I Played Industry Giant 4.0 - The Economic Series for Extreme Fans of Spreadsheets Is Back


  • Lecture on advanced microeconomics
  • Introduction to logistics
  • Civil engineering class
  • UX/UI tutoring
  • Contemporary economics exam

As a seasoned business tycoon with decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of industrial simulations that promise the world but often fall short. However, when I first laid eyes on Industry Giant 4.0, I was intrigued by its potential. The game seems to have taken a step forward in terms of graphics and customizability, which is always a welcome addition.

Upon getting the opportunity to test-drive an early build of Industry Giant 4.0, I happily accepted, yet I harbored numerous doubts. Resurrecting an intricate economic strategy game from yesteryears is no easy feat, as strategies that succeeded in the past might not always resonate today. The gaming landscape has evolved, playstyles have shifted, and competition is increasingly fierce. As a result, it’s possible that, despite a well-polished revamp, the series may not cater to the expectations of contemporary gamers.

4.0 Industry Titan caters to Excel enthusiasts. If you find pleasure in managing numbers within tables, and the sight of a profit green-highlighted at the bottom brings immense satisfaction, then this will feel like your second home – whether that’s for leisure or work. This game isn’t designed for admiring scenic vistas or constructing virtual cities. Instead, it’s all about boosting profits, reducing expenses, and enhancing productivity. The rest is merely the backdrop.

As a fervent admirer, I can’t help but share the exciting revelation: Unbeknownst to the tranquil townsfolk, they are about to witness an authentic industrial upheaval that will redefine their world. In the annals of time, it shall be known as Industry Giant 4.0, a revolution ushered in by Don VS Dodo in the year 2024.

At this point, the game is in its initial stages of creation and there’s a lot more to fine-tune. For instance, not all buildings lack textures, and some windows are empty, waiting for their descriptions. However, the core mechanics of gameplay and the economic systems within the world have already progressed significantly, giving me a glimpse into how Industry Giant 4.0 is taking shape.


  1. many production buildings;
  2. changing needs of residents;
  3. necessity of controlling production power;
  4. generating profit brings great joy.


  1. cumbersome interface;
  2. very slow pace for the first few years;
  3. annoying transportation organization system;

Lecture on advanced microeconomics

Getting started is quite manageable, as we have a substantial amount for initial investment (which seems ample even on the easiest setting!). Initially, our map reveals nothing more than quiet towns or deserted cargo hubs. Our mission is to establish a thriving business that yields astronomical returns, primarily catering to the local market but with potential opportunities for both exporting and importing goods.

Even the first map is big enough to ensure freedom of building, but it’s far from the biggest in the industry.Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024

In theory, our gaming experience allows us extensive flexibility, but initially, our options might be limited since urban demands are mainly for fundamental goods. It would therefore be beneficial to concentrate on these items at first.

As our local stores offer essential items like produce, apparel, and tools that residents need, they leave contented and headed back home. This gradual process contributes to the city’s development. With a growing population comes an escalating set of requirements. Simple goods are in high demand initially, but as time passes, there emerges a desire for more complex products like footwear as well.

A factory operating at 100%? This is often a bad idea.Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024

As a devotee of economic strategy games, I must say that what sets Industry Giant 4.0 apart from many others is the emphasis on strategically managing productive capacities. While we could churn out an endless supply of planks, it’s not always wise to do so. The market demand has its limits, production incurs costs, and storage expenses can be crippling. However, producing more means lowering the per-unit cost, making each subsequent item slightly cheaper. Thus, understanding current economic conditions and tailoring production accordingly is essential for success in this game.

2024 marked the year when I finally turned a substantial gaming profit with Industry Giant 4.0, my match against Dodo was particularly rewarding. This success brought an immense sense of fulfillment to me as a gamer.

A different strategy contrasts with the common notion in many games that more production equals success. Overproducing low-cost goods for export, like an assembly line, won’t make us rich quickly but could lead to financial ruin instead. This mirrors today’s global economy where large corporations can mass-produce goods effortlessly, yet they grapple with whether to produce, not if they can. The answer to ‘should we?’ is complex even when focusing solely on economics, setting aside concerns of morality or ideology.

Introduction to logistics

Effective management of transportation and manufacturing processes is crucial for generating profits within the game dynamics. The game design incorporates a segmentation into quarters, with multiple production cycles per quarter possible. Some goods require extended production periods, which need to be factored into production line planning.

At Industry Giant 4.0, we organize deliveries at particular time periods that aid us in handling the seasonal aspects of our business effectively. (Don VS Dodo, 2024)

Through acquiring vehicles like trucks and trains, and establishing transportation networks, we can customize the movement of specific goods between designated locations. This allows us to design intricate routes, with the option to load or unload certain products at particular stops along the way. However, in reality, especially during initial stages, this may not prove particularly beneficial. As time progresses, you’ll find that the volume of goods transported becomes so vast that most trucks will carry only one type of product, as a single load typically represents just a small fraction of the factories’ full capacity needs.

In our system, we decide on transportation quantities for a particular good during each quarter. This is calculated using information from factory data and city requirements.

There is nothing better in the morning like a grain elevator.Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024

Unfortunately, the transportation system isn’t particularly user-friendly. We can have 10 trucks idling in the parking lot, stacks of goods in the factory, and a transport schedule set for the next destination, yet nothing seems to be moving. It’s puzzling as to why this is happening. Regrettably, it appears that the goods will eventually be transported, but with a noticeable delay, reluctance, and a sense of urgency, almost as if the system has been dormant for weeks at the start of the quarter, and now, suddenly, it’s decided to fulfill all the quarter’s demands within a week.

In Industry Giant 4.0, every day I’m tweaking my logistics strategy to keep up with the ever-changing demands of Don VS Dodo in 2024. Adjusting on the fly is key to staying ahead!

The operational structure of the game results in a sense of significant delay and player frustration. Despite the emphasis on efficient production and seamless distribution networks (lean management and just-in-time), the overall slowness demands the establishment of storage reserves and even delayed manufacturing of semi-finished goods, pushing it back a full quarter. This allows the logistics department to move items stockpiled in warehouses to the subsequent factory or store. Unfortunately, I believe there’s potential for a smoother, more productive experience that offers greater satisfaction upon organizing the system effectively.

Civil engineering class

In the version we have, there are options for gameplay across two different landscapes. One is relatively compact with a single urban area, while the larger one presents two initially modest settlements consisting mainly of a few buildings. As we progress and cater to the evolving demands of the inhabitants, these areas grow and expand over time due to our interactions.

Meeting the growing needs of residents will be a significant challenge.Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024

The entire expanse is broken down into various sections, each distinct in its attributes – some boast fertile farmland, others dense woodlands, while certain areas conceal valuable mineral deposits beneath them. This dispersed distribution of resources necessitates careful planning when constructing factories and stores, as well as organizing transportation networks. The question arises: should tools be manufactured near the sawmill or near the city where they will be sold? Generally, it’s advisable to process goods on-site, but sometimes it might prove beneficial to lay a railway line and relocate the factory closer to the city for optimal logistics.

Yes, I made a mountain for my mine. I can afford that.Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024

1. The maps are extensively hilly, with numerous peaks and valleys, which poses an issue at present, particularly for industrial structures that require level ground. For instance, factories or mines demand a completely flat area to function properly. Consequently, the game flattens the terrain in our chosen location, either carving out large sections from mountains or constructing several-meter high embankments with steep slopes. This aspect of the game definitely requires improvement.

UX/UI tutoring

It’s fantastic that most information is organized in movable windows, allowing us to open multiple ones simultaneously on the screen. This setup is particularly useful when we need to track the status of various items while maintaining focus on the transportation of goods along a specific route. You can customize the layout based on your preferences and navigate freely throughout the map.

Regrettably, the windows appear oversized and unconventional in layout, causing two or three of them to occupy nearly the entire screen, leaving little room for displaying useful information. This makes it challenging to maximize the versatility of adjustable windows and maintain a clear view of desired information during gameplay.

I’m a windows aficionado.Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024

Although the financial overview is clear, navigating the route planning feature is an aggravating experience. When arranging multiple transport routes, I encountered significant frustration due to the numerous clicks required and the overall tediousness of the process. This adds to the negative impressions of logistics already conveyed in the previous segment.

I’m hoping that as we move forward in the game development process, the creators will not just fine-tune the existing aspects, enhancing the text size or clarity of information, but they’ll also subtly revamp the interface to enhance the gaming experience, making it more seamless and enjoyable.

Contemporary economics exam

Initially, Industry Giant 4.0 exhibits significant promise, with indications that it will primarily cater to ardent fans of production optimization and business management. This is particularly true for individuals who nostalgically recall earlier versions in the series.

In Industry Giant 4.0, Don VS Dodo, 2024, the visuals might not appear extremely lifelike, but they have a pleasant aesthetic to them.

After trying out the game for a few days, I’m still harboring some worries about its ultimate outcome. In this specific market segment, there are several games that will be challenging for Industry Giant 4.0. For instance, despite some issues, Rise of Industry offers a more appealing user experience and attractive graphics, borrowing heavily from the early versions of the series. In essence, Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, where we construct a centrally planned economy, can also be seen as a competitor. However, unlike here, it boasts incredibly complex production chains on a grand scale, which are not present in this game.

As a dedicated gamer immersed in the world of strategy and simulation games, I can’t help but ponder: Are the creators of Industry Giant 4.0 truly tapping into the market demand for this genre? Will they craft a game that could potentially corner the niche market? This endeavor seems more daunting than the strategic challenges within the game itself, yet as history has shown us, sometimes it’s wise to take calculated risks. However, with the future of the series hanging in the balance, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

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2024-08-23 11:32