Revamping Legends: Opinions on Changes to Smite Gods for a Fresh Experience

As a veteran Smite player with countless hours spent mastering my beloved gods from Smite 1, I wholeheartedly support SlashPsychotic’s post advocating for significant changes to these cherished characters. The thrill of discovery and the joy of learning new mechanics are what have kept me engaged over the years, and it’s time for our beloved gods to evolve alongside us.

The game Smite has always been popular due to its wide variety of gods, each offering distinct skills and gaming approaches. A post by user SlashPsychotic highlighted the necessity for substantial modifications in the returning deities from Smite 1. Long-term players have shown interest in these updates, sparking excitement within the subreddit community. This dialogue portrays a dedicated fanbase yearning for improvements while also valuing nostalgia alongside innovation.

Opinion: Returning SMITE 1 Gods Should Have SWEEPING Changes
byu/SlashPsychotic inSmite


  • The post emphasizes the need for extensive changes to Smite 1 gods to keep the game dynamic and engaging.
  • Players are apprehensive about too many changes unsettling the current balance of beloved characters.
  • There is a strong desire for character kits that encourage higher skill ceilings and unique abilities.
  • Though there’s a demand for innovation, many players stress the importance of maintaining the identity of these iconic characters.

Community Insights

The general feeling among comments indicates a community yearning for transformation, despite their division. A user called Javiklegrand expressed this with, “Three times Hades changes? That’d be cool even if they were all as drastic as Hades!” This desire for significant change is echoed by many who feel that minor adjustments aren’t enough. They seek more creativity and substance in the gods’ abilities to make them seem more awe-inspiring and entertaining. On the other hand, ElUnicoCorsario cautioned about overdoing changes, warning that players who cherish the current forms of these characters might react negatively. This highlights a crucial challenge: finding a balance between progress and preservation of the rich history and emotional ties players have with these characters.

The Balance between Nostalgia and Innovation

As a devoted fan of Smite, I’ve been following the ongoing discourse about the game’s upcoming second iteration with great interest. The tension between nostalgia and innovation is certainly at the heart of many discussions, especially as we approach this exciting new phase.

Looking Ahead: The Player Experience

As players continue to engage, there’s a strong desire for the gods to undergo changes that elevate the gameplay experience. A thought-provoking comment from D_a_v_z noted, “Idk about three times the Hades change, but I do agree that most of the gods need something done to them. And at the moment it’s dissapointing that they are playing this safe.” This reflects a consensus that while safety in game design is understandable, it shouldn’t come at the expense of creativity and innovation. Many players are hungry for diverse gameplay and skillful mechanics that not only challenge them but also offer a robust sense of accomplishment. Ideas about elevated skill ceilings, where new mechanics or combos could add layers to character interactions, echo throughout the discussion, reinforcing the yearning for a more engaging gameplay experience.

Maintaining Character Identity

SaintElysium effectively emphasized a crucial point in our discussion: not every deity within this game necessitates a major transformation. To put it another way, “With over 100 characters in the game, it’s perfectly fine to have some simpler ones.” This thought underscores the value of embracing simplicity in gameplay and character design, even as we encourage innovation. It’s crucial to preserve the essence of the cherished deities that players have grown fond of. However, as various commentators have pointed out, developers at Hi-Rez should aim to achieve a balance where familiarity coexists with refreshing reinventions. They must strive to master the art of maintaining a god’s core identity while equipping them with new abilities.

There’s an undeniable electric vibrance in the Smite community as they discuss their hopes and concerns for Smite 2. The shared eagerness to witness how beloved characters, that have been staples of gameplay, will evolve speaks volumes about the game’s impact on its players. Addressing nostalgia alongside a drive for innovation could forge a path that not only retains core fan bases but also attracts a new generation of players. In the end, this discussion about changes reflects a community deeply invested in the spirit of Smite, hopeful for an exciting, god-fueled future while navigating the complex emotions tied to their favorite characters.

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2024-08-23 10:44