Destiny 2 Players Frustrated by Weekly Vex Challenges: A Deep Dive

As a longtime Destiny 2 player with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of familiarity reading through this community discussion. It seems that Bungie has once again thrown us into the vex-infested labyrinth of weekly challenges, leaving us to dance with these pesky enemies in an RNG waltz.

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan, I find myself once again grappling with familiar tunes as players, including myself, voice their concerns over the challenging Vex-themed weekly missions that seem almost impossible to conquer. A post by user Expensive-Pick38 aptly sums up the collective frustration we’re experiencing, particularly when it comes to the persistent struggle of eliminating Vex in Strikes. With reports suggesting that Vex enemies are scarce in the current Vanguard Ops, these missions feel less like exciting challenges and more like tiresome chores – an unwelcome sentiment, especially after encountering the same Vex-related challenge numerous times this season. This post sparked a wave of comments, mirroring similar sentiments and uniting the community around a common question: are Bungie’s challenge designs really catering to the needs of their player base?

I know that the weekly challenges are pre made before the season even comes out, but dear god
byu/Expensive-Pick38 indestiny2


  • Players are expressing frustration over frequently recurring vex challenges in weekly missions.
  • The current Strike playlist sparsely contains vex enemies, making completion a daunting task.
  • Community members are rallying around similar grievances, emphasizing RNG elements that aggravate the experience.
  • Suggestions for improvement focus on more inclusive challenge design that accounts for player experience.

The Challenge of Recurring Vex Quests

It appears that players are finding it difficult to overcome the Vex challenges in Destiny 2 recently, and Expensive-Pick38’s complaints about this issue were shared by many others in the comments section. For instance, crispymint808 humorously stated, “The seasonal challenge is all about Vex, but instead of providing more content, they want us to rely on RNG for a strike with a few Vex and then compete against each other to see who can get them!” This sentiment suggests that players feel like the game has turned into a frustrating lottery system, where having good luck with Vex challenges seems less like a realistic goal and more like an unlikely dream.

RNG: A Blessing or A Curse?

The random number generator (RNG) has always been an integral part of gaming; it’s what makes loot drops exciting, but it can also be the bane of players’ existence when it seriously hinders gameplay. User korisucks20 articulated this struggle succinctly, stating, “rng is kinda crappy here… there are barely any vex-based strike activities, so you gotta hope and pray you get one.” With players forced to endure replays of strikes without vex, it’s a recipe for frustration when that RNG factor dictates every drop. The sense of helplessness permeates the player base, as teams must scramble, and hope they land on a vex strike, especially when the season feels consistently void of vex encounters.

Sparking Community Discussions

As I delved into the lively discussions about Destiny 2 in one of the threads, it was evident that the players are not only passionate but also vocal. We shared ideas and strategies, all aiming to find a solution to this ongoing issue. Many players suggested Bungie should reconsider their approach to weekly challenges, with some even expressing frustration about the randomness of strike requeue slots, saying it feels more like a slot machine than a game. SPEEDFREAKJJ summed up the sentiments, stating he’d be happy to take on the Vex if they required a specific element, but the current strike RNG is just not his cup of tea. Essentially, what we want are challenges that align with our playstyle, rather than obstacles that hinder our gaming experience.

Interjecting Humor Amidst Frustration

During periods of intense frustration, the discussion among participants evolved into a more playful tone. Commentators intertwined their complaints with jokes and relevant memes, such as Red_Panda72’s funny comment about forgetting to complete the Mayhem challenge: “Whoops, forgot to finish the Mayhem challenge…” This served as a humorous reminder of the abundance of content players might sometimes overlook while managing numerous tasks. Within their shared struggles, the community found many opportunities to connect and laugh at the common obstacles they encounter. This camaraderie underscores the power of humor in offering relief from the repetitive challenges that can arise when playing games like Destiny 2.

This dialogue among the Destiny 2 community encapsulates a vibrant tapestry of frustration mixed with camaraderie. Even through challenging gaming mechanics and systems, one can find humor and consolation within the shared experiences of players. As Bungie continues to iterate on their content and objectives, it will be intriguing to see how they choose to address the concerns highlighted here by their dedicated player base. Whether through embracing a more accommodating challenge structure or by alleviating the heavy reliance on RNG, there lies potential for a collaborative effort to enhance the overall gaming experience in Destiny 2. This community remains steadfast, vocal, and ready for constructive change on all reverberations of vex-focused challenges.

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2024-08-27 23:28