Should Fortnite Allow Musical Instruments as Back Bling and Pickaxes?

As a longtime Fortnite enthusiast with countless hours spent honing my virtual battle skills, I find myself captivated by the recent discussion surrounding the potential integration of instruments as back blings or pickaxes. The idea is not only visually appealing but also offers an opportunity to immerse myself further into the game’s universe, akin to wielding my trusty guitar in the heat of battle.

Players of Fortnite have started a lively debate on Reddit about an interesting concept that might transform how players engage with their skins and items in the game. A user named “Human_3RR0R” proposed the idea of incorporating musical instruments, specifically those from the Festival, as back bling or pickaxes within Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode. The user explained that they had unlocked several guitars that would complement their skins beautifully, thus making gameplay more engaging and immersive.

Use FF Instrumets as Backling/Pickaxe
byu/Human_3RR0R inFortNiteBR


  • Players are excited about the potential for using unlockable instruments as back bling and pickaxes in Fortnite.
  • Many users have expressed their frustrations regarding the lack of integration between Festival instruments and Battle Royale.
  • The discussion showcases the creativity of the Fortnite community and their desire for more customization features.
  • Some comments reflect skepticism about the practicality of the suggestion, highlighting both support and concern.

Community Creativity on Display

The Reddit discussion surrounding this concept has highlighted the sheer creativity that resides within the Fortnite community. One user, “Mcrarburger,” humorously stated, “I would kill to bash someone with my chromatica bass,” expressing the fun, playful energy that such an idea invokes. This light-hearted banter shows that players are not just interested in practical suggestions but enjoy the whimsical nature of their beloved game. Additionally, “LordSwamp” shared a personal touch, noting that they purchased a Fender Strat because they play one in real life, further demonstrating the emotional connection players have with their in-game items. This idea is more than just practical suggestions; it’s about personalization and the ability to bring a part of oneself into the game.

The Call for Customization

In video games like Fortnite, individualization is a crucial aspect, and users are requesting even more personalization options. User “birogsix” specifically mentioned a desire for the ability to use personal items as back blings instead of pre-set ones, signaling a demand for increased versatility. Allowing players to incorporate their own items can lead to greater engagement and fulfillment by making gameplay feel more personalized. Using personal achievements or favorite instruments as customization elements adds a distinctive flair to the game, encouraging experimentation with skins and providing additional interactive depth. Looking ahead, it’s evident that users are pushing for customization that extends beyond cosmetic appeal.

The Ups and Downs of Implementing Instruments

It’s clear that many people are enthusiastic about this idea, but some players have raised valid concerns. User “LaylaLegion” jokingly pointed out, “Hey El Kabong, instruments are for making music, not for hitting skulls,” which highlights a more serious question about whether musical instruments would be appropriate in a game focused on battles. This comment echoes the thoughts of many who want to ensure that the enjoyment of the game doesn’t compromise its core purpose. Players are also discussing practical aspects such as if these instruments would come with unique animations or abilities, and how this could affect the gaming experience for those who prefer traditional weapons. This dialogue encourages constructive criticism, reminding everyone involved in the development process that not every concept can easily become a successful gameplay feature.

A Mixed Bag of Enthusiasm and Skepticism

The discussion on adding musical instruments to Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode is buzzing with equal parts excitement and doubt. On one side, players are optimistic, expressing everything from joy to ideas about integrating their own instruments into the game. For instance, a player named “Tumbleweed_Chaser69” said, “A bit more customization can really boost our gaming experience.” This shows that the community is eager for new features that make their playtime more enjoyable. However, there are also players, like “Robebubop,” who flat-out refuse the idea, saying “No.” This could indicate a hesitation to accept this change, possibly because it seems too different from Fortnite’s original focus on action and skill. Striking a balance between innovation and preserving the core gameplay is a challenge that the community must tackle together.

The dialogue initiated by this Reddit post reveals just how passionate Fortnite players are about their experience. While the suggestion to incorporate Festival instruments into Battle Royale raised excitement, it also sparked some healthy debate regarding implementation. As the community continues to voice their opinions, it’s clear that players are ever eager for innovation, artistic expression, and a greater sense of personalization in gaming. Their creativity, coupled with an understanding of gameplay mechanics, sets the stage for future conversations on potential features that could redefine or enhance the Fortnite experience, and who knows? Perhaps one day, we might see a guitar-wielding character battling it out in the island’s chaos!

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2024-09-13 07:58