Exploring the Haunting Concept Art of Destiny 2: A Dive into Eldritch Horrors

As a gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I have seen the evolution of games from pixelated beginnings to today’s breathtaking masterpieces. I’ve always admired Bungie for their ability to weave intricate stories into their games, and Destiny 2 is no exception. However, stumbling upon Piotr Jabłoński’s concept art has left me yearning for a darker, more Lovecraftian aesthetic in the game.

In simple terms, the video game Destiny 2 has captivated players with its detailed storyline and breathtaking graphics. However, a look at some concept art by artist Piotr Jabłoński from 2017-2018 has sparked an intriguing debate among fans. This artwork, which seems to be connected to the Darkness, has stirred strong reactions from the community, leading to discussions about Lovecraftian themes and design elements that were not included in the final version of the game. The comments suggest a persistent wish among players for a darker appearance and a more significant inclusion of eldritch horror aspects, suggesting a complex interplay between the designers’ vision and the fans’ expectations.

Concept art by Piotr Jabłoński in 2017-18 presumably for the darkness.
byu/mete714 indestiny2


  • The concept art by Jabłoński showcases an eldritch horror theme that fans are eager to see integrated more into Destiny 2.
  • Commenters express a mixture of admiration and disappointment regarding the game’s current aesthetic choices compared to the artwork.
  • The recurring theme in comments suggests that players crave a deeper, more psychological aspect to the Darkness narrative.
  • Many players appreciate how the concept art could have brought a new depth to the game, contrasting with lighter tones previously featured.

Art That Haunts

Piotr Jabłoński’s artwork, as displayed in the post, offers striking and unsettling designs reminiscent of Lovecraftian terror. User TheScreen_Slaver aptly commented, “These guys are truly terrifying,” reflecting the chilling ambiance portrayed by the art. The work incorporates elements that not only appear menacing but also provoke feelings of discomfort characteristic of eldritch motifs. Gamers such as InstrumentOfTorment have expressed a wish for the game to fully adopt this darker style, suggesting that “Destiny should delve deeper into eldritch horror.” This widespread preference underscores the demand for more intricate and frightening storylines that appeal to players who enjoy both horror and science fiction genres.

Missed Opportunities?

In the debate about incorporating this eerie style into Destiny 2, many players have expressed disappointment that the finished products didn’t match the chilling artwork they had envisioned. User Cloud_N0ne humorously remarked, “They could have stuck with the eldritch horror theme instead of the contemporary art gallery feel they opted for.” This comment highlights the divide between community expectations and the decisions made by the developers. Players value creativity, and many believe that embracing darker themes would improve the game’s atmosphere, making gameplay more engaging. However, the community is divided on whether the new designs in the current game are a misstep or an essential development for the series.

The Lore Connection

Apart from the visual letdown, the very essence of the Darkness stirs numerous contemplations about its possible narrative richness. The Darkness has been a prominent aspect in Destiny’s backstory for quite some time, but many gamers feel that there’s been a missed chance to delve into its psychological aspects more deeply. User HurtnAlbertn825 encourages Bungie to recognize this untapped potential, suggesting, “Lovecraftian entities are the only things that could threaten us now.” This idea echoes with many who have spent time unraveling the Destiny lore and characters related to the Darkness, ultimately yearning for a plotline that delves deeply into these themes. By embracing a more extensive psychological investigation, it could reveal layers of strength and dread, offering players a more engaging experience.

Community Creativity

The thread has ignited a surge of creativity within the community, prompting players to express their thoughts on how certain parts of the concept art could impact the game’s visual style and equipment. For instance, Boogle02 points out specific designs, hinting that the RoN warlock chest piece might be influenced by Jabłoński’s artwork. This exchange demonstrates how dedicated fans are deeply involved in the creative process, turning their artistic appreciation into constructive ideas for potential improvements. It showcases a community brimming with innovation and eagerness to collaborate—a clear sign of the players’ ongoing enthusiasm towards the platform that delivers their gaming experiences.

Discussions about Piotr Jabłoński’s concept art for Destiny 2 reveal an intriguing blend of excitement and dissatisfaction within the game’s community. Players express not just appreciation for the detailed visuals, but also a yearning for grittier themes and deeper lore that resonate emotionally. As this dialogue unfolds, it becomes apparent that Destiny 2 boasts a dynamic fanbase eager to discuss the game’s future, aesthetics, and narrative. The desire for a closer connection with the Darkness suggests a profound comprehension of the game’s intricate lore—a rich tapestry spun from engaging stories and carefully crafted visuals over years. Whether upcoming designs will delve into eldritch horror remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the community’s enthusiasm will persist in driving towards a more immersive, enriched Destiny 2 experience.

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2024-09-16 04:13