Black Myth Wukong Review – No Monkey Business

As a longtime gamer and a lover of immersive experiences, I can wholeheartedly say that Black Myth Wukong has left me utterly captivated. This game is not just another title on my list, but a rare gem that manages to strike a perfect balance between challenging gameplay, stunning visuals, and an epic storyline.

In this critique of Black Myth Wukong, we delve into Game Science’s fresh Action-adventure RPG for PlayStation 5 (PS5). Launched just a few days ago, it has surpassed 10 million sales across all available platforms. Moreover, it set new benchmarks, even outperforming Palworld in terms of simultaneous players on Steam. But what is it about this monkey’s epic journey that has captivated the globe? Let’s explore together and discover its charm.

Black Myth Wukong Review – What is Black Myth?

Game Science has created and released Black Myth Wukong, an action-based role-playing game. At present, you can play it on PC through Steam or the Epic Games Store, or on PlayStation 5. The developers aim to eventually bring the game to Xbox Series X|S as well.

As a lifelong fan of Chinese literature and culture, I find it fascinating that one of my favorite stories, Journey to the West, has inspired a new video game. Although its origins are shrouded in mystery, with the story’s creator remaining unknown, it is generally accepted that Wu Cheng’en wrote it during the 16th century. The novel’s enduring popularity is evident in its inclusion among the “Six Classic Chinese Novels,” a testament to its timeless appeal. Growing up in China, I was captivated by the tale of the Monkey King and his companions as they traversed the land on their quest for enlightenment. I am excited to see how this rich narrative will be brought to life through the medium of video games.

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The Journey to the West has been influential in spawning Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball series. While we could delve into the intricacies of how Goku and the Saiyans mirror Wukong and the Monkeys, let’s instead focus on exploring the Gameplay, Story, Graphics, and other aspects of Black Myth Wukong.

Black Myth Wukong Review – Gameplay PS5

Black Myth Wukong’s gameplay provides an ideal level of difficulty for players seeking a challenge, but not quite as tough as games like Elden Ring or Dark Souls. Upon beginning the game, you’ll be equipped with numerous impressive abilities and skills that make you feel like the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal (Wukong). However, in a similar fashion to games such as Metroid or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, these abilities are soon taken away, leaving you to develop your character from the ground up.

Initially, your character possesses a significant strength. By the end of the initial chapter, I discovered methods to immobilize foes and transform into various optional bosses. These abilities proved invaluable even as the game progressed against tougher opponents. As time passes, you acquire new skills and enhance existing ones using Skill Points, also known as Sparks.

Among my preferred skills are Immobilize and Strand. The first one temporarily freezes opponents in their tracks, giving you an opportunity to enhance its duration or even the amount of damage it inflicts. On the other hand, Strand empowers you to create a swarm of clones that charge towards the enemy. This tactic is particularly effective when dealing with a formidable boss and seeking a swift victory.

As a gamer, I’ve found that other abilities in this game can be quite handy. For instance, there’s an ability called Cloud Step that temporarily makes you invisible. This can be a real game-changer when it comes to sneaking up on enemies and dishing out some extra damage. At first, I wasn’t too keen on it, but I’ve come to appreciate its usefulness, especially against those pesky ranged opponents.

A skill I rarely employed was Rock Solid, which allows you to deflect attacks only when your timing is perfect. The Chosen One can already move quickly enough to evade many attacks, making this ability less necessary compared to others. However, Black Myth provides seven distinct spells, most of which are beneficial in boss fights.

Regarding the boss characters, Black Myth Wukong provides numerous encounters. I managed to defeat one, but another would appear just a short distance further along – this is due to the game incorporating multiple optional bosses. These battles can help boost your character’s level, reward you with new items, and even provide tools to uncover hidden locations.

The encounters against your supervisor serve as a test of your skill. In Chapter 1, I found myself squaring off against the Volatile Ghost Wanderer, an optional fight, on no less than ten occasions before eventually emerging victorious. Admittedly, I could have honed my abilities and faced him at a later time, but I was also utilizing this chance to familiarize myself with the game’s various aspects.

Among the aspects that made the game enjoyable for me was the variety and richness in enemy types, which kept combat engaging and dynamic. New enemies, sometimes multiple ones, were introduced with each new chapter area, often catching me off-guard. The same principle applies to bosses; the first two chapters presented a good number of them, some of which you don’t necessarily have to defeat. These diverse enemies are drawn directly from the game’s original source material.

It’s pleasant that the player has autonomy in their actions. I can envision speedrunners finding enjoyment from this, as they could attempt it in either a fresh game or an enhanced version like New Game Plus. However, for many players, there seems to be an incentive to delve into every nook and cranny of the game.

One concern I have about the gameplay, though it’s quite minor, is the absence of any maps. This can make it somewhat tricky to figure out your current location or where you’ve previously been. Nevertheless, given that the game primarily follows a linear path with numerous side routes, it’s not the most significant issue. Moreover, the ability to quickly travel to earlier levels within the game, even after completing a Chapter, is always available as an option.

As a gamer exploring Black Myth’s world, I must say the map traversal is quite satisfying. The scattered Shrines serve not only as a means to navigate from one place to another but also offer an array of useful services like purchasing items, crafting armor and weapons, or even stockpiling medicines. However, at times, the placement of these Shrines seems off; sometimes I find myself trekking quite a distance between them, while other instances have me practically stepping over them. Yet, despite these occasional awkward placements, there’s always a Shrine nearby to aid my journey through this captivating game.

To clarify, Black Myth Wukong is a game that follows a linear path. Yet within this structure, there are numerous routes available for you to traverse. These paths may unveil hidden areas, challenging boss fights, buried treasures, and other exciting discoveries. Despite not being an open-world game, it offers ample opportunities for exploration.

In Black Myth Wukong, the controls are highly responsive, giving you a sense of mastery over the game. Initially, I encountered many deaths in the early stages, but I never blamed the game for my errors. Instead, I realized that I often needed to enhance my skills, upgrade equipment, or simply improve my gameplay abilities. The smooth controls made it easy for me to adapt and understand how the game operates.

Moving this character feels terrific! The Destined One can zip around at high speed, and when you press the sprint or dodge buttons, they move even faster. Plus, the stamina meter, which decreases with every sprint, dodge, and attack, refills relatively swiftly. This means you don’t have to be overly concerned about your stamina draining too rapidly.

Instead of focusing solely on spells and strategies for self-improvement in this game, consider exploring other avenues as well. For instance, you can gather or buy materials to create unique weapons and armor during the gameplay. Furthermore, there’s an option called “Transformation Attack” that allows you to temporarily transform into one of the numerous yaoguais whose essence you’ve absorbed. Each transformation comes with a specific bonus, depending on who you choose to equip.

I chose to rely on the Wandering Wight’s power due to its added defensive benefits. Moreover, its attacks frequently knock back bosses, creating an opportunity for me to land another combo. However, it’s essential to note that Black Myth offers various playstyles, and discovering one that suits you personally is key.

As a gamer, I’ve got to tell you, there are numerous avenues to amplify my gaming prowess. Items, sparks, and other enhancements are at my disposal, ready to be utilized for my advantage. What’s more, scattered across the map are Meditation spots that grant a swift spark. These sparks can be used to upgrade any skill tree I fancy, making every adventure even more exhilarating!

As a gamer, let me tell you, Black Myth isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s a relentless test of your skills and wits, where even defeating one boss can require numerous attempts. Yet, there’s an indescribable satisfaction in overcoming those challenging foes that leave you battered but triumphant. Each victory serves as a beacon, fueling the desire to press onward. And it’s all worth it because at its heart, this game is a blast to play!

In essence, the primary advantage of Black Myth Wukong lies in its engaging gameplay. As you progress, the game steadily boosts your power level, all while presenting formidable enemies for you to face off against. The harmony between excitement and difficulty is striking, suggesting that the developers have put considerable effort into creating an immersive gaming experience.

Story – Black Myth Wukong Review PS5

In Black Myth Wukong, the narrative unfolds subsequent to the Journey to the West tale, and initially, you assume control of the Monkey King, engaging in an epic duel against Erlang Shen. However, as the tale progresses, you transition into the role of the Predestined One – a Monkey on a quest to gather artifacts scattered across the realm. While I won’t delve into the reasons behind this hunt and why you don’t embody Wukong himself, let me assure you that the journey you embark upon is equally thrilling as the one Wukong experienced alongside his Master, Tang Sanzang, to maintain the suspense and avoid spoilers.

To put it simply, if you haven’t encountered Journey to the West through the novel or the 1986 TV adaptation, you might find the game’s plot confusing. Fortunately, before its release, I had a chance to watch some episodes of the series and gain more insights about the classic story. If you too are intrigued by this tale, I suggest giving the show a watch as it sticks closely to the original narrative and is quite enjoyable. Although the special effects might seem outdated compared to modern blockbusters that invest millions more for improved visuals, I don’t think they fall short in any significant way.

Even as you don’t necessarily need to fully grasp the story to appreciate it, Black Myth captivates you through its intriguing characters and captivating designs, much like how one can still enjoy games such as God of War, Devil May Cry, or Dante’s Inferno without understanding every detail on the first playthrough.

As a devoted fan, I’m blown away by how seamlessly Black Myth weaves together the narrative of the Destined One and the epic journey of Wukong. It’s clear that the developers hold this timeless tale in high regard, as they’ve lovingly crafted it with respect and admiration. In fact, if you conquer enemies in the game, you can discover journal entries that detail Wukong’s adventures – some of which mirror events from the Journey to the West! It’s an exciting Easter Egg for fans like me who appreciate the rich history behind this captivating story.

Having been a long-time fan of these beloved creations myself, I must say it’s truly heartening to witness Game Science’s dedication and passion towards their work. Unlike other game developers or movie studios that often fail to meet our expectations when tasked with reviving our favorite titles, Game Science consistently demonstrates a deep appreciation for the source material, which shines through in every aspect of their projects. Their approach speaks volumes about the genuine love and respect they harbor for these creations, making it evident that they are truly committed to delivering an authentic experience that resonates with us fans.

Did you know? The epic tale Journey To The West draws inspiration from the life of a genuine Chinese Buddhist Monk named Xuanzang. He embarked on an arduous 17-year voyage to India and returned laden with numerous sacred texts. This remarkable journey served as the foundation for many stories that have been told across the globe.

All in all, the tale of Black Myth Wukong is quite engaging. It might not be the greatest story I’ve encountered, but it stands out due to its distinctive characters and dialogue that deviates from the norm in action RPGs. Moreover, the game showcases a deep appreciation for its source material in its landscapes, dialogue, journal entries, and so on.

Black Myth Wukong Review – Graphics PS5

Among the games I’ve encountered on PlayStation 5 (PS5), Black Myth: Wukong stands out as one of the most visually stunning. This game features a diverse range of settings including verdant forests, barren deserts, ominous caves, and many other breathtaking landscapes. When you aren’t grappling with the Wandering Wight or Yellow Wind Sage, you can appreciate the game’s striking beauty.

While Unreal Engine 5 is impressive, it’s not flawless. Minor issues such as frame rate drops in intense scenes and room for improvement in water movement are essentially minor complaints. Occasionally, during combat, enemy models may exhibit small glitches where they momentarily change shape. However, overall, the game’s graphics are astonishingly beautiful.

Even though I’m not an expert in graphic design, someone with more knowledge in that area might spot finer details. However, for those who prioritize gameplay over graphics or are just casual gamers, they will find the visuals of Black Myth quite appealing.

One striking aspect that captivates me is the illumination. Traversing a cavern pierced by an opening above, where sunlight streams in like a guiding beam upon the Chosen One, creates an ambiance that’s serene and calming as I move through the environment.

In essence, Black Myth Wukong stands out with its stunning graphics. The combination of excellent lighting effects and diverse settings can make you pause frequently to admire the view. While it might not be the ultimate masterpiece, it undeniably delivers on its promises.

Audio – Black Myth Wukong Review PS5

To conclude, the audio in Black Myth: Wukong exceeds expectations. The ambient sounds and intense drumming during battles harmoniously blend with the game’s setting. Additionally, I appreciate the thoughtful audio details that are strategically placed throughout the game.

In Chapter 2, you encounter a man without a head aimlessly wandering and repeatedly playing one track after another. His tunes will echo throughout the chapter, each one impressively catchy. The music of Black Myth Wukong complements its environment perfectly. You’ll notice drumbeats during combat sequences, while the ambient sounds of the world fill your ears when exploring.

In the subsequent part of the same chapter, I encountered an “Om”-like resonance prior to a formidable yaoguai assaulting me. So engrossed was I by the captivating sound that I almost fell prey to a handless beast. In all seriousness, it’s not merely the visual aspects of Black Myth that leave me awestruck. The game’s remarkable audio quality further draws me into the immersive experience.

Verdict – Is Black Myth Wukong Worth Your Time & Money?

Among the fantastic video games I’ve encountered lately, Black Myth Wukong stands out as exceptional. Its rapid action, stunning graphics, and captivating narrative make it one of the top single-player games of the year in my opinion. As someone who typically avoids Dark Souls and Elden Ring due to their notorious difficulty, I appreciate that Black Myth provides a challenging yet accessible experience.

As I pen this review, Black Myth Wukong has already surpassed 10 million sales across all platforms, indicating its global popularity. This monkey-themed sensation is living up to its hype, undoubtedly. Game Science, the developer, demonstrates an impressive grasp of essential game-making principles. To create a fantastic game, you simply need compelling gameplay, a captivating environment, and genuine affection for the underlying material.

With the New Game+ feature, players have a strong reason to replay the game. Additionally, because it isn’t an open-world game filled with extra missions and chores, it will be less challenging to resume playing.

In essence, Black Myth Wukong is a worthy investment of both your time and resources. If you’re seeking an Action RPG that offers a challenging yet winnable experience, this could be just what you’re looking for. The controls are delightful to handle, the spells are engaging, and discovering new adversaries during your journey adds to the fun.

Score: 10/10

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2024-08-23 22:40