Is Hades’ Remodel in Smite Enough to Impress Players? Community Reactions Explored

As a long-standing devotee of the Smite realm, I find myself deeply immersed in the ongoing debate surrounding Hades’ redesign. With over a decade spent traversing the mythological landscapes and battling gods of yore, I’ve come to hold these digital deities close to my heart.

Enthusiasts of the game Smite are abuzz with various viewpoints about the revamped look of Hades, as the title prepares for its transition to Smite 2. The primary focus is whether this overhaul honors the underworld deity’s historical significance. User froggy2699 initiated this debate by posting a critique focusing on aspects like Hades’ apparent absence of human qualities and his somewhat exaggerated, cartoon-like appearance. The comments present a range of opinions, demonstrating both apprehension and praise from the gaming community.

Discussion: Do you think Hades remodel is enough?
byu/froggy2699 inSmite


  • Community is divided on whether Hades’ remodel reflects his mythological roots effectively.
  • Some players feel the design lacks a commanding presence and looks too cartoonish.
  • Suggestions for improvements range from altering clothing style to changing proportions and facial features.
  • The overall sentiment hints at a desire for a more dignified look that aligns with other gods in Smite.

Community Concerns About the Remodel

One key observation arising from the conversation is a strong feeling that the new layout of Hades doesn’t hit the target. The initial post by froggy2699 encapsulates this discontent, saying, “The weightless, airy design weakens any powerful or intimidating aura Hades should project.” Players such as Competitive-Balance3 echo this feeling, commenting, “Out of all the gods in Smite 2 so far, he looks the worst and no one is even close.” Some argue that this playful design makes Hades seem out of context, a sentiment shared by many who anticipated a more serious representation of one of Greek mythology’s most well-known characters.

A Call for Regality in Design

Players are eager to portray Hades as a majestic and multi-dimensional character, echoing the noble demeanor of the god he symbolizes. Kaios-0 insists Hades requires more grandeur: “He simply lacks the necessary grandeur, in my opinion… there needs to be more grandeur added.” Many also propose that Hades should resemble humans more, similar to his brothers Zeus and Poseidon, which could enhance visual coherence among the characters. The concept for Hades is clear: a character who commands awe and reverence rather than merely appearing as a spectral presence among the other gods. Players believe Hades should embody traits more characteristic of game’s gods while still reflecting his underworld role.

Skepticism Toward Current Design Choices

Players have identified several possible design flaws, such as HrMaschine’s comment that the design lacks an authentic feel of Hades due to its overly cartoonish elements. This concern is shared by others who find certain aspects, like the exposed skin resembling a zombie, inconsistent with the character’s serious demeanor. Additionally, rAirist humorously criticizes the excessive back spikes that seem out of place and distract from a potentially powerful visual impression. Overall, it appears there is a strong preference among players for a design that effectively combines the ethereal essence of Hades with a more realistic approach that appeals to fans.

Potential Improvements to the Visual Appeal

The Smite community has been vocal about how Hades can be better represented in terms of design. Suggestions have included fixing the flow and orientation of his clothing to make it feel more Greek, as suggested by Kaios-0. To improve his overall appeal, many propose replacing “the shitty Halloween horns” with features in line with Persephone’s design, contributing to a cohesive aesthetic in the Underworld realm. Meanwhile, flyingboarofbeifong expressed confusion about Hades’ midriff, saying, “…what the heck is this weird ten-pack made of bones?” Such specific feedback illustrates the community’s investment in a design that feels consistent, even refreshing, rather than recycled from previous concepts. With Smite 2 on the horizon, feedback like this emphasizes the players’ hope that Hi-Rez will pay attention to both the aesthetic and thematic elements of their remodels.

The discussion about Hades’ redesign in Smite encompasses a wide range of constructive feedback and passionate viewpoints from players. While excitement for Smite 2 persists, there’s also concern about how classic characters, such as Hades, are portrayed in this new concept. Many question whether these design modifications truly reflect the mythology associated with Hades or if they are merely attention-grabbing novelties. As conversations progress, it’s clear that the community is asking for more than just updates; they desire thoughtful designs that resonate deeply with the god’s lore and history. Essentially, players seem to be advocating for a balance of creativity and authenticity in Hades’ (and all gods’) redesign, ensuring they maintain their stature within Smite’s expansive pantheon.

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2024-09-12 09:58