Enshrouded: The Struggle of Setting Up Dedicated Servers Explained

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can wholeheartedly empathize with MondayMoes’ plight. Setting up dedicated servers has always been a thorn in my side, reminding me that there’s still a piece of gaming that remains stubbornly out of reach for the casual player. The process often feels like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded, with instructions written in a language I barely understand—and that’s on a good day!

Enshrouded has captivated players with its intriguing gameplay, but one area that has sparked considerable frustration amongst the community is creating dedicated servers. A post by user MondayMoes sheds light on this struggle, as they detail the challenges they faced while trying to set up a server to play with friends. The post not only reflects their personal experience of grappling with the technicalities of server management but also highlights a broader sentiment shared by many gamers who find the process a tad cumbersome. Vivid descriptions of two-hour setup sessions followed by confusion regarding locating the servers paint a relatable picture for many inquisitive players hoping to gather their friends online.

Why is it so hard to create a dedicated server
byu/MondayMoes inEnshrouded


  • The difficulty in setting up dedicated servers in Enshrouded has become a point of frustration for many players.
  • While some find workarounds, others express dissatisfaction with the process, which feels overly complicated.
  • The community has provided both criticism and support, suggesting improvements and sharing alternative solutions.
  • Players seem torn between frustration and the game’s overall potential, representing mixed sentiments among its early access audience.

The Frustration of Complexity

The crux of MondayMoes’ frustration lies in the complexity of the server setup process. They lamented, “Why don’t they make this a little more… intuitive?” Many players resonated with this sentiment, expressing that the setup felt unnecessarily convoluted, likening it to deciphering hieroglyphics rather than simply playing a game. Comments like those from user L10N0 helped shed some light on navigating these complexities, suggesting that learning to use Docker could simplify their experience. Indeed, this is a double-edged sword, where technical savviness can lead to a smoother experience, yet layers of complexity can leave casual gamers feeling lost. For some, the additional need for port forwarding as highlighted by somangiii further adds to the complications, as they simply wish to enjoy the game without diving into network management.

Communal Support and Alternatives

Regardless of the challenges in setting up a dedicated server, the Enshrouded community continues to thrive with members assisting one another. Numerous individuals have stepped forward with suggestions and strategies to make things less complex. For instance, SocraticSeaUrchin highlighted a text file within the server directory that offers comprehensive details on config options—something that many gamers might miss amidst the technical terms. Likewise, user paulthjee provided targeted guidance on fixing password issues, stressing that not all problems are impossible to solve with some trial and error. The support from the community showcases a bond of unity; they acknowledge each other’s struggles and are ready to lend a hand even when developers may not be immediately available for assistance. This sense of teamwork makes the difficult setup process more manageable.

Game in Early Access: Managing Expectations

It’s crucial to understand that Enshrouded is currently in an early development stage, which brings both anticipation and apprehension. User Top_Conversation1652 noted that if 95% of players can host their servers without many problems, the developers might focus on creating new content instead of fixing what appears to be a minor inconvenience for most users. In early access games, development often prioritizes expansion over refining existing systems, which can be irritating when one is acutely aware of the glitches that affect only a few players. However, this perspective helps put complaints in context, reminding us that early access often includes some imperfections as developers find their footing and work on numerous potential improvements. Ultimately, gamers must find a balance between their expectations and the realities of game development.

Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos

fun should always be the primary focus of gaming, regardless of technical hurdles, and players are encouraged to embrace their pleasure in ways that work best for them, while avoiding the complexity of DIY configurations.

Creating dedicated servers for Enshrouded mirrors the intricate bond between gamers and technology. Navigating through both community assistance and personal aspirations, amidst moments of irritation and dreams of progress, represents the eternal battle between innovation and user-friendliness in gaming. As the game advances, players eagerly anticipate future improvements to streamline the setup process, making it easier for more people to play together in the immersive universe of Enshrouded, without the server setup seeming like an enigmatic riddle. For now, the common experiences, triumphs in solving problems, and the comfort of camaraderie create a lasting impression, suggesting that despite technological hurdles, the joy of gaming ultimately binds everyone together in unity.

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2024-09-16 09:28