Exploring Base Pals in Palworld: Strategies and Insights from Players

As a seasoned gamer with over 20 years under my belt, I’ve seen countless games come and go, each with its own unique charm and challenges. Palworld, however, has managed to capture my heart (and processor) with its whimsical blend of creature-catching adventure and survival gameplay. The recent Reddit post by Kator_88 sparked a lively discussion that reminded me of the early days of Pokémon, where we’d gather around forums to share our strategies and tips.

In simpler terms, Palworld – a delightful mix of creature-collecting adventure and survival gaming – encourages players to tinker with different aspects to optimize their playtime enjoyment. A Reddit post by user Kator_88 ignited a vibrant conversation about expanding the number of pets (or ‘pals’) that can be kept at bases. Essentially, the post asked if anyone had successfully boosted the pals’ limits at bases and, if yes, how many they found effective to manage. The discussion, triggered by this seemingly basic query, brought forth a variety of personal tactics and knowledge about the game’s inner workings.

Has anyone increased pals at bases?
byu/Kator_88 inPalworld


  • Players report various increases in the number of pals at their bases, showcasing a balance between performance and efficiency.
  • The feedback highlights a mix between optimizing base configurations and balancing computer performance.
  • Community members share insights on personal preferences, with some opting for specialized bases over increasing pals at a single location.
  • Concerns over performance issues related to hardware capabilities also emerged, affecting how many pals can be utilized effectively.

Players’ Collective Wisdom on Pals Limits

The responses from players provided an impressive range of perspectives regarding how many pals to have at bases. User cobalt_phantom noted, “I can’t remember if I increased mine to 20 or 25, but it has been useful for my multifunctional bases.” This reveals that many players are not just increasing the number of pals for the sake of it, but are doing so thoughtfully to enhance their overall gameplay experience. Using pals in multifunctional ways adds depth to the game, allowing for more strategic planning and execution in various tasks.

Specialization vs. Localization

Ambivadox introduced an intriguing perspective into the discussion with their tactic: “I decided to expand the number of stations, rather than simply boosting the number of allies at each station.” Many participants found this concept appealing as it suggests diversifying strategies by increasing the number of stations instead of allies per base. This specialized approach creates distinct environments catering to specific functions, which some believe contributes to a more organized and less confusing gameplay.

Performance Balance: More Pals, More Problems?

As a fellow gaming enthusiast, I’ve noticed that many users have talked about their hardware experiences when they increase the number of pals. TrevorLM76 admitted, “I run 50 pals on one mega base, and while my computer is good, it does struggle if I move the camera too quickly while mounted.” This suggests that a gamer’s hardware plays a significant role in managing how many pals they can handle effectively. It seems that while some gamers like to push it up to 50 pals, this often leads to technical issues like frame drops or freezes.

Personal Preferences and Motivation

The discussion eventually reached a point where players shared their individual preferences for customizing game settings and the rationale behind them. User No_Luck_701 expressed, “I doubled mine to 30. I find it not too overwhelming and quite productive.” This sentiment shows that players strive for a mix of difficulty and control in their gaming experience. Some players flourish in crowded environments, while others prefer a more structured approach.

In essence, players of Palworld demonstrate a versatile and strategic method when it comes to handling their pals at bases. The diverse tactics and wisdom expressed in the initial post highlight a recurring pattern: players aim not only for higher figures but also for enhancing their gameplay experience in terms of enjoyment, productivity, and success. By pooling their individual experiences, the community weaves an intricate pattern of knowledge, ultimately leading towards maximizing their time in the magical realm of Palworld.

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2024-08-29 04:13