The Real Housewives of Dubai Recap: Links Up

As a seasoned observer of the high-stakes world of reality television, I must say that this latest episode of Dubai Housewives left me feeling a bit underwhelmed, love. It seemed like the cast was scraping the bottom of the barrel for drama, and I couldn’t help but think they were stretching a nothingburger into a full-course meal.

I hate few things more than watching a reality series limp to finish its season order. Despite a general uptick in quality from the ladies this time around, the thin plotline is starting to tear at the seams, and it pains me to see the Dubai girls go out on this note. I mean, arguing over decals and spa services? I know I said I enjoyed the lighter fare, but this feels a bit like grasping at straws.

To summarize, Lesa Milan has organized an event for the group to attend Mina Roe’s new maternal skincare line launch combined with a spa day. It appears that the women were aware of the services being offered beforehand and were willing to support the event. Interestingly, Brooks is now declining her scheduled services due to a supposed conflict with her Glass House spa business, although this seems questionable. However, the gossip continues as the women are criticizing Lesa for promoting her own business at the launch event. It seems that there may be some misunderstanding or exaggeration of the situation, but it has given Brooks an opportunity to become upset. Now, she is offended by what she perceives as a slight from Lesa, who did not ask Glass House to sponsor the spa day. Without explicitly saying so, Lesa seems both thoughtless and disrespectful in this situation.

It’s unfortunate that our attention was diverted from the amusing aspects of the event, such as the women struggling with yoga, Ayan’s wig that needed toning, and the novel belly masks I plan to investigate for my own stretch marks. We could have spent more time appreciating Ayan’s comical yoga poses, but instead, we find ourselves discussing an issue of minor importance – her placing Mina Roe decals on the walls. It seems unlikely that she intended to deceive anyone about the venue, given that everyone there claimed to be regular spa-goers.

Due to the circumstances, I can’t help but understand Lesa’s criticism towards the women at the golf events. To put it simply, if one is going to accuse someone of being tacky, let’s first look at Raffi hosting a Housewives event and then discussing with Brooks about his outburst at her. Nonetheless, they all dress their best for golf (with Ayan in an extravagant feathered gown), bringing their partners along. This season, Saba delivers her most relevant performance yet, supposedly showcasing advanced golf skills at the tee, only to end up humiliating herself and appearing less skilled than even the beginner Ayan. Lesa spends time on the grass trying to decipher the rumors she’s heard, starting with Taleen who falters as soon as a breeze passes by her.

After Taleen verified that Brooks faced a problem, Lesa brought it up during their quick break for drinks. In this instance, the Lesa we’ve come to know all season appears – assertive, unfazed, and somewhat grumpy when provoked. She believes she has reason to raise an eyebrow at Brooks, as she feels her assistance should have been given priority. Not only was Brooks not invited to the spa’s grand opening, but Lesa claims that she doesn’t even use the services herself. Moreover, I believe it’s inappropriate for Brooks to boast about doing Ayan’s wigs. To put it delicately, I don’t think there’s much to be proud of in that regard. Stanbury, overjoyed that the drama doesn’t involve her this time, keeps her champagne glass filled as the girls argue back and forth.

In a surprising turn of events, Taleen, initially timid when questioned privately by Lesa about event problems, later voiced criticism towards Lesa in the group. This act infuriated Lesa so much that she was visibly upset, and Ayan swiftly intervened to support her. It’s astounding that this incident led them not to communicate for an entire year, as until then, despite their occasional disagreements, they had consistently supported each other publicly and kept their petty squabbles private. Recently, Lesa appears more possessive, admitting she felt Ayan was distancing himself and blaming Stanbury. Yet, it’s hard to imagine this is the whole story.

The atmosphere at the drinks didn’t stay peaceful. As the dinner for the couples progressed, with them playing an updated version of the Newlyweds game, old disputes resurfaced once more. Brooks took offense at Ayan’s remark that her behavior stemmed from jealousy, and I don’t believe it was rooted in jealousy, but rather something not grounded in reason — I must admit, I am taken aback by how this group seems to be dwelling on trivial matters. However, we find ourselves back at Taleen and Lesa arguing, with Raffi caught in the middle this time. Taleen is still resentful about Lesa’s insulting remarks towards her at the previous event, and as someone who shares her underemployed status, I can understand her annoyance. Lesa isn’t interested in any form of apology right now, instead remaining offended that they criticized her event rather than offering constructive criticism. It’s the classic Housewives argument because both parties think they’re right, while they’re both a bit misguided for taking it so seriously. The rest of the cast watches on, realizing they are arguing in a public setting over each other’s businesses or lack thereof. I would say they need a bit more self-awareness, but if they already had that, they probably wouldn’t be Housewives.

In summary, despite Lesa’s impressive comeback, the competition took a mediocre turn as we approach the end of the season in Dubai. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the team to finish strong at the finale next week. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Golden Nuggets

It’s intriguing to learn that Stanbury, who was once known as old English money, is half-Jewish and her family adapted their surname from Steinberg post World War II. While I’ve attended a few bar mitzvahs, none quite match the extraordinary efforts Stanbury made for her children.

• It’s equally captivating to see how Stanbury manages her relationship with her mother and finds reconciliation for past shortcomings in their lives. If you’ve followed Ladies of London, you’re aware that Stanbury has a complex family history, and it’s clear she’s carefully nurturing their development instead of criticizing them for past errors. Her mother underscores this when she persistently justifies the lessons learned in boarding school over emotional intelligence. Let’s hope Stanbury doesn’t repeat the same mistakes with her own children, encouraging them to communicate with her at an early age instead.

It seems that Akina continues to offer no emotional, physical, or financial support from Germany, and this situation has left us all surprised and questioning its duration. Nobody, not even her friends, is pressuring Sara to establish a permanent residence here.

Regarding Sara, I must admit I’m taken aback by her nonchalant response to discussing adult matters with her son. Although I’m not a parent myself, I find myself aligning with Lesa’s viewpoint about safeguarding children’s innocence as much as we can. I genuinely hope that the therapy and healing process will be beneficial for her child.

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2024-08-28 21:55