Metaphor: ReFantazaio aims to be among 2024's best RPGs

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of role-playing games under my belt, I must say that Metaphor: ReFantazio has piqued my interest more than any other upcoming RPG in recent memory. The demo I attended was nothing short of captivating, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the world Atlus has created.

Recently, I had a brief encounter with the upcoming game “Metaphor: ReFantazio” during Summer Game Fest in June. Although I was satisfied with my gaming experience, there were several unanswered questions that lingered in my mind. With only 45 minutes to explore, the time was insufficient to fully understand Metaphor’s gameplay mechanics, especially since the time was split among three separate demos.

It’s not surprising that the second encounter was quite distinct. The artwork had caught my attention before, but this time the demo showed significant improvements in both visuals and performance. We were given around 4 hours to explore at our own pace, and the initial part of the event primarily focused on the early stages of the game. Metaphor didn’t waste any time getting you involved; by the end of the first 2-hour session, I had a party of three characters, each with various archetypes, and I had encountered multiple bosses – even an optional dragon. Throughout the journey, you quickly discover the backstory for your main character and why they are linked to the Royal Tournament.

Metaphor: ReFantazaio aims to be among 2024's best RPGs

I’ll skip over the intricate aspects of the plot; even within its early stages, there are suggestions that a seemingly straightforward succession tale could evolve into something more complex. However, the theories derived from such limited exposure are bound to be inadequate. The storyline piqued my interest, but it’s not the primary reason I’m eager to play further – that would be the addictive gameplay mechanics.

In the second part of the prelude, we found ourselves at a later stage, with the grand Royal Tournament already in full swing. We had recently added Heismay to our group, but he still needed to tie up some loose ends before the narrative could move forward. Similar to Persona, there was a time constraint that allowed us to complete additional objectives before being compelled to advance the main story mission. Rather than rushing, I chose to postpone and explore what else the world might offer me. Within the town, numerous side missions were available to take on, but it wasn’t long after starting these tasks when a fellow party member cautioned me about carefully choosing which quests to pursue and in what sequence.

Metaphor: ReFantazaio aims to be among 2024's best RPGs

In contrast to previous Atlus games that subtly explored time management, Metaphor’s gameplay is heavily centered on a more pronounced time management system. Instead of rushing off on a quest directly East from town, it might be wiser to consider the distance, as there may only be one significant point of interest relevant to your objective along the way. Spending time running with the gauntlet could deplete precious moments that could otherwise be utilized more productively, so it’s crucial to ensure you’re fully prepared before embarking and not wasting valuable time on unnecessary activities.

At any given time, there’s an incredible number of secondary tasks available. I chose a mission that sent me from a village towards an old tomb, seeking treasure. During my journey, I encountered another participant in the race, resulting in a fierce battle between us for the prize. Sometimes knowing your goal and destination isn’t enough; you also need to think about what other characters might be doing as well.

Metaphor: ReFantazaio aims to be among 2024's best RPGs

Prior to embarking on my journey, I managed to acquire crucial intel from a broker at the local tavern in the village. This information was vital as it warned me about a unique trait of a formidable boss enemy within the same tomb I chose to challenge. The tomb was teeming with mimics, which can be lethal if not properly prepared for. These creatures have the ability to put you to sleep unless you’re wearing protective equipment, and while they do have vulnerabilities, they can deliver quite a punch – demanding constant vigilance over your party’s status. Fortunately, the intel I bought revealed something not immediately apparent – certain enemies have specific weaknesses to specific Archetypes, and vice versa.

1. Mimics, which are deceitful replicas of treasure chests, have a strong affinity for gold and are often captivated by the Gambler Archetype’s attacks that rely on currency as ammunition; they may choose to skip their turn at random. The main boss of the tomb, being a powerful mimic, proved crucial in determining life or death. In the game Metaphor, it was revealed during a discussion that various enemies will respond uniquely to specific Archetypes and their abilities, independent of the Press Turn system. While some enemies may be weak against certain archetypes, what caught my attention was the confirmation that enemies can also pose significant threats to specific archetypes, demonstrating their ability to adapt to and challenge them.

Metaphor: ReFantazaio aims to be among 2024's best RPGs

If desired, numerous alternatives were available for my journey – message boards highlighted particularly challenging foes residing in distinct locations, rewards for vanquishing these creatures. Furthermore, additional side-quests with specific goals and even the main storyline were present. One prevalent theme of Metaphor was the sensation of anxiety and conquering that fundamental fear; it’s easy to perceive how the game was crafted around this concept. Constantly deciding between options may not appeal to every RPG enthusiast, but witnessing this choice dynamic in practice has convinced me.

Despite the bustling 2024 lineup of Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Metaphor has successfully distinguished itself. Atlus’ endeavor to create a fresh fantasy RPG seems promising initially, but after experiencing it, I believe this game might turn out to be extraordinary. Keep an eye out for our comprehensive review as we approach the game’s launch on October 11, which will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam).

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2024-08-28 16:26