Destiny 2 Titans Need a Barricade Buff: Community Suggestions and Thoughts

Since its debut, Destiny 2 has undergone numerous enhancements and adjustments. On a well-known gaming forum, a post about the Titan class, particularly the barricade ability, generated quite a lot of conversation. The post provoked various viewpoints from users who feel that the Titan’s barricade is undervalued and doesn’t live up to its potential, especially in PvE and PvP scenarios. Some players argue that altering it could disrupt the balance in competitive play, while others think it could breathe new life into the Titan’s gameplay.

Titans should be able to slam down their barricade
byu/Usual_Jeweler1222 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players feel the Titan barricade could benefit from a faster activation and more impactful functionality.
  • Suggestions include a slam effect, auto turret functionality, and providing buffs to allies.
  • The overarching sentiment points to a desire for better class ability animations across all classes.
  • The conversation reflects a blend of humor and frustration, showcasing an engaged community eager for change.

The Barricade Dilemma

User Usual_Jeweler1222’s initial post reveals a widespread issue among Titan gamers: they feel the barricade isn’t as effective as it ought to be. Countless community members have voiced their annoyance over the slow barricade animation, which they believe leaves Titans exposed during crucial instances. User ExponentEel emphasized that in numerous situations, a quicker barricade animation could have potentially saved him. Many players share this sense of urgency, believing that a more immediate response from the barricade could significantly enhance gameplay, particularly in tough battles.

Creative Solutions from the Community

The discussion swiftly transitioned from criticisms to brainstorming sessions, as users put forth numerous ideas for boosting and upgrading the Titan’s defensive barrier. Dioroxic suggested transforming it into a slamming shield that hits the ground, an auto-turret barricade, and even a mobile shield. In essence, the community is aiming to turn the barricade into a versatile weapon, improving gameplay without altering the Titan’s fundamental nature. The air was electric with anticipation, as numerous players were excited about seeing Titans employing barricades that serve more than just defensive purposes—evolving them into pivotal figures in battles where timing and strategy play crucial roles.

The Need for Speed

A recurring theme throughout the discussions was the need for quicker animations in Destiny 2, specifically regarding class abilities. PapiSebulba articulated a frustrating realization, noting, ‘I can’t stand throwing a rift or barrier down now, it feels so slow compared to phoe dive or thruster.’ By contrasting the swift animations of Hunter and Warlock abilities with the sluggish Titan barricade, players are demanding a reevaluation of the animation speeds that impact gameplay. Players want to make crucial plays and escape dangerous situations, and speedier animations could enhance that experience.

The Titan Identity Crisis

As a Titan fan, I often find myself expressing a shared feeling that our class seems somewhat outdated compared to Hunters and Warlocks. Training_Contract_30 even proposed an idea that resonates with many, suggesting we should have a slam/dive attack like the others, tied to Barricade. Many more agree, believing Titans need more engaging abilities to stay competitive and enjoyable. We yearn for our class to inspire excitement and showcase raw power, rather than feeling like a lumbering fortress struggling to keep up with the game’s pace. The desire to preserve our identity as sturdy defenders while also interacting dynamically with our surroundings seems to be at the heart of these discussions, providing a clear direction for potential improvements.

Discussions about enhancing the Titan barricade feature in Destiny 2 indicate a dedicated player base craving for improvements. Although some gamers are concerned that revised abilities may disrupt PvP equilibrium, overall, there’s a desire to modernize the barricade to boost gameplay excitement. Ideas range from quicker movements to expanded utility, suggesting Titans can adapt alongside other character classes to stay relevant in competitive play. It remains intriguing to observe whether Bungie will heed these proposals, ensuring Titans maintain their distinctive identity while excelling in the competitive scene.

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2024-08-26 05:14