FIFA Players Weigh In: 15 Wins Is Too Much for Weekend Rewards

As a busy adult gamer juggling a full-time job and family responsibilities, I can wholeheartedly relate to the sentiments expressed by users like markhalliday8. The 15-win requirement for in-game rewards feels like an insurmountable task that’s not feasible for many of us who don’t have the luxury of endless hours to devote to FIFA each week. It’s disheartening to see how the game seems geared towards kids with more free time, leaving adult players feeling left out and frustrated.

In a recent post on FIFA’s community forum, user markhalliday8 started an engaging discussion about the challenging 15-victory requirement for in-game rewards. Many players agreed that this standard is excessively high, particularly for those managing full-time jobs and personal obligations. This consensus suggests a growing discontent among players who feel that the current system unfairly favors dedicated gamers over casual ones who can’t dedicate numerous hours to gaming every week. Users voiced their concerns, highlighting the disparity between casual play and intense competition, underscoring the ongoing battle within the gaming community to reconcile virtual and real-life obligations.

15 wins is too much
byu/markhalliday8 inEASportsFC


  • Players feel that the 15-win requirement is excessive for those with limited playtime.
  • Many suggest that the current reward structure favors kids with more free time than adults.
  • Ideas for alternative reward systems, like a middle tier, have been proposed to enhance accessibility.
  • Several players express a general frustration with the game’s current division system.

Community Frustrations

Players are frequently frustrated by the high expectation of needing 15 wins, as pointed out by Markhalliday8. With an average win rate of approximately one game in three, reaching this target can seem unattainable without investing a substantial amount of time each week, playing around 30 games. Not every player has the luxury to dedicate such extensive playtime for potential relevant rewards. As DaveBensonPhilips succinctly put it, “This is why I’m holding back on promotion; I can’t manage 15 wins in a higher division.” It appears that the gaming community is under stress and feels they are being pushed too hard to meet these expectations, which some feel is unfair.

Who Is the Game Really For?

The debate also extends into the question of who FIFA is actually catering to. Some Reddit users believe the game is primarily designed for younger audiences with more time on their hands, stating, “The problem here is you are assuming FC25 is made for people that have a job (and/or a family).” This observation highlights a larger concern about the business model underpinning FIFA’s game design. The gaming sphere is often criticized for ignoring adult players with real-life responsibilities in favor of a demographic that can commit time to grind through matches relentlessly. As player thomaskrantz points out, the real players are just stepping stones for kids with parents who have disposable incomes, leaving many feeling marginalized.

Suggestions for Improvement

Given the expressed frustrations, numerous players suggested possible resolutions within the discussion thread. One idea that particularly caught attention was adding an additional level of rewards: lower-tier rewards for achieving five victories and keeping the current rewards for 15 wins while introducing a reward tier at the 10-win mark as a pleasant midpoint. This idea indicates a thoughtful strategy to make the game more accessible for everyone. EccentricMeat expanded on this notion, stating that “This way, everybody gets something. Considering going for 15 wins and only receiving 10-14 before time runs out… All that additional time and effort wasted for the mediocre 7 win rewards.” Streamlining the reward system could significantly improve the game’s balance between dedicated gamers and casual fans who want to enjoy the game.

Changes in Division Dynamics

Furthermore, certain players have expressed dissatisfaction with the change in division structure, stating that it puts them in a constant battle. Larykoek looked back on the past, advocating for returning to an older division system where relegation didn’t exist, claiming it would be more enjoyable. Nostalgia for simpler gameplay seems prevalent among comments, as many players express feeling overwhelmed upon logging in and playing. The anxiety associated with promotions only adds to the struggle, and going back to past systems might help restore some of the pleasure that appears to have been diminished over time. Remarks suggesting that some players are choosing not to advance to higher leagues imply that players are intentionally avoiding the stress of striving for unreachable victories, and it’s clear that many in the community are seeking ways to improve the social aspect.

FIFA players are in a challenging position, balancing the demands of gameplay and their everyday lives. As the current system stretches its limits, it’s essential for creators to listen to the input from the gaming community. The strong desire for a fairer and more enjoyable game experience is evident, with players eager to adopt improvements. Whether adjusting victory conditions or reconsidering the division setup, there’s an air of hope that can make FIFA a friendlier platform catering to its diverse player base.

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2024-09-23 03:43