Hades Soundtrack Woes: Spotify’s Shocking Removals Stir Up Community Concern

As a long-time gamer with countless hours spent delving into the labyrinthine world of Hades, I can’t help but feel a pang of disappointment upon learning that beloved tracks from the game have mysteriously vanished from Spotify. The haunting melodies and pulsating beats of this enchanting soundtrack were not just background noise; they were an integral part of my journey through the underworld.

The popular roguelike game Hades, developed by Supergiant Games, has captivated players not just with its addictive gameplay but also its exceptional soundtrack. Yet, a Reddit post by user GamerDudeJMS has brought a cloud of uncertainty to this musical journey. He shared his observation that certain beloved tracks from Hades were mysteriously skipping in the game, which led him to find out these songs have been entirely removed from Spotify. This revelation sparked a wave of reactions from the gaming community, exposing a whirlwind of perplexity, annoyance, and humor about Spotify’s licensing policies.

Spotify removing songs
byu/GamerDudeJMS inHadesTheGame


  • Users expressed strong disappointment over the unexpected removal of Hades soundtrack tracks from Spotify, feeling a sense of loss.
  • Many speculated that licensing issues are at play, similar to other game soundtracks that faced removal.
  • Several commenters emphasized the importance of owning physical media as a way to avoid future losses from streaming services.
  • The humorous take on serious issues, including speculation about game DLC based on the problem, lightened the mood amid frustrations.

Community Frustration

In the subreddit, there was an overwhelmingly negative atmosphere, as numerous users lamented the absence of the music from Hades, a tune they cherished deeply. One user, RebelCow, articulated this sentiment poignantly by saying, “The Unseen Ones was my most frequently played track on the album. Such a massive letdown :(” This emotion reflects not only disappointment towards a game’s music but also the emotional bond players forge with it. The Hades soundtrack isn’t mere background noise; it significantly contributes to the gaming experience, intensifying battles and deepening storytelling. When that music vanishes, it feels like losing a piece of the game itself. Other users shared this sentiment, mourning their beloved tracks that once served as their motivation to conquer the realm of Hades.

Licensing Issues Plaguing Streaming

In the midst of frequent removals on streaming platforms, users have raised concerns about the unstable nature of these services, hinting at licensing disputes as the cause. A perceptive comment even drew parallels to instances like Casey Edwards’ Devil May Cry soundtrack, where agreements may have been struck that prioritize other projects over fan-favorites, leaving fans in the dark. Jokingly, a user suggested a new DLC expansion idea, “Hey Orpheus, I noticed the Sheet Music list is disappearing, any clue about it, pal?” This light-hearted jest reveals a deeper irritation towards the music industry’s approach to fan-loved tunes.

The Case for Physical Media

In the face of growing discontent over streaming platforms, numerous users are advocating for the benefits of owning music through traditional or digital formats like CDs or MP3s. One user articulated their position, “I stand behind purchasing physical media and converting to MP3 format. Spotify doesn’t deserve the control it has.” This viewpoint was widely echoed, with many emphasizing the dependability and authenticity associated with owning a tangible album copy. The allure of physical media has experienced a revival, prompting both gamers and music enthusiasts to appreciate the freedom and security that comes from personally owning music, without worrying about sudden removals. User WhisperingWillowLux even celebrated their foresight, saying, “I’m glad I got the album download code with the Switch launch version and saved it. Spotify is a disappointment.” This trend toward championing ownership and its associated qualities is gaining traction.

Humor in the Face of Frustration

<pDespite the frustrations exuded through the posts, the community maintained its signature humor throughout the discussion. Some commenters took jabs at the convenience of using YouTube to MP3 downloaders, playfully referring to it as a “sneaky” alternative with suggestions for managing audio quality. For instance, one user shared their insights on preserving audio quality when converting songs, drawing attention back to the more technical aspects of maintaining one’s personal media library. While they offered solutions, the playful banter itself served to break up the heaviness of the situation, creating a community bond through shared grievances turned into jokes. The humor definitely ensured that while some may have lost their favorites tracks, they hadn’t lost their ability to enjoy and laugh during tough moments.

In light of the Hades community feeling sorrow over the absence of its Spotify soundtrack, conversations about music rights, possession, and access have gained new life. Although streaming platforms have become prominent, dedicated fans remind us that music is about more than just ease-of-use. The charm of Hades’ music may have momentarily faltered, but it hasn’t been destroyed entirely. From the discussions that arise, one can sense a renewed admiration for both ownership and the cultural importance of soundtracks in gaming.

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2024-08-25 21:13