Destiny 2 Players Demand More Artifact Perks: Community Reactions Explored

As a seasoned Destiny 2 player with countless hours invested in the rich tapestry of its lore and gameplay, I find myself empathizing deeply with the sentiments expressed by the community regarding the artifact perk system. My first character was built meticulously, each perk carefully chosen to reflect my playstyle—and now, it seems, that very same freedom has been curtailed.

Players of Destiny 2 are experiencing a blend of annoyance and motivation to improve as they vent on Reddit, voicing their issues about the present artifact perk system. A post from user ‘xqx-RAMPAGE-xpx’ ignited debate concerning the restricted nature of artifact perks, suggesting, “if you’re going to introduce more artifact perks, also add more levels for it.” This suggestion has struck a chord with many, sparking an extensive discussion about the requirement for more versatility in character builds and perk options. The general tone of the post expresses discontent with the existing mechanics, with numerous comments sharing similar concerns while some offer differing viewpoints.

Bungie. please.
byu/xqx-RAMPAGE-xpx indestiny2


  • The current artifact perk system is seen as overly restrictive by many players, leading to calls for increased flexibility.
  • Some players appreciate limited perks as a way to make meaningful choices, while others feel it hinders their gameplay experience.
  • Users are asking for the ability to save artifact configurations with their loadouts, simplifying gameplay adjustments.
  • There’s a split among the community about the need for more artifact perks, with some labeling it an unnecessary change.

The Core Concern: Limited Choices

The main point and subsequent discussions within this post reveal a substantial issue among Destiny 2 gamers: the scarcity of artifact perk choices they have to work with. Many players argue that as more perks are added, Bungie should also enhance the number of active perks in a player’s setup. ‘Redneck_By_Default’ expressed this thought, stating “Limiting us to 12 perks means we need to be choosy about which ones we want, and it implies that our decisions matter,” showing they appreciate having choices—as long as they don’t come at the cost of enjoyable gameplay. The dissatisfaction is evident, as players desire more immersive and creative interaction with their builds but feel constrained by an outdated system that fails to adapt with the game’s progression.

The Push for Loadout Integration

A frequent topic in discussions revolves around the wish for improved management of character loadouts. At present, players must retrace their steps to alter their artifact abilities, an action that can be time-consuming and repetitive. User ‘Bull671’ voiced this frustration by saying, “I’m getting a bit fed up with resetting builds,” echoing a widespread desire for user-friendly options. The suggestion of creating a feature where artifact abilities are automatically saved with loadouts could help bridge the gap in player engagement, making gameplay smoother and allowing for swift adjustments when players decide to switch their gear. This seems to be a shared aspiration among many users, who propose that integrating artifact abilities into the loadout system would be an obvious choice if Bungie aims to keep hardcore gamers engaged.

The Balancing Act of Power and Choice

It’s worth noting that certain gamers believe that the restriction on perks isn’t a disadvantage, but instead, it promotes thoughtful gameplay decisions. For example, ‘Liquidwombat’ stated, “The aim isn’t to make you stronger. It’s to provide more options so that more players can experiment with diverse builds.” This viewpoint highlights the delicate balance Bungie needs to maintain: providing enough power to excite players while ensuring each option is significant enough for strategic engagement. However, many gamers argue that the current system discourages exploration and instead pushes players towards specific setups that might not align with their preferred playstyle.

The Divide: Necessity vs. Luxury

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that there’s quite a split within our gaming community regarding whether or not it’s essential to include more perks in the game. On one hand, Deku920 pointed out an unpopular view that you don’t necessarily need 15 active artifact perks at once. However, some of us believe that selecting a handful of meaningful perks adds layers of depth and challenge to the gameplay experience. Conversely, others argue that the current system is restrictive, leaving players with fewer opportunities to fully experiment with various build options. This stark divide showcases the predicament Bungie finds itself in, trying to cater to both groups while also coming up with balanced solutions that respect our freedom to play without overwhelming us.

In summary, the continuous talks about Destiny 2’s artifact perks highlight a devoted community yearning for both innovation and careful design. As players express their apprehensions and aspirations, there is optimism that Bungie will pay heed to this feedback, reworking the gameplay to balance nostalgic freedom with exciting new opportunities. This input from the community serves not only as a mirror of complaints but also as a rich source of future ideas for Destiny 2. As this conversation persists, players eagerly anticipate that their beloved space odyssey will grow in a manner that boosts enjoyment and versatility for all Guardians.

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2024-08-30 05:13