Paris Prosecutors Request Trial for Gerard Depardieu Over Rape and Sexual Assault Allegations

As a long-time admirer of Gerard Depardieu’s artistry and the magic he has woven on the silver screen, it is disheartening to witness such troubling allegations against him. The sheer brilliance of his performances has always been a beacon that shone brightly in the French cinematic landscape. However, the recurring incidents of misconduct and inappropriate behavior, which have tarnished his reputation, are hard to ignore.

Following an extensive probe, Parisian authorities have asked for actor Gerard Depardieu to face trial due to accusations of digital rape and sexual misconduct levied by fellow actress Charlotte Arnould.

Today, the Paris Prosecutors’ Office stated that they have requested Gerard Depardieu to be charged with rape by digital penetration and sexual assault, allegedly committed against Charlotte Arnould on August 7th and 13th, 2018. The victim, born in November 1995, is the one who suffered harm in these incidents.

As a dedicated cinephile, I find myself in the position where I must hand over the reins. The next move belongs to the investigating judge; they’re the director now, deciding the course of this procedural tale we’ve been following.

The legal case originated from a grievance submitted by Arnould, an actor and dancer who is a longtime friend’s child of Depardieu, back in August 2018. The case initially didn’t proceed in 2019 due to insufficient evidence, but was reinstated in 2020 following a new civil lawsuit from Arnould with the Paris investigating judge. Depardieu faced formal investigation in July 2020 after the case was re-evaluated and was indicted in December of that year.

In response to the accusations made by an unnamed individual (Arnould), Depardieu published an open letter on October 1, 2023 in Le Figaro, stating he is neither a rapist nor a predator. He explained that a woman visited his home once, casually, and voluntarily entered his bedroom. However, she now alleges that she was raped there.

On June 19th, 2023, I was part of an intense face-off with Arnould in the judge’s chambers. Fast forward to September 2023, and my world turned upside down when Mediapart dropped a bombshell exposé, casting me under suspicion for alleged sexual misconduct by no less than 13 women.

Among these thirteen ladies, Helene Darras, who previously collaborated with Depardieu on the film “Disco” in 2007 and is an actress, submitted a complaint of sexual assault last September. Unfortunately, the investigators decided to close the case due to the time limit for such allegations.

In December of last year, Depardieu found himself at the center of a significant turning point for the French #MeToo movement after an investigative documentary aired that showed him making inappropriate and lewd jokes with sexual undertones, even going as far as telling a joke involving a child riding a pony, during filming in North Korea. This controversial documentary was viewed by 2.2 million viewers on France Televisions.

In spite of numerous scandals, French President Emmanuel Macron continues to support Gerard Depardieu and has chosen not to revoke his Legion of Honor.

“Emmanuel Macron expressed his deep appreciation for Gerard Depardieu during an interview on ‘C’est à vous’. When asked about Depardieu’s recent struggles, he stated, ‘Depardieu is a tremendous actor who has brought some of the most stunning performances to life. He’s made France and its renowned authors and characters globally recognized.'”

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2024-08-22 18:16