Exploring ‘Manor Lords’: Should the Corpse Pit Allow Players to Scavenge Valuables?

As an avid gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen the evolution of strategy games and their mechanics. The suggestion by Atomic_Gandhi to allow scavenging in Manor Lords has certainly piqued my interest. Having played games like XCOM where looting was a crucial aspect, I can see how it could add depth to this already engaging title.

Manor Lords, a game that blends city-building and real-time strategy, has been captivating the gaming community. A Reddit user named Atomic_Gandhi sparked a conversation about an idea for players to gather valuable items from defeated adversaries within the game. The concept involves implementing a system where players could search bodies for gear and local riches, much like the engaging features in games such as XCOM. Atomic_Gandhi suggests that this mechanic, combined with the King’s Tax already in place to manage wealth distribution, would not only add depth to gameplay but also increase immersion by making the gaming experience more realistic.

The Corpse Pit/Church should let you recover valuables from bodies.
byu/Atomic_Gandhi inManorLords


  • Users express mixed feelings about the idea of scavenging in Manor Lords, with many supporting it as a fitting addition.
  • The concept of historical accuracy in looting sparked a lively debate among players.
  • Some commenters focused on realism, questioning the likelihood of retrieving valuable spoils from battle.
  • The community suggested creative ways to enhance the looting mechanics, pushing developers to think outside the box.

A Mixed Bag of Opinions

The idea of allowing players to loot from the dead in Manor Lords was met with a variety of reactions. Some users, such as winter0215, expressed their excitement, stating, “Love this idea. Spoils of war was 100% a thing in this period; armies abandoning baggage trains after losses, looting armor, etc., was definitely a thing!” This sentiment highlights the game’s potential to provide an immersive historical experience. Others, however, raised doubts about how practical such a feature would realistically be. For example, probablypainful pointed out, “In reality, what are we expecting to loot from a battle? How many weapons were broken in a fight like that?” This observation underscores the balancing act game developers face when incorporating historical elements realistically while still delivering engaging gameplay.

Game Mechanics and Historical Accuracy

As the conversation progressed, participants started bringing up the similarities between ‘Manor Lords’ and medieval warfare. Game creators face a challenging task in striking a balance between making the game enjoyable while also maintaining historical accuracy. Comprehensive-Log317 commented, “I get the treasure, but why the regional wealth? I’d also like to see some loot salvaged from battles in total.” Finding this equilibrium between authenticity and enjoyment is crucial in video game development, and it seems that while some players want a realistic depiction where scavenging makes sense, others worry that excessive realism might diminish the fun aspect. The Kings Tax system addresses the issue of wealth accumulation, but how scavenging fits into this is still a subject of intense discussion.

Inclusivity and Additional Features

User suggestions have opened up new dimensions in the enhancement of scavenging features. Many players have contributed innovative ideas, particularly focusing on temporary camps for militia during travel to prevent the amusing depiction of soldiers standing idle in the rain with nothing to do. User Comprehensive-Log317 humorously expressed this desire: “It would be great if there were temporary encampments for your militia during long campaigns, so they’re not just standing at attention with their thumbs up their backsides in the rain.” This comment highlights the frustrations players face with current game mechanics and their wish for more interactive and dynamic unit behavior. Players are seeking immersive gaming experiences that promote creativity and spontaneity, challenging developers to think creatively.

Fun Ideas for the Developers

During discussions on desired game features, one participant playfully suggested incorporating a zombie mode: if dead bodies aren’t properly buried, they return as undead creatures causing chaos in villages. Lightheartedly, Lizzardpig put it this way, “Imagine if there was a mode where unburied dead come back as zombies and wreak havoc on your villages!” This idea introduces new gameplay dynamics and surprises, blending serious gaming elements with amusing and entertaining features. It showcases the rich creativity within the community that developers can draw upon when planning future updates.

Overall, the dialogue around whether the Corpse Pit in Manor Lords should allow players to scavenge corpses captures both the excitement and frustration that comes with game development. As players articulate their enjoyment of engaging with historical leeways while simultaneously balancing realism, the potential for immersive gameplay grows. Few aspects of gaming are more invigorating than a community rallying behind a shared vision, and discussions like these will undoubtedly influence the creative directions of ‘Manor Lords.’ With every idea shared, players become part of a more expansive narrative, echoing throughout the halls of strategy and simulation gaming history.

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2024-08-19 12:58