Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is the game that Warhorse Studios always wanted to make - Preview

As a seasoned gamer with a penchant for historical RPGs and a soft spot for games that offer a degree of freedom, I can confidently say that my recent encounter with Kingdom Come: Deliverance II at PAX West was nothing short of exhilarating.

Despite owning it thrice due to my susceptibility to game sales, the initial Kingdom Come: Deliverance has not consumed much of my gaming time so far. Being a fan of Elder Scrolls games, I’m drawn to the idea of immersing myself in a stat-rich, intricate RPG. The fact that these games are set against historical events adds an extra layer of appeal. Recently, at PAX West, I seized the opportunity to preview Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, donned my tunic and leather trousers, and dived right into it.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is the game that Warhorse Studios always wanted to make - Preview

Deliverance 2 (KCD2) is similar to Dungeons & Dragons but without the dragons, and it’s set in medieval Bohemia, which is today’s Czech Republic. You play as Henry, a blacksmith-turned-hero from the first game, who finds himself battling Sigismund of Luxembourg, also known as the Holy Roman Emperor. During my demo experience, I got a glimpse of the expansive city in Bohemia and saw how the developers are integrating multiple choices into their quests by having Henry try to steal a rival swordsman school’s sword using his stealth abilities.

In simpler terms, Tobi Stolz-Zwilling (also known as Tobi), who works as the International PR Manager for Warhorse Studios, led me to interact with a street passerby to kick off the quest. Soon after, I found myself facing a skilled German swordsman in a duel. As Tobi explained later, this encounter had consequences for the quest and could potentially spare me another duel against his apprentice. This was just one example of the many instances where choices made during my gameplay would shape this specific event and give it a unique twist based on my playthrough.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is the game that Warhorse Studios always wanted to make - Preview

Initially, I assumed this brief adventure found on the sidewalk would wrap up by the time the demonstration ended. However, things turned out quite differently as each task led to unveiling more aspects of the objective. Within the limited 30-minute timeframe, I managed to avoid jail with a German swordmaster, joined a heist that failed, was defeated a few times, paid my way out of numerous tricky situations, and arranged for a combat tournament – incurring a penalty due to my arrest during the heist. It was a whirlwind of events, and it wasn’t until after the demonstration ended, when I spoke with another player, that I understood how much the game could vary based on the consequences of my actions.

In terms of a fresh take on your statement: If you’re a fan of games like Dishonored that offer flexibility in task completion, I quickly become intrigued by games that allow for diverse playstyles. Although Deliverance 2 leans towards realism with characters speaking their native languages, it lacked some elements of freedom compared to games like Dishonored, such as the inability to climb walls or be assisted over obstacles during a botched heist. Nevertheless, the game’s unique aspects piqued my interest enough that I yearn for a sequel.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is the game that Warhorse Studios always wanted to make - Preview

It’s a must to praise the team for the stunning visuals and the grandeur of the city they placed me in. The streets are teeming with activity, filled with locals carrying out their daily routines, vendors hawking their goods, and taverns buzzing with patrons. Despite being nearly five months away from its February 11, 2025 release date, what I’ve seen so far is truly impressive, and I can hardly wait to see how they’ll build upon it in the remaining time.

In Tobi’s own words, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 represents the game Warhorse Studios has long aspired to create. The success of the original game and its dedicated fanbase have given them the opportunity to bring this vision to life. Packed with extensive stats, an intriguing combat system (which I must admit, I didn’t fully grasp during the demo), and a generous helping of historical context, it’s time for me to dust off one of my copies of the first game and start playing again so I can prepare myself for this upcoming journey next year.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is the game that Warhorse Studios always wanted to make - Preview

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2024-09-17 05:25