League of Legends Players Voice Frustration Over Lack of Event Rewards

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I can wholeheartedly relate to the sentiments expressed by Vaalnys and many others within the League of Legends community. For years, I’ve witnessed the evolution of games and their business models, from the golden age of arcade gaming to the modern era of free-to-play titles like LoL.

For quite some time now, League of Legends has been a significant part of the gaming world, captivating players with its intricate gameplay and diverse collection of champions. Yet, a post from user Vaalnys has sparked a heated argument within the community about Riot’s approach to rewards during events. The post poses the question as to why players are frequently given meager rewards like masterwork chests and keys on special occasions. It proposes that even small rewards could significantly increase player happiness and involvement. With numerous fans expressing disappointment, this discussion reflects a broader sentiment that the passion for the game isn’t being matched with appropriate compensation, leading to feelings of annoyance and disenchantment.

Why riot is so scared to reward us with chest and key during events?
byu/Vaalnys inleagueoflegends


  • Players feel that Riot Games is prioritizing profits over player satisfaction by offering fewer rewards.
  • A variety of players from the subreddit voiced their agreement with Vaalnys’s frustrations.
  • Many comments highlight the growing sentiment that the company seems ‘greedy’ rather than ‘scared’ when designing the reward systems.
  • Discussion touches on the balance between free content in the game and the need for Riot to maintain revenue through sales.

The Urgency of Player Rewards

Vaalnys’ initial post advocates for a more rewarding system during League of Legends tournaments, recognizing the fervor of the gaming community. The absence of appealing rewards seems to echo a common sentiment: players yearn for acknowledgement. Essentially, minor enhancements, like offering a masterwork chest for participating in events, could significantly boost player satisfaction. User ‘Yasuchika’ expressed a perspective that resonated differently with others, stating bluntly, “They’re not scared, they’re greedy.” This statement underscores a growing discontent within the community, suggesting that Riot’s objectives may not align with the players’ wishes, leading to growing skepticism regarding the company’s true intentions.

Greed vs. Fear: The Real Reason Behind Reward Decisions

As a devoted fan, I find myself aligning with the perspective that Riot Games might not be fearful about rewarding players, but rather keen on boosting profitability. A thought-provoking comment from ‘zulumoner’ sheds light on this, stating, “Who is scared? They know that people buy more when given a key or chest. Give them both, and they stop spending.” This viewpoint casts the discussion in the context of a fundamental business principle—companies will continue to distribute rewards if it fosters additional spending. In the case of League of Legends, it seems we’re caught in the middle of a fascinating tug-of-war between the yearning for fair rewards and the economic aspects of game design.

Expectations and Reality in Free Content

In free-to-play games like League of Legends, striking a balance between satisfying fans and ensuring profitability is crucial. The idea that offering more rewards can boost revenue significantly is a key point raised by many players, as seen in comments such as those from ‘PM_some_PMs’, who pointed out that “this game is free; Riot is a business”. Understanding the capitalist nature of the company helps explain why fans might feel their requests are sometimes ignored. However, the task is to maintain this balance without undermining the fun that keeps players hooked, as continued dissatisfaction could lead to a cycle of frustration if unaddressed.

The Impacts of Community Reactions

<pThe discussions emerging from Vaalnys’s post shine a light on the dynamic relationship between Riot Games and its community. Players engaging in this dialogue are not aiming to tear down Riot but instead express their desire for better interactions and experiences while playing League of Legends. The range of comments reflects a layered emotional response, where players articulate feelings of disillusionment, humor, and a hint of playful sarcasm. There’s a shared understanding among users, as one aptly stated, “Just give me chests tbh. 10+ keys and increasing…” indicating the players’ readiness to appreciate even modest gestures of goodwill. By walking the line between criticism and loyalty, the community displays passion that could potentially guide Riot in making changes that foster a more vibrant in-game culture.

In essence, the continuous conversation about rewards in League of Legends underscores a vital principle in gaming: the interaction between developers and players is reciprocal. Although Riot Games has excelled in crafting an extraordinary gaming experience, their continued success hinges on their ability to resonate with the feelings of their dedicated fanbase. By offering fair rewards during events, they could foster long-term advantages, suggesting that more gifts like chests and keys might cultivate a more harmonious and content gaming community.

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2024-08-30 18:13