Understanding Smite: Tips for New Players to Keep Up in the Game

As a gamer who has spent countless hours immersed in the world of Smite, I can empathize with Oppisteharrpy45’s struggle. Having started as a greenhorn myself, I remember the overwhelming feeling of trying to keep up with more experienced players while navigating the complexities of this MOBA gem.

In simple terms, a player named Oppisteharrpy45, who plays Smite – a widely-played third-person multiplayer online battle arena game – expressed their struggles in keeping up with other players in terms of levels, even when they were trying to collect resources correctly in their jungle role. The post attracted a multitude of responses from fellow gamers, offering everything from understanding words to practical advice on how to manage the intricacies within Smite.

Why can’t I keep up
byu/Oppisteharrpy45 inSmite


  • New players often face difficulties in leveling up compared to more experienced players, leading to frustration.
  • Many users suggested alternative roles to start with, advocating that jungle can be one of the hardest roles for beginners.
  • Advice ranged from understanding god abilities to utilizing resources like YouTube for strategies and builds.
  • The general sentiment leaned towards patience and practice in order to improve gameplay and knowledge of the game.

The Challenge of Being a New Smite Player

Many experienced players empathize with the user’s challenges, having been in similar situations themselves. New players often feel swamped, especially when they begin as junglers since the pace can be incredibly fast-paced. The user acknowledges their weaknesses, admitting that they often trail other players by five or more levels. A commenter, grenz1, noted that this is a common issue for newbies who run into “smurfs,” or experienced players using new accounts, making it tough for beginners to find their bearings. They also highlighted that the jungle role is intricate, requiring a good understanding of the map and the ability to farm efficiently while also timing ganks correctly. This complexity can leave newcomers feeling inadequate and irritated.

The Pressure of Playing Jungle

The jungle role in Smite is frequently considered one of the most difficult, and players have been eager to share their thoughts on this matter. Fierce-Ground (a nickname for the role) breaks down the challenges of the jungle role, stressing that it requires knowledge about camp respawn times and efficient camp clearing techniques, which can be overwhelming for beginners. Additionally, newcomers may feel pressured to assist in lane ganks, leading them to make mistakes in their jungle play. As one user, nino956, expressed, “The jungle is for more experienced players,” indicating that mastering aspects like ward placement and enemy movement subtleties takes time and practice. Experienced players recommend that novices start with simpler roles such as mid or solo, gradually learning the mechanics before venturing into complex roles requiring strategic planning.

Learning Resources and Community Support

In this vibrant community, members generously exchange resources to assist each other in growing their skills. Many emphasized the value of watching gameplay on sites like YouTube or Twitch. frighteous, for instance, suggested focusing on specific tactics by observing streamers who specialize in the jungle, a great way to learn efficient pathing. On the other hand, CallMeMast highlighted useful resources such as SmiteSource, where players can find reliable build information crucial for mastering the game. The encouraging and supportive nature of the community is evident, with many offering more than just advice – they encourage newcomers to persevere and practice diligently. The wealth of knowledge shared among members showcases the dedication and enthusiasm that the Smite community has in nurturing new players.

The Importance of Patience and Practice

In summary, it’s widely agreed among commentators that bettering oneself at a complex game like Smite requires persistence over time; patience is essential. As r_fernandes aptly pointed out, if you’re intermittently playing and still level 21, that’s the issue. Consistent practice leads to enhanced skill, but relying solely on build strategies without grasping mechanics will only lead to a plateau in progress. Users suggested frequent gaming as a means of accruing experience and becoming more comfortable, implying that familiarity fosters self-assurance. Players also recommended participating in modes such as Arena or Joust for beginners to gradually master the abilities of the gods and game objectives without the stress of Conquest.

In the Smite community forum, discussions reveal the diverse struggles beginners encounter when they first start playing. The suggestions offered span from tactical tips to empathetic reassurance, demonstrating the dedication of this community towards fostering newcomers’ skills. More experienced players offering guidance to novices underscores the interwoven nature of Smite’s gaming landscape. As novice players explore the vast playground of Smite, the chorus of encouragement and advice serves as a reminder that even seasoned players started at the same point. It’s a path of growth, and with the right tools and determination, mastering Smite is definitely achievable.

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2024-08-19 09:29