Last Epoch Arena Monoliths: Players Want More Fun Rewards

As a dedicated player of Last Epoch since its early access days, I find myself resonating deeply with the sentiments expressed by GwyndolinsMirror and others regarding the arena monoliths. Like many players, I’ve found myself skipping these monoliths more often than not—not because I don’t want to engage but because the current rewards just aren’t cutting it for me.

As a devoted fan, I’ve been immersed in Last Epoch since its early access debut, and I’ve witnessed a passionate community grow around it. Lately, however, there’s been a buzz about one specific feature that seems to be underperforming: arena monoliths. A post by GwyndolinsMirror ignited a vibrant conversation, with players voicing their concerns over the meager rewards they receive when interacting with these game elements. They argue that not only are arena monoliths time-consuming, but they also fall short of delivering the thrilling prizes that we, as an audience, have come to expect from Eleventh Hour Games. With many players opting to bypass arena monoliths altogether, it’s evident that changes are necessary to elevate this aspect of the game.

Arena monoliths should include some of the fun rewards that already exist in the game
byu/GwyndolinsMirror inLastEpoch


  • Players feel that arena monoliths lack engaging rewards compared to other game mechanics.
  • Users noted that arena monoliths take longer to complete while offering less stability and excitement.
  • Many players wish for rewarding loot drops similar to other elements of the game.
  • Suggestions include faster enemy spawns and the addition of unique rewards within arena monoliths.

The Frustration with Arena Monoliths

A common feeling among forum discussions revolves around dissatisfaction towards the process of taking part in the arena structures within the game. GwyndolinsMirror mentioned, “I’ve been skipping arena structures without really knowing why.” This sentiment is mirrored by several others who find that interacting with these structures lacks a sense of fulfillment. Engaging deeply in Last Epoch’s gameplay relies on the concept of immersion, where players expect to be compensated for their input. However, many players feel they are not getting the reward or satisfaction they anticipate from the arena structures. This discontent with the mechanics is quite noticeable, leading some players to reconsider the current structure of the game.

Desire for Fun Rewards

As a passionate gamer, I can’t help but express my disappointment when it feels like I’m missing out on the thrill of playing. Arena monoliths seem to have this knack for draining the fun, and it’s left many players feeling shortchanged. The issue lies in the fact that these activities don’t offer the same variety of rewards found in other game modes. Instead, we’re met with items tested before, shrines without unique affixes, and event mechanics that lack excitement. Essentially, what we crave is a dopamine boost—something to make our time spent in the arena feel rewarding.

Thoughts on Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay balance within Last Epoch is something the community continually evaluates, suggesting that balancing is not just about character stats but also about content engagement. User xDaveedx complained that “they take long, monsters spawn very slowly and they don’t drop any loot.” This emphasizes the disconnect between effort and reward; plays are not simply collecting loot for fun—they are in pursuit of the rush that comes from obtaining desirable gear. With the challenges faced in the arena monoliths compared to other game modes, users have been vocal about how tiny adjustments, such as faster spawn rates or guaranteed unique loot, could alter their experiences entirely, potentially redefining the way they value arena play.

Ideas for Improvement

How might Eleventh Hour Games address the concerns about the arena monolith system and make it more engaging for players? Tasera succinctly expressed their sentiment as a simple “no” to the current state of arena monoliths, reflecting the community’s wish to prevent further deterioration of an already difficult experience. However, players have suggested potential solutions, such as incorporating a guaranteed nemesis cache or other rewarding items to motivate participation. Many discussions centered around introducing the excitement of other game modes into the arena, allowing players to participate while still experiencing the thrill of battle and rewards. This could potentially entice those who currently avoid arena monoliths. By revamping these gameplay mechanics, developers may encourage players to revisit the arena with renewed enthusiasm and curiosity.

The game Last Epoch has great promise, but some players have raised concerns about the arena monoliths. However, there’s optimism that these concerns will lead to improvements. As developers listen to player feedback – wanting more engaging experiences, quicker enemy spawns, and better rewards – the community remains enthusiastic about the future of Last Epoch. If Eleventh Hour Games can address these player requests effectively, the arena monolith experience could transform from a dull melody into a thrilling symphony of loot-filled fun, rekindling our initial excitement for Last Epoch that made us fall in love with it.

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2024-08-22 12:58