FIFA Fans Express Frustration Over Missing 99 Mbappe and 99 VVD Cards

As a seasoned FIFA enthusiast with years of virtual football under my belt, I can’t help but feel a sense of familiar deja vu as I read through this thread. The absence of iconic cards like 99 Mbappe and 99 VVD feels like a cruel echo of past disappointments, a reminder that the pursuit of these elusive digital treasures is as much a part of the FIFA experience as scoring a last-minute winner or pulling off an improbable skill move.

Fans of FIFA football games are voicing their dissatisfaction with the way new player cards are being released, particularly because popular high-rated cards like 99 Mbappe and 99 VVD haven’t been made available yet. A post by user Matzeeh on a well-known gaming forum underscores these issues, suggesting that this year’s pre-season releases have fallen short of what players were anticipating. As the release of the next game edition draws near (only two weeks away), gamers are starting to wonder if EA Sports is prioritizing future sales over delivering satisfying content for existing players.

Where is 99 Mbappe, 99 VVD, all the euros cards that Saka teased?
byu/Matzeeh inEASportsFC


  • Players are missing iconic cards like 99 Mbappe and 99 VVD, which has led to widespread frustration.
  • Many users feel that EA is intentionally withholding content to promote the next edition of FIFA.
  • Responses reveal a mixed sentiment, with some players still enjoying the current offerings while others feel deprived.
  • The community reflects both optimism and skepticism towards future releases and EA’s overall engagement strategy.

The Incompleteness of Content

A discussion started by Matzeeh reveals a common feeling that the latest FIFA game isn’t as good as previous versions. He missed having the 99 Mbappe last year and expressed discontent about delays in releasing powerful cards like VVD and special Euro cards. This sentiment reflects a broader dissatisfaction among players, who feel that excitement for the upcoming season is at an all-time low. Creepy-Escape796 put it succinctly when he said, “They’re taking away the fun from this game so you buy the next one,” expressing the frustration of those who feel manipulated into eager anticipation for the next release rather than being satisfied with the current game’s offerings.

The Price of Anticipation

Despite some notable cards being missing, FIFA enthusiasts haven’t let their enthusiasm wane significantly. The game’s creator, recognizing the reasoning behind the lack of a 99 Mbappe card, pointed out that since a 98 version has already been released, there wouldn’t be much benefit in introducing an even higher card. This viewpoint hints at players who comprehend the financial aspects of releasing numerous high-value cards. In today’s gaming world, where many players have grown skeptical about microtransactions and endless packs, such thoughts underscore a complex grasp of how game development intertwines with monetization. However, this situation prompts us to ponder: when does eager expectation transform into palpable annoyance?

The Infinite Cycle

The discussion within the thread indicates a community struggling with a recurring pattern of disillusionment and anticipation. User JG_2214 noted that Electronic Arts (EA) might be trying to keep players engaged until Football Club 25 is released, hinting that delayed card releases could serve a tactical purpose. This observation implies that EA may be playing a long game, perhaps compromising current player happiness for future loyalty. Commenter kozy8805 added some humor, saying “and this year we have 99 Ronaldo, and plenty of other cards,” implying that while players may desire specific cards, there’s still an abundance of skill in the game. This shows that even with frustrations, there are still enjoyable aspects amid the confusion over missing cards.

The Fan’s Perspective

Frequently, players express dissatisfaction because they feel overlooked or disregarded by corporations like EA. SabiaNz’s straightforward remark, “If enough people pay for crap, don’t be surprised when you get served crap,” encapsulates a rising sentiment among the gaming community – they are fed up with subpar quality offerings. This straightforwardness highlights the fans’ desire for better interaction and involvement from the company. The discussion thread demonstrates a vigilant community that cares not only about the gameplay aspects but also about the ethical considerations of game launches. The expectation for companies to prioritize player engagement and satisfaction is evident, signaling a change in consumer behavior where players are not just customers, but a community advocating for accountability.

In summary, discussions about FIFA’s pre-season card releases provide a clear snapshot of player feelings. While some appreciate what they get, a large portion of the community feels disappointed, missing the usual excitement this season typically brings. This post underlines the delicate balance between excitement and frustration that EA needs to keep in mind when planning future releases. As each new edition approaches and every heart full of hope beats stronger within the player community, the question persists: how can EA sail through these choppy waters, ensuring even the most restless fans stay invested until the next installment of the FIFA story unfolds?

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2024-09-08 05:59