Finding the Perfect Partner for Yemoja in Smite: Community Insights

As an ardent Smite enthusiast with countless hours invested in mastering the intricacies of this mythological battleground, I find myself drawn to the lively discussions that unfold within its online community. The recent thread by brittskye13, showcasing their quest for the perfect synergy between Yemoja and other deities, sparked a fascinating debate that mirrors my own journey in the game.

Players of Smite are continually seeking ideal character combinations to elevate their gameplay, and a post by user brittskye13 on the Smite subreddit sparked a captivating dialogue. The poster expressed their affection for Yemoja, a water deity renowned for her healing powers, and sought guidance on which warriors, hunters, or guardians would complement her abilities in duels. They particularly noted their boyfriend’s expertise with Ao Kuang, a powerful, versatile god, and requested a healer who could stand their ground in Conquest and Arena battles. This question sparked a flurry of suggestions, comments, and insights from fellow gamers.

Yemoja partner
byu/brittskye13 inSmite


  • Community members discussed the synergy between Yemoja and various gods, emphasizing team composition and healing.
  • Suggestions included characters like Aphrodite, Herc, and Susano, highlighting their unique abilities to complement Yemoja.
  • Comments reflected a mix of opinions on Yemoja’s role and effectiveness as a pocket healer in higher-level play.
  • General consensus suggested prioritizing CC (crowd control) over strict healing to enhance team performance.

The Healing Dilemma

One of the major points of contention in the discussion was the effectiveness of healers like Yemoja in a pocket role. One user, SapphicSonata, conveyed the general sentiment that while Yemoja is indeed a great healer, she may not be the best fit for a ‘pocket’ healer role typically expected in games like League of Legends. The reasoning behind this is grounded in Smite’s gameplay balance, which favors more disruptive tanks and warriors that can soak up damage while providing healing. It appears that the healing meta has seen its fair share of nerfs over the years as well, making players wary of leaning too heavily on healers instead of versatile frontline characters that can both heal and deal damage. This insight reflects a growing concern among players about the shifting dynamics of Smite’s gameplay.

Companion and Synergy Suggestions

Juanini_panini playfully proposed that using 60% or more cooldown reduction (cdr) on Yemoja could make her even more enjoyable 😊, suggesting the importance of effectively managing Yemoja’s cooldowns to boost healing and keep opponents at bay. This post sparked discussions about ideal team compositions, emphasizing the need for versatility and compatibility among characters. For example, heroes who create openings for Ao Kuang to exploit were frequently mentioned, while also providing Yemoja with support and survivability during intense battles. Characters like Hercules and Susano were suggested due to their skills in setting up kills and ensuring the safety of both Ao Kuang and Yemoja, all while dealing reasonable damage.

Effective Team Compositions

In the course of our conversation, different tactics were proposed for creating an efficient team during Yemoja gameplay. PM-me-your-lyfe’s suggestion was that those seeking a formidable opponent should choose gods who excel in crowd control to secure kills. He highlighted the advantages of characters such as Ymir, Cerberus, or Kepri, all of whom have potent abilities to lock down enemies and empower teammates like Ao Kuang. Notably, Cerberus’s ability to strip protections harmoniously with Yemoja’s healing can be lethal when used skillfully. In essence, many participants emphasized the significance of constructing a versatile team capable of thwarting enemy tactics seamlessly while preserving a fine equilibrium between attack and defense.

Final Takeaways

As I navigate through the thrilling world of Smite, I’ve noticed some fascinating shifts in the community’s perspectives on character roles, particularly when it comes to the intricate dance of synergy during gameplay. For instance, Yemoja’s unique mix of healing and support makes her a versatile choice for creative team setups. However, relying on her as the sole healer without proper synchronization or backup can leave players vulnerable. As I delve further into my Smite journey, grasping the subtleties of character interactions becomes crucial in avoiding defeat while enhancing the gaming experience. The conversation sparked by brittskye13’s question is a shining example of the wealth of wisdom and experience within our gaming community, urging us to experiment with unorthodox pairings that could potentially lead to an impressive victory on the battlefield.

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2024-08-24 09:15