Best Perks in Black Ops 6 Beta

As a seasoned veteran of the Call of Duty battlefield, I must say that the Combat Specialties in Black Ops 6 are nothing short of game-changers. Each one offers unique advantages tailored to suit different playstyles, and my personal favorite has always been the Enforcer (Red). The temporary buff to movement speed and HP regeneration after eliminating enemies is just too enticing to resist!

In the gameplay of Call of Duty, particularly Black Ops 6, Perks play an essential role within the Create-a-Class system and custom loadout construction. Not all Perks are created equal; some stand out more than others and tend to be favored by many players in their optimal setups.

Best Perks to use in Black Ops 6 Beta

If you’ve played earlier versions of Call of Duty, you might recognize that a loadout typically included three slots for Perks, each offering a distinct set of abilities to select from. This structure remains in Black Ops 6, as they’re reintroducing the classic Perk system with some modifications. Here are my suggestions for optimal perks for each slot.

Best Perk 1 in Black Ops 6 Beta

  1. Flak Jacket (unlocks at level 8)
    • A classic perk that reduces the damage you take from explosives and fire. Flak Jacket can help you tank Lethal Equipment like Frag Grenades and Semtex by significantly absorbing their effect. Furthermore, you can even survive rocket encounters if an enemy fires an RPG round at you unless it’s a direct hit.
  2. Tac Mask (unlocks at level 24)
    • This perk gives you resistance to certain enemy Tactical Equipment like Flashbangs and Concussions; and the Neurogas Field Upgrade. While the Trophy System is a good tool to keep off enemy projectiles, it’s only available for a limited time; hence making Tac Mask important.
  3. Ghost (unlocks at level 12)
    • With Ghost equipped, you will not show up on the enemy’s minimap when they have a UAV active. This only works while you’re moving, planting, defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks; so don’t stay still. You’re also undetectable by Prox Alarm with this perk.
  4. Scavenger (unlocks at level 21)
    • Scavenger allows you to resupply ammo and equipment from eliminated enemies. If you have this perk selected, there is no need to run the Assault Pack Field Upgrade.

In Black Ops 6, the footsteps of Ninja aren’t excessively loud as one might expect in a Call of Duty Multiplayer game. You can hear enemies when they’re near, but not from a distance. While it’s nice to have the option to choose Ninja, other perks would be more beneficial for you.

Best Perk 2 in Black Ops 6 Beta

  1. Gung-Ho (unlocks at level 5)
    • Gung-Ho reduces movement hindrances when reloading your weapon or using an equipment. Moreover, you can reload while tactical sprinting, which means no need to stop running just to change your magazine.
  2. Dexterity (unlocks at level 14)
    • With Dexterity, your weapon stays steadier and doesn’t move much while jumping, sliding, and diving. This significantly improves weapon stability, hence your accuracy, and lets you utilize the omnimovement mechanics of Black Ops 6 maximally. You also take less fall damage, therefore, you can jump off higher surfaces without taking as much damage.
  3. Forward Intel (unlocks at level 26)
    • Being able to read and utilize the minimap data is crucial while playing tactically and Forward Intel helps you with that. With this Perk equipped, the minimap area is increased and you can see the direction in which the revealed enemies are looking.
  4. Fast Hands (unlocks at level 22)
    • Fast Hands allows you to swap weapons faster and extends the fuse timer when throwing back a Frag Grenade sent by an enemy.

Best Perk 3 in Black Ops 6 Beta

  1. Quartermaster (pre-unlocked)
    • The Quartermaster perk recharges your Tactical and Lethal Equipment over time. This means you can use multiple equipment in the same life without having to replenish using an Assault Pack or Scavenger.
  2. Vigilance (unlocks at level 6)
    • When you appear on enemy minimaps, you’ll get an indicator on your HUD telling you that you’ve been spotted. You’ll also be immune to CUAVs, Scramblers, and enemies using the Sleeper Agent Field Upgrade.
  3. Bankroll (unlocks at level 15)
    • Bankroll gives you a 150 score at the start of each life so you have to work a little less toward earning the Scorestreaks.

I wanted to list Double Time here as well as it increases the tactical sprint duration, however, in Black Ops 6 I’ve noticed there isn’t much speed difference when you sprint and tactical sprint. This reduces the usefulness of the Double Time Perk.

Yearly, the developers introduce minor yet significant adjustments to the Perk system. In Black Ops 6, they’ve introduced Combat Specialty and a recurring aspect called Wildcards. Here’s an explanation of how these functions operate, along with top recommendations for constructing an optimal Multiplayer setup.

Best Combat Specialties in Black Ops 6 Beta

In the Perks menu, you may have spotted that the choices are highlighted with distinct colors. This is the Combat Specialization aspect, and it offers three different categories to choose from.

  • Enforcer (Red): Eliminate enemies to get a temporary buff to movement speed and HP regeneration.
  • Recon (Blue): Opponents appear through walls briefly after you respawn. Furthermore, your HUD edge will flash yellow when an enemy outside your view spots you (like the High Alert Perk).
  • Strategist (Green): Earn bonus points for completing objectives and destroying enemy equipment. You can see enemy equipment through walls. Moreover, the speed of deploying equipment and Field Upgrades is improved.

If you arrange your Perks so that the same color is assigned to all three slots, a bonus skill called Combat Specialty will be automatically added to your loadout. Each of the three Combat Specialties is potent and evenly balanced; however, I’d personally pick Enforcer. To help you acquire these Combat Specialties, here are some suggested Perk combinations:

Combat SpecialtyPerk 1Perk 2Perk 3
Enforcer (Red)ScavengerGung-Ho / DexterityBankroll
Recon (Blue)GhostForward IntelVigilance
Strategist (Green)Flak Jacket / Tac MaskFast HandsQuartermaster

Best Wildcards in Black Ops 6 Beta

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Wildcards function much like Perks, and they’re customizable add-ons you can include in your combat setup. Here are some Wildcards I frequently opt for:

  1. Perk Greed: Allows you to equip an extra Perk. If you’re torn between two options, just equip this Wildcard and you can equip both Perks in your loadout.
  2. Overkill: Normally, you can equip a gun in your primary weapon slot and a melee in the secondary one. With Overkill, you can equip two guns at once, one as your primary and the other as secondary.
  3. Gunfighter: With Gunfighter Wildcard, you can equip up to three more attachments on your weapon. This means you can have a total of eight attachments on your gun instead of five.

For more on Call of Duty, check out All maps and modes in Black Ops 6 Beta on GamerTop.

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2024-08-31 15:21