Hades: Understanding the Confusion Behind Escape Attempts

As a seasoned gamer with years spent navigating the labyrinthine underworld of Hades, I found myself nodding in agreement as Greenyugi voiced their confusion over the mysterious tracking of escape attempts. It’s an age-old question that has baffled us all at one point or another: “How does this work?

Hades has enthralled gamers with its rich narrative and challenging gameplay, but even dedicated players sometimes find themselves tangled in the intricacies of the game. A recent post on the Hades subreddit asked, ‘How does this work? I’m on 35 attempts,’ sparking an insightful conversation among players trying to understand the mechanics behind tracking their runs. The poster, Greenyugi, expressed confusion over how their game recorded escape attempts, raising questions about whether game mode settings, platform changes, or potentially a bug could influence these numbers. Deep dives into mechanics revealed that Hades’ systems may require more clarity for players trying to measure their progression accurately.

How does this work? I’m on 35 attempts.
byu/Greenyugi inHadesTheGame


  • The original poster was confused about their escape attempts recording only 35 runs despite extensive playtime.
  • Responses highlighted potential factors like game mode settings and changes in playing devices.
  • Several players speculated about bugs affecting the game’s tracking system.
  • Overall, the conversation revealed the community’s commitment to understanding and troubleshooting gameplay mechanics.

The Initial Confusion

When Greenyugi posted on Reddit, they shared a widespread issue experienced by many players of Hades: their attempts to escape didn’t seem accurate. With 35 recorded tries, Greenyugi couldn’t help but suspect there might be an issue with the game’s tracking system. This kind of confusion among players is not uncommon because Hades has a complex system for monitoring runs, and when it doesn’t work as intended, even dedicated players can find themselves questioning their progress. One player humorously suggested that perhaps Greenyugi had opted to give up instead of dying during the attempts, subtly hinting at overlooked strategies that could cause discrepancies. Despite the jokes, the supportive and collaborative spirit in the comments was evident as the community came together to find solutions.

The Role of Game Settings

One intriguing aspect raised in the comments was the influence of game settings on recorded attempts. User unexplainedbacn brought up an essential point: whether Greenyugi had toggled God Mode on or off. God Mode, for those not in the know, regulates how difficult the game is; it allows players to breeze through Hades or take a leisurely stroll through his underworld. Players seem to be divided on how these settings might interact with the overall reckoning of attempts. The suggestion that there could be separate tracking based on these modes sent another Redditor recounting their experience. They noted how switching modes might produce numbers that don’t reflect what they believe their efforts were. It’s a little like shifting gears in a sports car; you expect it to roar, but if you’re cuing up the wrong pedal, suddenly, you’re just coasting.

Device Changes and Their Impact

Another striking concern emerged when a user shared their experience after upgrading to a desktop PC. As Anywhereiroa explained, switching devices led to a significant drop in the displayed number of escape attempts, a number they argued should have been substantially higher based on their game time. This led to conjectures about how Hades might store progression data. Could it be saved locally, while other data might sync with the cloud? The fear of losing those hard-earned runs due to device changes added another layer of complexity to the Hades experience. It’s like moving to a new house and losing every trophy you had on display; suddenly, all those victories feel diminished because the numbers on the screen aren’t matching the hours invested. This sentiment was echoed by Greenyugi, stating, ‘the other pages are tracking everything from when I first started playing correctly,’ suggesting that perhaps this tracking inconsistency was a common issue.

Community Solutions and Speculation

As the community delved into possible explanations for this issue, teamwork and brainstorming flourished. Many members shared their theories, offering advice on cross-checking settings to help them fully grasp each option’s consequences. Moose_of_Wisdom joined the discussion, proposing that maybe the frequency of escape attempts grouped by certain criteria could be behind the confusion. Their input emphasized crucial in-game milestones like the amount of Ambrosia accumulated, hinting that a player’s runs might not reflect their entire gameplay experience accurately. Each comment added another piece to the puzzle, demonstrating how various decisions and gaming styles could impact statistics inconsistently. This realization brought comfort to those who felt adrift; they now knew others were navigating this complex video game journey with them.

In the lively discourse about escape attempts in Hades, it’s clear that there’s a tight-knit group of gamers who are eager to unravel the mysteries of their collective gaming journey. By bonding and engaging in animated debates, these players have pooled their personal experiences and technical knowledge, transforming uncertainty into common wisdom. Despite the game’s tracking system sometimes appearing confusing and chaotic, this dedicated community ensures that no player has to tackle these complexities on their own. Regardless of whether you’re on your 35th attempt or your 300th, the thrill of discovery, comprehension, and perhaps a chuckle or two, continues to be a defining aspect of the Hades gaming adventure.

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2024-09-18 18:44