Noomi Rapace Talks About The Power of Film As Art And Her Upcoming Film ‘Mother’

As a seasoned cinephile with a penchant for the raw and authentic, I find myself profoundly captivated by the journey of Noomi Rapace. Her connection to the Balkan region, born out of a childhood spent immersed in its cinematic offerings, is not just a mere appreciation but a testament to her unwavering passion for stories that resonate deeply.

Actress Noomi Rapace, currently sitting on the Sarajevo competition jury, recently stopped by the EbMaster Lounge, a venue co-hosted by the Sarajevo Film Festival and BH Telecom. There, she shared insights about her past connections with the Balkan region.

Despite being a newcomer to Sarajevo, I’ve always admired films from the Balkan region for their courage and passion. I find the Sarajevo Film Festival particularly significant because it harnesses the power of cinema to touch people’s hearts, uncover stories and characters, and offer insights into lives and situations that might otherwise remain hidden.

Reflecting on her part in director Goran Stolevski’s “You Are Never Alone,” a Macedonian-Australian production, she recalled feeling secure even during scenes where full nudity was required. She praised Goran as an intriguing and incredibly gentle director, yet one with a powerful creative vision.

As a cinephile, I’m captivated by storytellers and their narratives, regardless of the setting. I promise to infuse my unique perspective into each tale, no matter the location. I am drawn to filmmakers who are daring enough to delve deep and push boundaries within their chosen genre.

She’s currently gearing up for a project alongside fellow Macedonian director, Teona Mitevska. The upcoming movie, titled “Mother,” which explores a week in the life of a 38-year-old Mother Teresa, is set to begin filming within a month.

Rapace is currently active and enjoys exploring various aspects of filmmaking, feeling increasingly inclined towards the prospect of becoming a director.

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2024-08-24 00:46