League of Legends: Champions That Feel Bad to Play Against

As a seasoned veteran of the League of Legends battlefield, I can wholeheartedly relate to the sentiments expressed in this discussion. Time and again, I’ve found myself ensnared by Veigar’s cage, feeling the bitter sting of frustration as my well-timed dodge is undone at the last possible second. The sensation is akin to leaping over a pit just to land in the waiting jaws of a hungry crocodile.

For years, League of Legends has been a mainstay in the gaming community, engaging players through its intricate tactics and multitude of characters known as champions. Yet, it’s not just these champions that can irk players; it’s also some of their abilities that can make opponents feel utterly powerless. A debate over this issue recently emerged on Reddit, with a user venting about the apparent unfairness of certain abilities, such as Veigar’s cage which seems to catch players at the last moment despite their best efforts to dodge it. This conversation sparked a lively discussion among gamers about champions who may not be overpowered but can feel infuriating to play against. Many players relate to this issue, often sharing their own tales of frustration within the game.

What isn’t necessarily OP but just feels bad?
byu/Timely-Inflation4290 inleagueoflegends


  • Players express their frustration with certain champions that possess frustrating abilities.
  • The sentiment is largely negative, focusing on combat mechanics that feel unfair.
  • Common complaints revolve around champions like Veigar, Pyke, and Nasus.
  • The topic resonates widely, creating a sense of solidarity among players experiencing similar frustrations.

Frustrating Champions: Veigar

The conversation’s starting point revolved around Veigar’s well-known Event Horizon, a skill that captures unaware opponents at its conclusion. A player expressed his disappointment, stating, “I believe one of the most unpleasant sensations is getting trapped within Veigar’s cage… you dodge skillfully towards the edge of the cage and get stunned, ending up dying regardless.” This situation frequently encapsulates a typical challenge in League of Legends; an ability that provides such a sense of power to the user while leaving the opponent puzzled and aggravated. Veigar’s cage often makes players feel as though they’ve executed everything correctly – avoiding skilfully, only to succumb to the edge of its area. This skill incorporates an aspect of timing and foresight that can swiftly shift the balance in favor of the caster, leading many to voice their disapproval.

Champion Abilities That Infuriate: AP Shyvana & Fizz

As the conversation unfolded, more heroes joined in. One participant pointed out AP Shyvana’s ability to single-out deal damage: “I understand it isn’t an incredibly high amount of damage, and she sacrifices her capacity to dish out damage in almost any other way outside of dragon form E. But let me tell you, that aspect really aggravates me when I play against it!” This brings up a crucial point about what can make a champion annoying: it doesn’t always revolve around extreme power levels. Sometimes, it’s simply the mechanics that seem difficult to overcome. Likewise, another user expressed their dislike for Fizz’s E skill, stressing how irritating it is to face champions whose abilities disrupt gameplay so much that countermeasures appear to vanish.

The Struggles of Playing Against Healing Champions

In situations where healing is crucial, champions such as Garen and Pyke have sparked complaints, particularly from players who main these characters. One user, playing Garen, expressed frustration, stating “It’s truly infuriating to constantly hit him every few seconds because he just regenerates all his health otherwise.” This points to a more fundamental problem in the game: champions with self-healing abilities can create scenarios that are repetitive and disheartening for opponents trying to achieve kills. Another user, commenting on Pyke, highlighted his Grey Health, which allows him to recover and eliminate unsuspecting enemies. In fast-moving modes like ARAM, where each second matters, this ability can transform what could have been exciting games into ones dominated by a single champion’s capacity to dodge damage without taking any.

A Common Thread: Unfairness and Balance

In these conversations, there’s a recurring theme of players feeling that the game isn’t fair due to certain champion abilities being unbalanced against others. It’s not just about raw power; it’s about how some champion skills can impact the game in ways that make specific matchups difficult, regardless of a player’s skill level. Users frequently express sentiments like “I don’t believe Yone is overpowered, but there are many posts about him because playing against his kit feels unfair.” This reflects a broader issue with League of Legends balance: champions might not be outright too strong, but their mechanics can create experiences that feel imbalanced. Players want challenges, but they don’t want to face situations where they consistently feel overwhelmed by specific kits.

In essence, these discussions highlight a key factor in the League of Legends gameplay. Winning or losing isn’t solely determined by a champion’s skills or victory rate. Instead, it’s about how those abilities play out against other human players that truly shapes the player experience. Players crave a fairer gaming environment where annoying mechanics don’t detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. Whether you’re dodging Veigar’s cage or healing up against an unrelenting Garen, these moments are what drive the community to passionately voice their concerns. In this world of champions, feelings and experiences carry equal weight as facts, and as long as conversations about balance persist, so too will the quest for a balanced League of Legends.

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2024-09-22 12:28