Why Holding Up to Heal in Apex Legends is a Recipe for Disasters

As a seasoned gamer with decades under my belt, I can wholeheartedly relate to AjuntaPaul’s friend and his peculiar healing habits in Apex Legends. In my early gaming days, I was that guy who would manually select each and every healing item while my opponents were already respawning. The learning curve is a steep one, but it’s also the most rewarding part of the journey.

Apex Legends has created a vibrant community of players who often share their gaming experiences, and recently one Reddit user posted about a rather peculiar habit of a friend who plays the game on Xbox. The post, shared by user AjuntaPaul, highlighted the friend’s reluctance to adapt to more efficient healing mechanics in the game, opting instead for a laborious task of manually selecting healing items. This post struck a chord with many players, as it not only showcased a funny anecdote but also opened up a broader discussion about learning curves and in-game mechanics. Throughout the comments, the sentiment ranged from relatable laughter to competitive banter, reflecting on how every player has their own journey in mastering the game.

Friend of mine literally does this on Xbox…says it’s “easier”
byu/AjuntaPaul inapexlegends


  • The post discusses a player’s slow healing process in Apex Legends, humorously leading to repeated deaths.
  • Users shared their own embarrassing gaming moments and discussed healing strategies.
  • The comments revealed a mix of compassion, teasing, and absurdity surrounding learning curves in gaming.
  • Many suggested alternative methods for quicker healing to enhance gameplay.

The Healing Dilemma

The main point discussed in the initial post revolves around how a friend approaches healing in the game Apex Legends, as they often take four lengthy seconds to choose the appropriate healing item from their inventory, causing some difficulty. This predicament resonated with other players, who remembered similar struggles during their early gaming days. For example, one user reflected, “I was so baffled when I first started playing! I’d drop at random and just drift while everyone else sped past me.” This shared nostalgia of navigating initial game confusion created a connecting moment among gamers as they reminisced about overcoming their own beginner missteps. It underscores the idea that everyone experiences a learning curve, and it might take some time to adapt to Apex Legends’ complex mechanics.

Confessions of Gamers

As the viral post gained traction, the comments area became a bustling hub of confessions and cheerful recollections. One player jokingly admitted, “I used to heal by picking items from the inventory screen instead of using hotkeys! How did I manage to survive that way?” Another agreed, reflecting on how experienced players like Hal also have their peculiarities with equipment, reminding us of the human aspect in gaming. This community is brimming with stories of players bumbling through their initial levels, which fosters a camaraderie born from shared experiences of stumbles. It seems there’s an unwritten code among gamers—they often learn the most by trial and error, or as demonstrated by AjuntaPaul’s friend, a lengthy period of contemplation.

Strategies Are Everything

The initial post sparked conversations about quick healing techniques in the game. Various participants added their insights, such as linking healing to the controller’s bumpers instead of manually selecting items. An excited player exclaimed, “Why use the up button, just press RB with your thumb!” This approach could enhance a player’s performance on the battlefield, showing that proficiency in controls and hotkeys can transform gameplay significantly. However, the humor of the situation isn’t missed by anyone—it underscores the fact that learning the game’s mechanics is an adventure, complete with victories, laughter, and everything in between for both newbies and veterans alike.

The Joy of Learning Together

<pThe sentiment resonating throughout the Reddit thread encompasses not just the challenges of learning the game but also the enjoyment derived from these shared challenges. Many commenters commiserated and supported each other’s learning phases, showcasing how games like Apex Legends provide connections far beyond competition. One comment, illuminatingly funny, stated, “I feel like this is mocking me because my up button on my controller started acting drunk yesterday!” The light-hearted nature of the thread contrasts with the competitive spirit often associated with battle royale games. It goes to show that gaming not only involves skills but also creating memories together with the community, marking the highs, lows, and pitiful quirks.

Exploring humor and camaraderie while discussing topics like healing highlights these instances. The connection formed here underscores the fundamental concept that gaming is all about savoring the adventure and personal development. The next time you encounter someone grappling with an allegedly straightforward mechanic, recall that everyone needed to learn initially—even if it meant pausing for a brief moment during intense combat!

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2024-08-31 06:58