Why Smite’s Ranked System Needs a Friendlier Approach

As a long-time Smite player with years of experience under my belt, I can wholeheartedly empathize with Southern_Pick_5105’s concerns regarding the ranked matchmaking system and playing with friends. The inability to play together when we fall into different MMR brackets has been a persistent issue that has hindered my own gaming experiences and those of countless others.

Players using Reddit have expressed their annoyance over the ranked matchmaking system within Smite, often when trying to play with friends. The main issue is highlighted by user Southern_Pick_5105, who explains the problems faced by those wanting to join ranked games together, especially when one player’s skill level (MMR) significantly differs from another’s. This mismatch not only spoils the social aspect of gaming but also causes players to lose interest in the game as a whole. The strong community-oriented nature of Smite leaves players feeling disconnected and frustrated if they cannot climb ranks with their friends, potentially causing some newcomers to stop playing the game entirely.

Letter to Hirez – Please Allow friends to play with friends in ranked modes
byu/Southern_Pick_5105 inSmite


  • The Reddit discussion revolves around the challenges of playing ranked Smite with friends due to disparities in MMR.
  • Players express concerns that the current system creates a barrier to enjoying ranked matches together.
  • Proposed solutions mimic systems in games like Overwatch to temporarily adjust matchmaking based on player MMR.
  • Responses showcase a mix of support and resistance, with some players firmly believing ranked play should emphasize individual skill.

Friends vs. Ranked: The Dilemma

For many gamers, including Southern_Pick_5105, a key aspect of playing games like Smite is the opportunity to interact with friends. However, they are concerned about the ranked gameplay in Smite because it prevents friends from playing together when their skill levels (Matchmaking Rating or MMR) differ. This issue arises as Smite, which relies heavily on community interaction, imposes restrictions through its ranking system that can discourage players from joining ranked modes. Players may end up queueing alone, leading to extended play sessions based on individual skill levels, which could ultimately drive friends away from the game. Southern_Pick_5105 suggests that this issue might cause new and returning players to shy away due to the perceived challenge of climbing ranks without support from friends, potentially leading to a decrease in player base.

Comparative Solutions: Learning from Overwatch

In their article, Southern_Pick_5105 suggests an idea that borrows from Overwatch’s matchmaking strategy. The concept is straightforward yet impactful: enable players with varying skill levels (MMRs) to join games together, momentarily adjusting the lower-skilled player’s score to align with the higher-skilled one. This method could enhance cooperative gameplay and alleviate some obstacles that hinder friends from participating in ranked matches together in Smite. If Hi-Rez were to adopt this system, it could not only amplify the fun in Smite but also attract more gamers who value the social element of gaming. This feature would cater to those seeking relief from solo queue struggles while providing a more inclusive environment overall. Nevertheless, the success of this alteration hinges on its execution and whether it genuinely tackles the underlying problems within the ranking system.

Community Reactions: A Mixed Bag

As anticipated, the Reddit comments display a variety of emotions concerning the proposal. Some gamers vehemently opposed the idea, viewing it as a possible route for more detrimental behaviors. One comment asked, “Is it okay to throw games at your team’s skill level because you can’t be bothered to play casually?” This sentiment reflects a broader worry that relaxing Matchmaking Rating (MMR) regulations might lead to an imbalance in competitive matches, potentially compromising the quality and fairness that players have come to expect in ranked play. Meanwhile, others proposed simple solutions, encouraging players to focus on unranked modes if they desire to play together harmoniously. The resistance indicates that even though community unity is crucial, some gamers prioritize preserving the accuracy of skill-based rankings. They argue that merging MMR levels could jeopardize competitive fairness, making it challenging for Hi-Rez to implement changes aimed at satisfying both casual and dedicated players.

Looking Ahead: Will Hi-Rez React?

Given the ongoing debate about Smite’s ranked matchmaking, it’s reasonable to wonder if Hi-Rez Studios will make adjustments to alleviate these issues. The community is eagerly awaiting news about potential changes in Smite 2, hoping for updates from the developers. As one commenter put it, “If nothing changes, this will be an issue in SMITE 2 as well.” With social gaming becoming increasingly important, the developers must strike a balance between providing friendlier matchmaking and maintaining the competitive aspect of the game’s ranking system. A Q&A session with the developers could provide clarity on their future plans and demonstrate any upcoming improvements to make ranked play more inclusive for all players. Players aren’t just pointing out problems; they’re seeking solutions that improve gaming experience while preserving the respect earned by Smite as a popular choice among gamers.

Among players showing a mix of approval and reservation about revising Smite’s ranked system, it’s evident that there’s a strong desire for open conversation. The blend of competitive challenge and social engagement is integral to the game’s longevity. As the Smite community actively debates potential enhancements, the anticipation lies in how Hi-Rez responds to these discussions. Paying close attention to community input may help developers find solutions that maintain the competitive fairness while still enabling friends to play together. Whether changes to ranked play rules or a comprehensive revamp is forthcoming is yet unknown, but the intensity of feelings within the community is palpable and instrumental for the game’s development in the future.

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2024-08-19 22:13