Bad Monkey’s Eve Reveal Made Meredith Hagner Go ‘Holy Shit’

As an actress who has delved deep into the twisted mind of Eve, I can confidently say that her life story is as intriguing as it is tragic. The lack of attention and validation from her family has shaped her into the self-centered, manipulative woman we see on screen. Yet, there’s a glimmer of what could have been a kind, loving person if circumstances had been different.

Spoilers ahead for this week’s episode of Bad Monkey.

In this fourth installment of “Bad Monkey,” the narrative takes on a laid-back, Columbo-esque beach vibe. The episode titled “Nothing’s Wrong With It, I Just Don’t Need It Anymore” gradually reveals that Eve, portrayed by Meredith Hagner, is the sinister mastermind of this tale. This revelation occurs as we delve into her past, where she first encountered Nick (Rob Delaney) in a Miami nightclub as a shot girl. Her aspirations for acting were dashed, and instead, she found solace in Nick’s undivided attention and financial support from his fraudulent Medicare business. However, when the authorities began asking questions about their illicit activities, Eve’s true nature surfaced. She suggested that Nick should fake his death by amputating an arm rather than just two fingers, a suggestion she deemed as “lame” because people have done similar things to get a free sandwich at a deli.

We could maybe excuse the arm thing, but as her favorite book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, foretold, our gal can’t stop. Soon she’s advising Nick to kill off every loose end that may expose their secrets, including his best friend and accomplice (Zach Braff). Hell, she’ll even do some murdering herself if need be, so don’t you dare try to confront her in a parking garage with some “me not we” bullshit. And in a perfect world, her stepdaughter would be dead, too. “She’s someone who’s a textbook sociopath. She feels no empathy and she’s only out to protect herself,” Hagner says. “She’s in survival mode.”

I’m thrilled to hear about your feelings upon encountering this script and discovering the depth of Eve’s character. When Bill Lawrence picked you for the role, he sent over just the pilot script initially. The character is more expansive in the series than she was in Carl Hiaasen’s book. Even if I had been content with a minor part in the show, receiving the pilot script felt like a hint of a larger tale to unfold. When I got the script for this episode, I was blown away, thinking, Wow! This is an incredible gift for any actor — a rare opportunity. This level of writing doesn’t come around too often. It was quite surprising how grand it was. Admittedly, it’s a bit daunting as I portray such a malevolent character.

What made you feel apprehensive or nervous about this role?

In the character development I’ve crafted for Eve, it appears that her behavior stems from a background marked by severe adversity. This includes a difficult upbringing, which I’ve depicted through certain scenes and hints. The question arises: Does this past warrant more empathy towards her?

In this episode, I was trying to delve deeper into Eve’s actions and their underlying reasons. Towards the end, Nick queries, “What’s your problem?” To put it another way, what’s driving this woman’s behavior? This question intrigues me as well. Is she a product of her environment or is there an innate factor at play? I see Eve as a blend of both nature and nurture. Her psychopathic tendencies could be genetic, coupled with her backstory, making her a seemingly innocent blonde with cold-blooded actions. Although she’s not inherently evil in my eyes, I believe she considers her actions justified. To make her relatable, I sometimes thought to myself, “Of course we’d kill this person, that’s just survival.” It’s like when someone thinks, “I spilled wine on the rental apartment rug, there’s no way I’m getting my deposit back.” Similarly, she thinks, “We’re going to kill your best friend,” with the same ease. The irony is that she manipulates those around her into thinking her actions are less severe than they actually are.

When Eve encounters Nick at the club, she makes a remark suggesting she’s been longing for recognition. This could explain why she takes a liking to Nick, but it raises questions about the depth of their connection that might not be immediately apparent. Could she genuinely love him?

At first, the pure aspect of herself finds herself drawn to him due to his embodiment of goodness — How enchanting this kind soul is! — However, their relationship soon takes a turn for the worse. Both of them crave attention yet feign indifference; receiving recognition from someone stirs an irresistible attraction within her. People with narcissistic tendencies often gravitate towards those who can be easily manipulated. Eve swiftly realized that she had the power to control this man.

Working alongside one of the funniest people on Twitter, Rob Delaney, seemed like a delight, yet our interactions on set became increasingly somber as our characters grappled with their failing plan. How did we keep things light when the cameras weren’t rolling?

Here’s a possible paraphrasing of your text:

To put it in my own words, I wouldn’t view such an action as a romantic gesture. In my past life as a struggling actor, I often joked that if someone at an audition offered me a role on the condition that I had to amputate my pinkie toe, there were many girls who would do it. But not me. I have principles! If someone were to attempt to chop off their arm for me, I’d swiftly flee towards safety.

The climax of the episode suggests that Eve harbors an intense desire to kill her stepdaughter, Caitlin. This is because Eve feels threatened by Caitlin’s presence in Nick’s life and finds it painful that she has to share him with his daughter, whom Eve finds attractive. Despite trying to conceal it, if given the chance, Eve would kill Caitlin in an instant. She is a skilled manipulator who is determined to keep her secret hidden, which includes ensuring Caitlin’s demise.

“It’s hard to say if there’s anything Eve wouldn’t do given her needs. Throughout the series, we discover she’s quite capable of many things. However, let me stop here and leave you to ponder.”

I’m worried about her dog now.
No spoilers about the dog.

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2024-08-28 22:54