Exploring Health Mechanics in Enshrouded: A Look at Base Value and Healing

As a seasoned gamer who’s weathered countless storms of survival games, I can empathize with Vixeal’s plight in Enshrouded. The struggle to stay alive in this unforgiving world is relatable, and the current health recovery system leaves much to be desired, especially when battling hordes of enemies on hard mode.

The mysterious Enshrouded game has ignited a lively debate among gamers about the method of restoring health connected with their bases. A player named Vixeal voiced their dissatisfaction on Reddit about the current healing system within the game, particularly because resting at one’s base doesn’t recover health. This post echoes feelings shared by numerous players who yearn for a more enjoyable and realistic healing experience, especially when playing at higher difficulties. Since the game is in its Early Access stage, players remain optimistic that updates will address and improve base mechanics, potentially introducing features like automatic healing or long-term benefits from bases.

Hoping the bases are more valuable later on.
byu/Vixeal inEnshrouded


  • The original post by Vixeal highlights frustrations with the health recovery system in Enshrouded, particularly on hard mode.
  • Players are divided on the need for easier healing, with some advocating for a balance between survival mechanics and player comfort.
  • Several users suggest potential solutions, including the introduction of healing NPCs or better healing items.
  • Overall, there’s a strong desire among players for adjustments to improve gameplay experience, especially regarding base functionality.

The Healing Dilemma

When Vixeal expressed worries about insufficient health restoration at their base, it ignited a vibrant discussion on the subreddit. Many gamers related to this issue, reminiscing about their initial game struggles, emphasizing that repeatedly gathering berries could grow tiresome and potentially diminish the overall gaming experience. One participant commented, “Indeed, I concur with your viewpoint; it’s a nuisance, particularly when you’re playing with friends and everyone requires healing. Berries get used up quickly when everyone is taking damage!” This perspective underscores the significance of quality-of-life enhancements, particularly for those embarking on the challenging terrains of hard mode.

Realism vs. Gameplay

One of the perspectives brought up was the need for the game to maintain a challenging environment. A user commented, “I mean, it kinda makes sense that you have to consume resources to recover HP doesn’t it? Even us humans IRL don’t heal very well without proper nourishment.” This highlights a common theme in survival games where players balance between realism and gameplay enjoyment. The community has recognized that healing resources, like berries and crafted items, are essential to the survival aspect of the game. Some players believe that incorporating healing mechanics, such as automatic recovery when resting, could undermine the game’s core mechanics, detracting from their achievements in gathering resources.

Proposed Solutions

The conversation delved into imaginative areas, as many participants proposed clever modifications. One intriguing proposition was to integrate an NPC healer within the foundation who increases HP regeneration proportionate to the player’s flame level, while simultaneously offering crucial healing resources for sale. This addition would not only foster unique player interactions but also promote teamwork and resource management. A player even jokingly suggested enhancements to improve player nutrition, saying, “if using the toilet instantly restores your health, I’m all for digestive system boosts…” Such playful exchanges highlight that players value realism while also seeking a touch of fun and creativity within the healing system.

The Future of Healing Mechanics

Since Enshrouded is currently in Early Access, numerous gamers anticipate upcoming improvements. For instance, one player voiced optimism for future features like tiered healing options, possibly including unique beds crafted from scarce resources that offer increased healing benefits. Such suggestions reflect the active and creative involvement of the community in shaping the game’s development, opening conversations about potential advancements. Players are excited to observe how developers will handle their feedback while continuing to innovate within the gameplay mechanics to preserve the survival element.

Discussing the effectiveness of basic features and player health restoration in Enshrouded highlights a common desire across the gaming world: a gameplay experience that strikes a harmonious blend of difficulty and fun. As gamers brainstorm ways to improve healing mechanisms, this dialogue acts as a testament to the enthusiasm fueling game creation and community participation. With the game continuing to grow and develop, some thrilling updates may be just around the corner, maintaining player interest and optimism.

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2024-09-12 23:58