Deadlock (Valve) - Console (Xbox, PS5, PS4) Release

As a seasoned gamer with a heart full of nostalgia for Valve’s iconic games, I eagerly await Deadlock, their upcoming MOBA. However, my wallet and my PS5 have a history of disappointment when it comes to Valve-developed games on Sony platforms. Counter Strike Global Offensive on the PS3 was a rare gem, but Alyx left me longing for more. So, I’m not holding my breath for Deadlock on PS5 or PS4.

Following the launch of Steam, Valve Corporation has taken a bit of a backseat in terms of publishing and developing games. Despite this, their games continue to hold a special place in the hearts of gamers, with titles such as Half Life, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike, and Dota remaining iconic classics. As a result, every new game from Valve is eagerly anticipated, with Alyx being a recent example. Currently, gamers are excited about the upcoming release of Deadlock, a MOBA. While it’s certain that the game will be available on PC via Steam, there’s speculation regarding its potential availability on other platforms, like consoles. Let’s discuss this possibility.

  • Deadlock (Valve) – PS5 and PS4 Release
  • Deadlock (Valve) – Xbox Series X/S Release

Deadlock (Valve) – PS5 and PS4 Release

Based on Valve’s history and their previous games, it appears they don’t usually collaborate with PlayStation. With the exception of Counter-Strike Global Offensive on the PS3, their other titles haven’t been released on Sony platforms. Therefore, it seems rather improbable that Deadlock will be available on PS5 or PS4. Nevertheless, keep in mind that times are evolving, and unexpected things can happen. It’s possible Valve might aim to draw a larger audience for the new game, so let’s just wait and see.

Deadlock (Valve) – Xbox Series X/S Release

In terms of PlayStation, Valve has been less collaborative with Microsoft consoles recently. But during the Xbox 360 era, there was a better relationship, as many games from Gabe Newell and his team were available on this platform. Regrettably, things have shifted, and it appears the partnership has ended. Therefore, it’s likely that Deadlock may not be published for Xbox Series X/S under these circumstances. However, we must await official confirmation because nothing is definitive at this point.

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2024-08-26 12:02