Gaming News: Avowed’s 30 FPS Confirmation Leaves Players Frustrated

As a seasoned gamer with over three decades of gaming experience under my belt, I must admit that I share the disappointment expressed by many gamers regarding Avowed’s 30 FPS cap on Xbox Series X and S. My first encounter with gaming was on an Atari 2600, where even a simple pong game at 60FPS was a marvel. To see a next-gen console struggle to maintain that standard is disheartening, especially for a visually demanding RPG like Avowed.

Gaming News is buzzing with the recent announcement that the highly anticipated game, Avowed, will run at a mere 30 frames per second (FPS) on both the Xbox Series X and S. This news has ignited a firestorm of reactions from the gaming community, with many expressing their disappointment over the lack of options for smoother gameplay. Fans were hopeful that the next-gen hardware would leverage its power for higher performance, especially given that Avowed is a first-person role-playing game from Obsidian Entertainment, known for notable titles like Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds.

Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
byu/Zhukov-74 inGames


  • Avowed will only run at 30 FPS on Xbox Series X and S, prompting frustration among gamers.
  • Many gamers feel let down by the lack of a 60 FPS mode, especially given Microsoft’s claims about the power of the Series X.
  • Some users shared their frustrating experiences with other 30 FPS games, highlighting the challenges of first-person gameplay.
  • There are concerns about Xbox studios’ ability to optimize performance as PlayStation exclusives easily achieve higher frame rates.

Disappointment in Performance

One of the most striking aspects of the reactions to Avowed’s frame rate is the sense of disappointment within the gaming community. Users on the gaming subreddit pointed out the irony that despite the Xbox Series X being marketed as a state-of-the-art console, it has repeatedly fallen short on frame rates for new titles. A user named jansteffen made a resonant point: “Didn’t they market the series X as the most powerful console ever? And yet they keep releasing games that only run at 30 fps lol.” This sentiment reflects a broader feeling among gamers that while the hardware is impressive, the software optimization leaves much to be desired.

A significant number of video game enthusiasts argue that a frame rate of 30 FPS can be particularly challenging for graphically intensive genres, such as first-person role-playing games (RPGs). To illustrate this point, a user named BarelyMagicMike voiced their displeasure by stating, “It’s preposterous… I wouldn’t dream of playing a first-person game at 30 fps in the year 2024.” This discontent highlights a gap between the high-quality gaming experience that many players anticipated from the latest console generation and what they are actually experiencing.

Frustrations with Game Quality

The chatter also revealed a deeper frustration about game optimization across platforms. A user mentioned a few games they have played at 30 FPS and expressed that, while some are manageable, titles like Cyberpunk 2077 were particularly difficult to enjoy. They said, “It’s literally unplayable for me,” which really emphasizes the struggle of managing motion blur and the overall experience when not hitting that magical 60 FPS mark. Gamer frustrations are exacerbated by the rapid exchange of games in the market—there are plenty of more efficiently optimized games out there that run smoothly at higher frame rates.

Several gamers are carefully considering their choices in light of Microsoft’s recent performance issue with Xbox. User ZakT214 wondered aloud why Xbox studios can’t seem to reach 60 FPS, especially when PlayStation exclusives consistently do so. This raises concerns about the future of the Xbox gaming experience, as even well-established studios like Obsidian struggle with hardware capabilities. Other users shared similar sentiments, with one commenting, “Things like this is why I opted for a custom PC build,” preferring a personalized gaming experience to waiting for developers to catch up.

A Shift Toward PC Gaming?

The undercurrent of frustration has led to growing discussions about the future of console gaming, particularly if Xbox continues to prioritize backward compatibility over new game optimization. As articulated by Adonwen, “It is pretty dang clear that Xbox games should be played on PC.” This has raised interesting conversations about whether more players might shift to PC gaming, where performance can be adjusted more freely based on user preferences, minimizing the fuss of consoles playing catch-up. With gaming technology advancing without any indication of slowing down, the necessity for smoother frame rates will continue to feature prominently in gamers’ priorities.

As the year 2024 draws nearer, anticipation among gamers is rising, especially for the potential 60 FPS upgrade of Avowed. Given that it’s a first-person RPG on next-generation hardware, many believe it should offer improved gaming experiences. As more games are released, the bar for frame rates will likely rise. The question remains: Will Xbox be able to keep up with these expectations, or will there continue to be underwhelming performance? The gaming community is keeping a close eye, ready to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Community Questions and Concerns

It’s important to note that the shared disappointment reverberates throughout not only the comments section of this post but in broader Xbox conversations. Many are raising questions about the marketing strategy surrounding these consoles: How can a next-gen console struggle on frame rates? What happens to player trust when repeatedly faced with subpar performance? It appears that users are becoming increasingly critical of messaging from game developers and console makers alike.

Moving forward, it’s anticipated that game developers will take fan input seriously and make adjustments accordingly. As one gamer eloquently stated, “If a game runs at 30 frames per second, it’s challenging for me to play, and it could even be a deal-breaker.” This suggests that many players are unwilling to compromise their expectations when it comes to a game they are excited about. Maintaining high frame rates remains vital as dedicated gamers increasingly seek out more immersive gaming experiences.

As a gamer, I’m hyped about the thrilling prospects that the gaming world offers, but when Avowed was announced, I found myself feeling a mix of anticipation, dismay, and curiosity over what this means for Xbox. Will Obsidian step up to the plate and tackle these concerns in future updates? The answer lies somewhere in the future, and for now, gamers are keeping their hopes high while staying vigilant for any signs of improvements.

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2024-08-23 16:28