Fan Theories: Who Will Be the Last Smite God Added to Smite 2?

As a seasoned Smite player with years of battling gods and titans under my belt, I find myself deeply entrenched in this ongoing debate about the last Smite 1 god to join Smite 2. The community’s passion for the game is as fierce as ever, and it’s fascinating to see how we analyze every detail from character popularity to mechanics.

Smite community members have recently turned their attention to an intriguing question: who will be the last Smite 1 god added to Smite 2? With the game’s expansion and continuous evolution, this has sparked lively discussions and varying theories among players. A post by user Gharbin1616 ignited this conversation, suggesting that Marti could be the last addition due to his lack of popularity and diverse gameplay mechanics. Players have jumped in with their theories, swapping opinions about which characters might return, combining humor with heavy doses of analysis.

Whats everyones guess on the LAST Smite 1 god added to Smite 2?
byu/Gharbin1616 inSmite


  • The debate revolves around the last Smite 1 god to be included in Smite 2, leaning towards either Marti, Bake, or Fafnir.
  • User comments highlight the ongoing frustration regarding character balance and popularity.
  • Many are hopeful that the developers might rework some beloved characters for the revamped game.
  • Sentiment in the thread shows a mix of humor and serious analysis regarding god mechanics and player preferences.

Fan Discontent with Marti

It appears that Marti is being frequently criticized in this discussion. Gharbin1616 initiated it by suggesting, “I believe Marti is unattractive, unwanted, lacking unique skills, dull, and no longer overpowered, so nobody plays him.” Many players seem to share this sentiment, implying that Marti is not a popular choice among them. The comments reflect a common issue in the gaming community: characters that don’t connect with players are often seen as undesirable. The perception of Marti’s lack of uniqueness has led to a general disinterest in him. Some players question why he is even mentioned, and they express a desire for a character with more exciting abilities. The discussion creates a lively argument, with some feeling sympathy for Marti and others completely dismissing him as an unsuitable option.

The Brew Ha-Ha Over Bake and Fafnir

Initially, we’re discussing Bake, who has managed to win over many fans recently, despite having little backing in the past. MagicFighter stays hopeful: “I’m hoping they give Bake a better setup this time around.” This is intriguing because gamers are not only excited about Bake returning but also about seeing him become more playable and tactical. Different players are brainstorming what they’d like from his revamped setup. Meanwhile, Fafnir seems to be in the running as well, with comments such as “Meme choice: Fafnir; Real choice: Bake” suggesting that Fafnir is more of a humorous option. Interestingly, while Fafnir maintains popularity, those considering him as a practical pick seem to be jokingly labeling him as needing a good sense of humor.

The Mystery of Popularity and Mechanics

The discussion around character popularity brings up a vital element in god selection – the mechanics. User JonBeeTV brought some comic relief and math flair into the conversation by declaring, “So the result of my math equation would mean the last god will probably be Hera!” Jokes aside, this highlights how fans are considering factors like character type and pantheon when predicting who might make the cut. The considerations of popularity and previously left-out gods bring light to player expectations and the dynamics of the game itself. The math needs to be adjusted, however, because the formula seems to have been twisted by nostalgic sentiment and base-level assumptions about what character mechanics bring to the table.

Hope for Reworks

Among the various theories, a shared feeling is the anticipation for potential character overhauls. User Suitable-Piano-8969 speculates that the upcoming characters might be those scheduled for complete makeovers. This prospect excites the community as many players have long admired certain gods but feel their gameplay has become stale. The possibility of cherished characters like Cupid undergoing major updates fuels the conversation. There’s a widespread wish among players for developers to innovate while preserving the essence of these characters. They yearn to see fresh mechanics that can revitalize tired gameplay, all while acknowledging the contributions that older gods have made to the current game meta.

The excitement over who might be the last character added to Smite 2 demonstrates how deeply connected the gaming community is with the game. Players have been paying close attention to trends, examining mechanics, and anxiously awaiting a mix of familiarity and fresh experiences. Whether it’s Marti, Bake, or even a newcomer like Fafnir, the conversation has been anything but dull. It’s become a lively blend of humor, frustration, and anticipation – reflective of everything that makes the Smite community vibrant and active. Through intense discussions and playful banter, players are uniting not just to guess, but to share their visions for the future of Smite.

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2024-09-13 02:43