This New Game Dumps Free-To-Play Model, Changes To $40 Premium Release

As a seasoned gamer with decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that the shift from free-to-play to premium for Arc Raiders has caught me off guard, much like a level boss I didn’t see coming. However, as someone who appreciates quality gameplay over microtransactions any day, I find myself intrigued by this decision.

During Gamescom Opening Night Live, Arc Raiders, a cooperative third-person shooter developed by Embark Studios (founded by Battlefield legend Patrick Soderlund), unveiled a fresh trailer and disclosed an important aspect of its pricing model.

The game Arc Raiders, initially planned as a free-to-play title, has now changed its approach and will be sold for $40 upon release for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. A public technical test is scheduled to take place between October 24th and 27th on Steam.

Concerning the cost adjustment, Aleksander Grøndal, executive producer of Arc Raiders, stated, “As we progressed in development, it seemed more appropriate to us that a premium model aligns better with the kind of gaming experience we are creating for Arc Raiders.”

The programmer noted that this change enables us to concentrate on the essential aspects of this game, such as crafting a captivating, well-balanced, and repeatable action survival adventure.

In the game Arc Raiders, you assume the role of a survivor, known as a Raider, who is battling for existence while gathering supplies from the planet’s surface. Your ultimate goal is to navigate safely down to the underground colonies. However, your journey becomes more challenging due to the presence of “Arc” machines that are determined to thwart you, and also other human players might pose a threat as well.

According to Stefan Strandberg, the co-founder and creative head at Embark, the game Arc Raiders has gone through changes and adaptations during its creation process. Notably, however, he mentioned that the game’s overall setting has stayed consistent.

Strandberg stated that our inspiration comes from pushing contemporary ideas to their limits, such as exploring the possibility of space colonization, during a period where the bond between humans and technology is growing more complex.

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2024-08-20 23:09