„I Don't Think He Feels Inclined to Share Any of It with Me”. George Lucas Refused to Let Steven Spielberg Direct a Star Wars Movie

As a die-hard Star Wars fan and a connoisseur of cinematic history, I can’t help but marvel at the intriguing friendship between George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Their collaboration on Indiana Jones was nothing short of magical, yet their shared dreams of delving into the cosmic universe of Star Wars remained unfulfilled.

In a well-known fact among fans like me, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas share a friendship that reached new heights with their collaborative work on the iconic Indiana Jones series. Though our partnership on this project was thriving, Lucas declined to let Spielberg direct his other masterpiece – Star Wars. To my disappointment as a fellow enthusiast, the creator of this cosmic saga wasn’t keen on Spielberg helming another space opera.

In 2002, during an interview with Empire Magazine, Spielberg shared the reason he hadn’t yet realized his dream of creating a film similar to “Star Wars”.

I’ve asked him! He won’t let me do one. I wanted to do one 15 years ago and he didn’t want me to do it. I understand why – Star Wars is George’s baby. George is my best friend and I believe I am his, but we are all competitive. I believe that this is George’s franchise. It’s his cottage industry and it’s his fingerprints. He knows I’ve got Jurassic Park and [Indiana Jones]. But George has Star Wars and I don’t think he feels inclined to share any of it with me!

Later on, it’s said that Lucas proposed the director role for The Phantom Menace to Spielberg, but Spielberg refused, expressing his thoughts to a friend that he should take the helm himself. Despite never realizing his dream of directing a film in the series, Spielberg played a part in its conception. He assisted Lucas during his work on Revenge of the Sith and was instrumental in creating the Order 66 scenes.

Consequently, Spielberg played a crucial role in shaping some indelible moments within the cosmos, leaving little room for debate about his substantial impact on the “Star Wars” series.

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2024-09-19 13:01