Star Wars Outlaws (SWO) - Toshara, Kijimi, Tatooine and Akiva Maps

In Star Wars: Episode III – Planet Vault Keycard

Star Wars Outlaws (SWO) – Toshara, Kijimi, Tatooine, Akiva Maps

We have prepared 4 interactive maps presenting main planets, you can find them below:

  1. Toshara – technically it is not a planet, but a moon covered with savannah. It is still an important location.
  2. Kijimi – once you are free to roam the space, you should visit this snowy planet.
  3. Tatooine – if you are a Star Wars fan, we don’t have to tell you how iconic this planet is. A good place to stop for a minute.
  4. Akiva – while we all probably would like to visit Kashyyyk, Wookiee homeworld, Akiva is the next best thing, as it is covered with jungles.

What to Expect from our Star Wars Outlaws Interactive maps

  1. Collectibles – tired of looking for all these secrets? We’ve got you covered.
  2. Treasure and Nix Treasure – gathering precious items was never so easy.
  3. Merchants – we all know that they are sometimes needed.
  4. Quests – you will not miss anything with us.
  5. Intel – sometimes a mission starts with nothing more than a hint or a rumor.
  6. Fast Travel – if your legs hurt, teleport.
  7. Points of Interest – there are many locations waiting to be explored.
  8. Minigames – are you bored?

and more.

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2024-09-03 16:31