some might champion Final Fantasy XIII, each title offers a unique symphony that tells its own story.

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2024-09-23 13:13