Gaming News: Gearbox’s Risk of Rain 2 Expansion Faces Major Backlash on Steam

As a seasoned gamer who has been around the block more times than I care to remember, I can’t help but feel disheartened by the recent turn of events with Risk of Rain 2. This game was once a shining beacon of indie brilliance, and now it seems to have fallen into the wrong hands.

The narrative of gaming news has shifted, with enthusiasts of the well-liked indie game, Risk of Rain 2, expressing their dissatisfaction regarding Gearbox’s recent update, the Seekers of the Storm expansion. They have voiced their concerns that the PC version of the game is struggling, prompting a surge of criticism on Steam. Since Hopoo Games handed over the title to Gearbox Software, many fans feel betrayed and disillusioned, as problems with the game are threatening its cherished reputation. The gamers’ responses have ranged from dismay to fury, sparking debates about the decisions made by the developers.

Gearbox’s first Risk of Rain 2 expansion gets hammered on Steam as developer admits the PC version ‘is in a really bad place’
byu/PrinceDizzy ingaming


  • Many players are disillusioned with Gearbox’s handling of the Risk of Rain 2 expansion, citing specific gameplay issues.
  • Frustrations center around technical problems, including frame rate issues tied to game physics.
  • The overall sentiment is largely negative, with numerous comparisons to the previous quality of Hopoo Games.
  • Disappointment is prevalent, with many blaming Gearbox for damaging the franchise’s reputation.

Player Backlash

The mood among players of Risk of Rain 2 has become quite negative after the Seekers of the Storm update, as they’ve encountered significant physics problems linked to the game’s frame rate. One player expressed their frustration by saying, “It seems that the Seekers of the Storm update has connected Risk of Rain 2’s physics systems to its frame rate,” highlighting the negative impact on gameplay. Players have voiced their concerns across various platforms, with some stating that these issues aren’t limited to the new expansion but affect the core game as well. The disappointment among fans is heightened due to Gearbox’s reputation; they feel that this once beloved indie game is now in the hands of a company known for mishandling cherished franchises.

Declining Reputation

Over time, there’s been a growing dissatisfaction among the public towards Gearbox Software, but the latest expansion seems to have been a tipping point that sparked widespread criticism. Players have flooded online forums and comment sections, expressing shock over what they perceive as poor management of the title. One user exclaimed, “It’s just like Gearbox to drop the ball on such an easy win,” highlighting missed chances for the studio to engage their fanbase and enhance the game. The sentiment among commenters varies from anger to irony, with one user sarcastically remarking, “Does this mess affect my game even if I don’t buy the DLC?” indicating a concern that these problems could impact everyone who appreciates Risk of Rain 2, regardless of whether they purchase the expansion. As negative reviews pile up, the community’s calls to honor the game’s legacy have become intense and heartfelt.

Developer Responsibility

1. The transition of Hopoo Games’ development team is facing a lot of criticism as fans reflect on their original concept for the game. A common sentiment among users, like “Hopoo created one of the greatest indie games ever, only to tarnish its reputation and legacy by selling it to one of the worst gaming companies,” suggests a feeling of betrayal. Many players assume that Hopoo’s thoughtful design decisions were overlooked due to Gearbox’s more commercially-driven approach. With quiet hopes that their original developers could have preserved the game’s essence, fans are now doubting whether Gearbox can bring any creativity or even stability to the Risk of Rain series. As each week goes by and more negative reviews pile up, players are left questioning if the game they loved has been altered forever.

Looking Ahead

Although the initial release faced severe criticism and underperformance, there remains a flicker of optimism within the gaming community. Some enthusiasts believe that Gearbox Studios may have a chance to rectify the situation with prompt updates and fixes. One user even expressed hope that “If Gearbox can turn things around, they’ll find a lot of understanding from the community.” However, the road ahead seems challenging, as many are urging caution until Gearbox provides a substantial response. As conversations about responsibility and the standing of Risk of Rain 2 continue, fans eagerly await Gearbox’s reaction to this backlash. The way they manage feedback and address ongoing issues could either restore their reputation or deepen the community’s concerns about the game’s future.

The strong backlash against Gearbox’s handling of the Risk of Rain 2 expansion illustrates a critical lesson for game developers: maintaining a loyal fanbase requires consistent respect for the product’s origins and a commitment to quality. As developers push boundaries with expansions, they must remember that players cherish the original as it was created, and any detrimental changes can have significant consequences. Only time will tell if Gearbox can win back the hearts of the dedicated Risk of Rain 2 players, but given the community’s current mood, they’ve got a mountain to climb. The risk now lies with Gearbox to find their footing in a landscape filled with disappointed gamers, striving to regain the trust that seems to have slipped away all too quickly.

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2024-08-31 17:28