Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

As a seasoned flight simulator enthusiast with countless hours spent navigating virtual skies, I must admit that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 has left me somewhat perplexed and frustrated. The drastic changes to the controls have sent my muscle memory into a tailspin, making it feel like I’m learning to fly all over again. It’s as if they’ve replaced the cockpit with a brand-new keyboard from an alien spaceship!

One of the benefits of pre-release screenings for journalists is the opportunity to meet the most important developers, in this case, Microsoft Flight Simulator project manager Jorg Neumann.

In addition to conversing with numerous participants involved in the development of the anticipated Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, I was provided with an extensive overview of new features, followed by a brief hands-on experience. This allowed me to gain a comprehensive grasp of the upcoming game and emphasize the elements that excite me and those that may not be as appealing. Essentially, MSFS2024 can be seen as an enhanced version of its predecessor, having undergone both muscle growth (better graphics) and a diet (taking up less storage space on disk). It boasts improved graphics, includes pre-installed add-ons that can now function as either paid or free mods, offers an extended career mode similar to Gran Turismo, and consumes only a small fraction of the gigabytes occupied by the current version on your hard drive!

Miracle diet – all gigabytes went to the cloud

Before diving into the comprehensive breakdown of the career mode in MSFS24, it’s essential to highlight a significant aspect – the game’s storage requirements. If you plan to download all World Updates and various expansions, you’ll need at least a 2 TB SSD drive for MSFS. However, with the advancements in technology that MSFS24 brings, the story changes drastically. Most data, including updates and purchased expansions, will be stored in the cloud. Only essential files will be downloaded to your disk. This transformation has reduced the size of the basic version of MSFS24 from a hefty 150 GB to just 29 GB, despite the increased content. The excessive size of the previously mod-packed game was one of the primary motivations for developing MSFS24 and overhauling its file structure. New foundations for the aviation sandbox were necessary.

In simpler terms,

So it was that moment and it doubled every year from 700 to 900, from 3000 to 5000 addons now – so, where is it going? It was clear for us that the architecture would not work. When you fly around London and you have all 8 airports from 3rd parties, the game will crash. There is nothing we can do about it, just how it works.

Initially, we opted to store and transmit data from the cloud instead of keeping it locally due to its instability. However, our success led us into a predicament; the system wasn’t designed for an abundance of content, especially with 5000 additional features added on. Frankly, I didn’t anticipate that. If you aim to push boundaries and stay ahead of the curve in terms of technological advancements, you should be prepared because technology evolves at such a rapid pace that it might render us obsolete within a few years if we don’t adapt. The same goes for AI; its impact on how we create, produce, and distribute goods is significant, and it will continue to reshape these aspects of our lives. To put it simply, my gut feeling tells me that everything – from manufacturing processes to the workforce – is about to undergo a major transformation.

Jorg Neumann – Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator

From License to License – Career Mode

In Microsoft Flight Simulator, an impressive 15 million players have been attracted. Regrettably, many players seem content to explore only their local areas or famous landmarks worldwide. The primary criticism of MSFS was its lack of a clear game objective and progression, common in other games. It primarily catered to dedicated aviation enthusiasts who appreciated the cockpit interactions and realistic flights from one point to another. However, this will change with the arrival of MSFS2024, as it introduces a lengthy single-player career mode, reminiscent of that found in Gran Turismo!

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

Initially, you’ll find a character creator that offers a wide range of options for this type of game. What really caught my attention was the selection of voice tones for radio messages, which even includes the option to use your own voice by recording a sample into the microphone! Talk about advanced technology! Next, you pick a base from among thousands of small, provincial airports worldwide and land a job there, but only after completing the necessary steps to earn a pilot’s license. This involves demonstrating knowledge of pre-flight procedures and the ability to handle a full flight safely. These stages are clearly outlined to guide newcomers through the process.

To kick off our work as a pilot, we’ll tackle the tasks assigned for the day from among those showcased in the trailers, which include activities like fertilizing fields, firefighting, cargo transportation, VIP chauffeuring, and banner towing, among others. However, not all these tasks can be undertaken immediately.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

In this game, you accrue credits much like in other games, which can then be exchanged for reputation points. As your reputation grows, you’ll unlock more profitable but also tougher and riskier missions, such as those set during unfavorable weather conditions or strong winds. You have the option to bypass certain less significant stages – the game won’t make you endure a 6-hour flight from Paris to New York in real-time. Those who choose to do so will need to spend their earned credits. Skipping these parts won’t impact your reputation, but it will affect your earnings.

The daily missions in the game will offer a more authentic experience for increased immersion. For instance, if an individual needs urgent medical attention and helicopter transport, they won’t have to wait indefinitely. However, it’s important to note that these missions aren’t generated randomly – they were pre-planned as there are approximately 4 million tasks (some sources suggest 2 million) prepared for the game. Once a mission is completed, it won’t reappear, and the game seems addictive due to the excitement of discovering new challenges each day.

“Months of regular gaming isn’t grinding” – MSFS24

As our professional journeys advance, we might eventually amass our own fleet of aircraft at various airports, perhaps even including a Boeing or Airbus. It’s important to note that these planes, like any mechanical equipment, will experience wear and tear over time, necessitating regular maintenance. To guard against potential damages, insurance coverage should be in place – this way, the hard-earned savings from years of loan repayments won’t be abruptly depleted due to unforeseen issues.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

This mode in MSFS2024 isn’t meant to be a rapid-fire switch between races. Instead, it’s designed as a prolonged experience, spanning multiple months of consistent gameplay, if not more. The focus remains on the act of flying itself, similar to previous versions. Essentially, it turns flying into a structured sequence of activities, providing a career-like progression, rather than requiring constant improvisation for each flight. For those seeking quicker paced experiences, there’s the Challenge League and other options available.

League system for fans of competition and photo mode

As an enthusiast, I can’t wait to dive into The Challenge League, a thrilling 10-week whirlwind of fast-paced activities! Throughout this exhilarating journey, we take part in daily short challenges, where we compete with fellow players and accumulate points. Our positions on the leaderboard determine our movement between different leagues, making it a cutthroat competition.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

As a photography enthusiast gamer, I’m thrilled about this new game that caters to those who prefer less action-packed activities. Instead of battling enemies, you’ll be on an adventure, capturing stunning images of iconic global landmarks and various animals. There’s no need for violence here – instead, you’ll ‘hunt’ these creatures with your lens!

Prettier, bigger, better, or integration with a popular mod

It seems like I might have only skimmed over some of the major updates in MSFS2024, given how jam-packed it is with content and innovations. However, I’ll now delve a bit deeper into the aspects that truly caught my attention and are likely to be appreciated by the MSFS community.

Better graphics, seasons

In a striking improvement over Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS), Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 presents a far more captivating visual landscape upon first glance. A simple flight over the Sedona airport, reminiscent of where the tutorial in the previous version began, offers a glimpse into the enhanced realism and naturalness of the textures and their detail. The developers have employed advanced technology that permits a much more precise depiction of the terrain with an accuracy of 20 inches, which will substantially impact bush trips and off-field landings by introducing potential obstacles like boulders or stones to navigate around.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

Vegetation adapts differently across various climate zones and countries, as well as throughout the year due to seasonal changes – a cyclical pattern of seasons is in place. Additionally, advanced visual effects such as ray tracing and improved volumetric lighting have been incorporated, making the graphics more realistic, similar to those seen in racing video games for cars. However, urban photogrammetry still shows limited progress, with some buildings appearing rough and poorly lit at night, particularly in New York City. Despite this, there are still areas with less than optimal satellite imagery.

FPP Walkaround and pre-start activities

In the game, players can now roam around the aircraft, a feature that’s already been introduced with the FS Realistic DLC expansion. Tasks such as unlocking wheels, inspecting controls, checking flaps, tire condition, and removing various covers have been included in the pre-takeoff checklist. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t entirely realistic since when working on a Boeing 737, the massive engine covers are typically removed by ground crew in the hangar. Other details like forgetting to remove the pitot tube cover can lead to incorrect airspeed indications during flight. My main concern is the walking mechanics, which feel a bit like controlling a drone due to difficulties in braking or controlling the character’s steps, often resulting in overshooting the intended stopping point. In the full version of the game, it’s expected that players will have more freedom and the ability to walk wherever they wish.

EFB – airport map tablet integrated with avionics

As a gamer in the world of MSFS24, I’m thrilled to share that each aircraft now comes equipped with its own Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) tablet. This realistic, all-encompassing tool is designed for route planning, calculating plane performance, and displaying airport maps. It’s seamlessly integrated with the aircraft’s avionics, allowing for easy data exchange between the cockpit and EFB with just a click. Whether or not maps of all airports will be available remains to be seen, but it seems that third-party services might still be necessary in some cases. However, the developers are making strides to cater to a wide range of users, so at the very least, players won’t have to subscribe to Navigraph or enter their flight plan on SimBrief for major airports anymore.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

Better physics and flight model for everything that flies

As a gaming enthusiast, I’ve been thrilled to dive into this fresh title, where the flight dynamics have seen a significant upgrade. The game now simulates realistic airborne physics for various machines, ranging from balloons to intricate designs like twin-rotor helicopters and rotating-rotor aircraft, not forgetting the B-2 bomber-inspired flying wings.

AI air traffic, VFR and ships

The shortcoming in Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS), specifically the limited number of AI airplanes in air traffic, has been addressed by several third-party extensions. While it’s not yet perfect, it has seen noticeable improvement. Moreover, developers have secured licenses for approximately 91% of the machines globally responsible for air traffic generation, which will significantly enhance diversity. However, acquiring rights to use 25% of popular airline liveries is a more complex issue. Nonetheless, free add-ons such as FlyByWire’s can still thrive.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

Additionally, this game includes approximately 600 ships sailing across the seas and oceans, along with most offshore drilling platforms. The information about these vessels and platforms comes from their transponder signals and the data provided by the companies responsible for their construction and insurance.

Airplane DLC for $100 too expensive? Charter it for 5 bucks!

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that sometimes, additional content like a well-crafted DLC aircraft can cost as much as, or even more than, the original game itself, typically falling between $60 and $100. To help gamers make an informed decision before investing in such high-priced extras, developers have come up with a solution – allowing us to “rent” these planes for a few days or a week at a lower cost. This way, we can try them out first before committing to the purchase. Additionally, DLC creators may also provide free trials of their projects to give potential buyers a taste of what they offer.

Rebuilt Marketplace

In the game’s store, we’ve given everything a fresh makeover to help users locate less frequently purchased items more effortlessly. The user feedback system has been upgraded – rather than granting overall star ratings to products, you now have the option to rate individual aspects like graphics, functionality, sounds, and so forth.

Airplanes, helicopters, gliders, balloons – what’s new in the hangars?

In MSFS2024, you can expect an expansive variety of aircraft, surpassing that of any previous versions. However, discussing every single one is impractical as many were concealed during our playtest and only glimpsed on promotional slides. The majority of these aircraft are not solely produced by Asobo but rather by renowned third-party studios like Got Friends or iniBuilds. Notable new additions include the Boeing 737 Max, Airbus 330 and 321, the S-64 Skycrane, the A-10C Thunderbolt combat aircraft, the “smiling” Beluga for transporting Airbus parts, the business Vision Jet, and the CH-47 Chinook. Additionally, there will be a diverse selection of prototypes and electric eVTOLs. Regrettably, as with past releases, some of these aircraft will only be available in more expensive editions, such as the premium game version’s massive Boeing 747 Dreamlifter.

Someone left a mess in my cockpit

It seems like I was taken aback by the changes in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024! I had memorized certain keyboard shortcuts – End for external view, Insert for the drone camera, cursor movement for camera navigation, and Ctrl+Space to center the view – but none of those seemed to work in this new version! Since I couldn’t figure out any other options, using a gamepad to switch to third-person perspective became necessary. A sudden overhaul of controls is rarely beneficial.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

The second issue is the cooperation with 3rd party studios on the planes added to the game. Among them are teams known for their high quality, such as Got Friends. There is also iniBuilds, and SC Design, which disappoints with a terribly unattractive F-16 from paid DLC, falling below the quality of free mods. They are also responsible for the A-10C, whose cockpit design immediately reveals its manufacturer – it simply lags too far behind the established standards and level of graphics provided by Heatblur or IndiaFoxtEcho studios. I guess the rule of “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” applies here, but you will have to keep in mind the uneven quality of the machines included in the game.

As a dedicated fan, I’ve shared my thoughts about the less-than-attractive nighttime illumination of building windows and some unappealing satellite textures in the game. In my experience with an early build of MSFS2020, I noticed it wasn’t flawless, and I have my doubts that every bug will be ironed out by the time of its release.

This is how you push the boundaries of the next generation of games

Four years ago, I wondered if the advanced MSFS tech could be the initial phase for Forza Horizon to eventually let players drive cars anywhere in the world with top-notch graphics. Today, I think we’re a step closer to making that dream a reality. While some companies work on enhancing their “pro” technologies to squeeze out a few more frames per second at a higher resolution, Asobo Studio and dedicated fans are crafting an entire virtual universe. In this world, you can pick any location globally, traverse through a busy airport filled with people who resemble and speak like locals from that specific area, walk to your parked plane, check its parts for functionality, climb aboard, take off, communicate with air traffic control while hearing your own voice, fly in real-time to another country, land in an open field, exit the plane, walk behind a nearby hill, and stream to capture images of the wildlife you discover.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Hands-On - Big Aviation Sandbox With Career Mode Straight From Gran Turismo

With just one more loading screen to go, we’ll be exploring this region in a Jeep from a mod, as it will feel far more authentic compared to the sports cars already designed for MSFS. This experience is made possible through an internet connection and storage space equivalent to two free Gmail accounts. This game truly embodies the essence of the future generation or even beyond – pushing the limits of what a single game can achieve. As we get closer to realizing a vast virtual world without limitations, I’m eager to see how the community and third-party developers will push the boundaries in this one.

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2024-09-19 16:03