Apex Legends: The Case for Buffing Alter – Players Weigh In

As a seasoned player with hundreds of hours logged into Apex Legends, I can’t help but feel a sense of kinship with those who voice their concerns about Alter’s underrepresentation in the game. Having spent countless hours honing my skills as a one-trick Wraith, I can appreciate the frustrations of players seeking more versatility and power from their chosen characters.

In Apex Legends, several characters have been introduced and removed, but Alter appears to be one of the least chosen characters, leading to intense discussions among gamers. A post by user ILewdElichika on the Apex Legends subreddit highlighted Alter’s scarcity in competitive play, noting a meager 0.08% pick rate in professional matches. The author, who identifies as a one-trick pony and an ardent Wraith fan, believes that Alter’s abilities are not quite up to the mark and has proposed various ideas to boost her relevance, receiving both support and criticism from the community. Given Alter’s past lack of usage, it’s unsurprising that many players have gathered around this topic, expressing their opinions on possible improvements for her and the impact these adjustments might have on gameplay.

Alter needs buffs
byu/ILewdElichika inapexlegends


  • Players express concern about Alter’s underwhelming presence in both casual and competitive play, with suggestions for buffs.
  • Suggestions include modifying ability cooldowns and enhancing her mobility to better suit the fast-paced nature of the game.
  • Some players argue that her kit is already reasonably balanced, advocating for patience while developers tweak other characters.
  • The sentiment remains mixed, with a portion of the community feeling the need for buffs while others believe Alter’s capabilities require better understanding and execution.

The Low Pick Rates of Alter

In competitive Apex Legends gameplay, Alter is seldom chosen by players, which suggests she’s not thriving in her current state within the game. Her minuscule 0.08% pick rate in professional play hints at more than just a lack of appeal; it may point to an underlying problem with her abilities not aligning with the present meta (the current trend or strategy). Players have expressed disappointment that although Alter is unique, she doesn’t seem to fit well with Apex Legends’ fast-paced style. As one player, B3amb00m, stated: “If she had two tactical charges with half the duration, she’d be a queen.” Essentially, this indicates that players are seeking adaptability and choices, and right now, Alter isn’t delivering on those fronts.

Player Perspectives on Suggested Buffs

In the discussion, numerous players offered constructive ideas on refining Alter’s game mechanics for better performance. These recommendations covered different elements of her abilities. For example, MouseNotHot proposed making her portal permanent by upgrading it, while NC__Pitts suggested granting her an additional tactical charge for swift tactical combat, enhancing her role as a skirmisher. Many feel that improving the functionality of her portal would make her more impactful in team battles. However, there’s a split opinion among commentators; some advocates call for these enhancements, while others believe her mechanics are already well-suited to those who can effectively maximize their strategies. Broken_Red’s comment sums up this perspective: “I haven’t noticed any issues with her… and I can’t see the need for change.

The Community’s Concerns About Alter’s Kit

<pAnother layer to this discussion is the concern from players about the dependency of Alter’s kit on teamwork and the overall IQ of the player. Beastmutt candidly stated, “Honestly, I think her kit relies heavily on player IQ rather than ability. Having a big brain character in a brain dead sorta game is tough!” This highlights a nagging issue within game balance; when character abilities are too intricate or demanding, it may lead to frustration among players who primarily engage in casual matches and may not fully grasp the nuances required for effective use. Thus, the conversation shifts from increases in raw power to improving accessibility and making Alter more relatable to the broad player base.

Balancing Buffs with Game Integrity

<pWhile there are compelling arguments for buffing Alter, there is also a cautionary tone that runs through many of the discussions. Encapsulated in the words of Vekaras, “Her kit is already very specific. Unless they rework it, I don’t see how they can make it better without being OP in a way.” Adjusting character abilities can significantly shift the game’s dynamics. Developers must tread carefully, considering not only the immediate impact on Alter but also how buffs could influence the broader character ecosystem. Players are well aware that balance in the game is delicate; unnecessary overpowered characters can easily unhinge competitive play and create a frustrating experience for all involved. There’s a mutual understanding that any changes made need to preserve the intricate dynamics that Apex Legends has built.

Discussions among gamers about Alter’s requirements showcase an active community eager to delve into the complexities of game mechanics. While some express the need for quick enhancements, others advocate for patience and a grasp of the game’s nuances. The debate surrounding Alter offers a glimpse into the broader gaming community’s aspirations and worries regarding character development, balance, and how various aspects impact player enjoyment. Essentially, players appear to be seeking a character that is enjoyable to control while still holding its own in intense battles. Finding that equilibrium will continue to be a hot issue within the Apex Legends gaming sphere.

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2024-09-16 13:13