League of Legends Patch 14.17: Unleashing the Bugs – What Players Are Experiencing After the Update

As a seasoned Summoner with countless hours spent within the mystical lands of Runeterra, I must say that Patch 14.17 has been quite the rollercoaster ride. It seems that every time I log in to face my foes, there’s a new glitch waiting to throw a wrench into my strategies. The loading screen, once a peaceful moment to gather my thoughts before battle, now stands as a formidable obstacle that threatens to keep me from my games.

In the latest update, Patch 14.17 for League of Legends, new balance adjustments and unanticipated technical issues were introduced. Following the patch, a user named ‘ahritina’ initiated a Bug MegaThread to consolidate reports about unexpected problems that arose from the update. This strategy intends to simplify bug reporting, prevent an onslaught of scattered complaints, and allow players to verify similar experiences. Consequently, this makes it more straightforward for Riot to trace and fix these bugs. The feedback from gamers presents a clear image of annoyance, combined with some wit and detective work as they grapple with game-changing glitches

Patch 14.17 Bug Megathread
byu/ahritina inleagueoflegends


  • Players are reporting a variety of bugs, particularly game freezes and crashes during loading screens.
  • Many users have identified potential fixes, leading to community-driven solutions for common issues.
  • Despite the frustrations, there is a humorous undertone as players share their mishaps and bug experiences.
  • Riot is taking note of these reports as players creatively contribute to a better understanding of the buggy situation.

Frustration on the Loading Screen

The loading screen is a sacred time for Summoners; it’s the moment before you jump into the fray and desperately try to stay calm before unleashing your inner beast. Unfortunately, many players have found this period disrupted following Patch 14.17. User ‘trist4r’ shared their horror story: “My game keeps freezing during loading screen after the 14.17 patch. I have not been able to enter any game yet (league or TFT). Did not happen yesterday or anytime before.” The community echoed similar sentiments, with many experiencing the loading screen freeze, described as a majestic yet dastardly monster preventing them from connecting to their games. Users like ‘KinglyLion’ reported that they experienced freezing and unresponsiveness at an alarming rate. They humorously detailed their loading screen plight: “The loading screen completes and game starts… or doesn’t. How do I get my summoner fix when League says ‘no’?”

Creative Workarounds from Fellow Summoners

During tough situations, the League community is well-known for joining forces to come up with imaginative workarounds. For example, ‘trist4r’ came up with a solution when they suggested, “Edit: Solution for the problem: Navigate to your config folder, open PersistedSettings.json and adjust the chat size back to something positive.” It was chat configurations that caused trouble for many when they tried to alter them carelessly in an attempt to suppress chatter – who would have thought chat could disrupt our cherished game? ‘KinglyLion’ then added their own insight, explaining how they resolved the issue: “I fixed this by removing the chatscale = -100 from my config… it seems this is causing issues since the last update.” This teamwork helps alleviate frustration, demonstrating the community’s determination and adaptability

Replays: A Buggy Downward Spiral

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Bug Reports Going Nowhere? Not Quite!

In the Bug Mega-Discussion, opinions vary widely. Some posts express annoyance or amusement, while others maintain optimism that developers will resolve these problems. Amongst the chaos, ‘Raizen1337’ pinpointed a minor yet aggravating adjustment: the reordering of Summoner’s Rift 5V5 game types, which could lead players to inadvertently join Ranked Flex instead of Solo Queue. It’s heartening to see players discover bugs in areas they never thought could be bugged. As players navigate through patch updates, they enthusiastically share their stories while also working together to keep the developers informed. The Mega-Discussion functions as a unifying platform for addressing bug issues, helping both players and Riot work collaboratively to analyze player experiences and avoid having them lost amidst scattered comments

As a gamer immersed in the world of League of Legends, I’ve come to appreciate the unique spirit that permeates this game. Despite the chaos, it’s clear we’re all part of a community determined to keep the fun alive. We laugh off our wins and losses, treating each gaming session as an unpredictable adventure filled with glitches and bugs

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2024-09-05 11:47