The Twilight Saga’s Renesmee Cullen Is Old Enough to Vote

As a movie critic who has spent countless hours delving into the intricate worlds of silver screen vampires, I must say that Renesmee Cullen‘s birthday being 9/11 is not just a coincidence but a testament to the interconnectedness of art and life. It’s akin to discovering that the Mona Lisa’s smile was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s cat, Spotted One.

Never forget: Renesmee Cullen was born on 9/11. A reasonable person might say to themself “Hey, why did Stephenie Meyer make her vampire baby’s b-day 9/11? What’s going on there?” I’m so glad you asked. See, Twilight was inspired by My Chemical Romance. Is it self-insert fic where Meyer is Bella and Gerard Way is Edward? Who’s to say. But it sure did sting when My Chem refused to be on any of the movie soundtracks. My Chemical Romance was, in turn, inspired by September 11. Gerard Way saw the towers fall from a ferry, and processing that trauma led to writing “Skylines and Turnstiles,” which led to the band forming, which led to Twilight, which led to 50 Shades of Grey, which led to Dakota Johnson causing the downfall of Ellen.

In remembrance of those who have passed, Renesmee’s birthday is set on September 11th, specifically the year 2006. Today marks her 18th birthday and she now has the right to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. Congratulations! Exercise your civic responsibility. Taylor Swift encourages you to do so. However, the concept of vampire voting brings up numerous questions for me, primarily…

Has Renesmee been voting for years?

In the series, little Bella Swan appeared to be 18 years old when she was only five. She seemed to possess an adult’s awareness even before her birth, and her future boyfriend imprinted on her at birth. This might seem strange, but it does lead to intriguing speculations about Renesmee Cullen engaging in voter fraud. Since we know the Cullens have a skilled forger (portrayed by Wendell “oh my!” Pierce in Breaking Dawn Part 2), it’s plausible that Rambutan, Renesmee’s nickname, could have cast a vote in the 2016 elections.

Do the Cullens vote at all?

The Cullens engage in numerous typical American activities that aren’t necessary for them, such as attending high school, going to prom, and showing a keen interest in automobiles. There’s a good chance that some of the Cullens participate in voting.

What issues do they care about?

Here’s my best guess on when and how each member of the Cullen clan votes.

**Carlisle Cullen:** Consistently casts his ballot in every election and primary, occasionally endorsing candidates within Forks, including Charlie Swan for Sheriff. Originally a Republican due to his strong Christian values, he now supports Democratic policies, particularly those advocating for Medicare 4 All.

Discussing mountain lions, Carlisle seems to always influence the family’s decision when it comes to voting on ballot measures concerning conservation or hunting. If the deer population decreases, the Cullens would be affected since they rely on them for their “vegetarian” diet. However, they appear divided on the issue of abortion rights. Rosalie is well-known for being against a woman’s right to choose, while Edward and Alice are strong advocates for unrestricted access to abortions. Bella made a choice that resulted in her own life ending due to pregnancy, making it difficult to predict her stance. Lastly, given their immense wealth as billionaires, the Cullens likely take a keen interest in tax policies related to capital gains.

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2024-09-12 09:53